The TASK BAR on Win 10 for my HP Stream 7 is way too big. How can I make it smaller?

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Windows Central Question

The TASK BAR on Win 10 for my HP Stream 7 is way too big.

I am unable to resize the Task Bar. Auto-Hide does not function. When in portrait mode, the Task Bar takes nearly a third of the screen. If I am successful (and that is not always the case) at moving the Task Bar to either side, the effective screen area is reduced. I have played with Auto Hide the Task Bar; it does not ever "hide".

Even after I turn off all notifications & icons, it is still too big.
It appears that the notification buttons are crowded to one side, pushing up the height of the task bar.

This WAS NOT a problem in WIN 8.1. I am no novice with Windows. I cannot figure this out. I am angry beyond belief.

It dawns me again why non-tech types are drawn to iPAD & iPHONE: IT ALWAYS WORKS. No fussing around with a "bizzillion" settings.

For the time being, I have put on hold any plans to update either of my laptops, one on Win 7 and one on Win 8.1.


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Feb 24, 2014
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Re: The TASK BAR on Win 10 for my HP Stream 7 is way too big.

That sounds funny..1/3.. Very random issue. Anyway are you sure the screen resolution is maxed out?

However I'm sure it would work on Laptops, mine came from 7,8 to 10.


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Apr 15, 2014
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Re: The TASK BAR on Win 10 for my HP Stream 7 is way too big.

Thanks for your willingness to reply! The Screen resolution is set to the recommended level. If you mean "some value * some value"

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