Xbox Support Rep Lied, then finally admitted the preview is slowed to a crawl

several potatos

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Oct 6, 2014
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Posting the whole transcript because the mods on the official forum deleted my post for sharing this information. The program is now going to take up to a month to fully join, though the rep was dodgy about giving an actual date. And yes, I know I was slightly mean, but this whole thing took almost ten minutes when she clearly knew the answer the whole time.

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Ashlea D: Hello, thank you for contacting Xbox Customer Support. My name is Ashlea D. Please give me a moment to review your question.
Ashlea D: Hello Paul, it can take up to a month for your console to be enrolled into the preview program and receive the Preview update.
Ashlea D: Is that still the current issue you are experiencing?
Paul: It says 72 hours on the console
Paul: WHere is there documentation that says this may take a month>
Ashlea D: It can take up to 72 hours for your account to be enrolled.
Ashlea D: It takes up to a month for the actual update.
Paul: And I'm still enrolling
Paul: I am not even at the point for getting the update
Ashlea D: Your account is enrolled, that is how you are able to chat with me.
Paul: I am stuck on "enrolling"
Paul: Then something is wrong, I'll check again right now
Paul: Right on my console it says "enroll pending:"
Paul: That's a problem
Ashlea D: It's not a problem. That is normal. It can take up to a month to be fully enrolled in the program. Once the next update rolls out, that is when your console will finish it's enrollment and start receiving the Preview updates.
Paul: Where can I find documentation that states this? Every other thing I've read from official Microsoft sources claims quite differently
Ashlea D: There is no documentation for this. This is a preview and as such, information and processes can change.
Paul: You know, "something is slowing stuff down, sorry" would be a lot better than implying I'm just wrong that it's odd that what I've been told and what's happening are so different
Paul: I'd be totally relaxed if not for the fact that I and so many others seem to be getting the run-around
Ashlea D: The only place to get official information on the Preview Program is on the Preview Forums and here in Preview chat.
Paul: So the agreement form and the information in the app is fiction?
Ashlea D: The app is merely referring to the account enrollment.
Paul: Then that needs to be clarified, because there are dozens of people in this very forum complaining of this very issue
Paul: Ok, I'm just gonna post this whole conversation on the forum, and probably around the net, too
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Ashlea D: I'm sorry for the inconvenience this is causing. Will you be able to provide me the link to the information specifying the 48-72 hours?
Paul: Suddenly helpful, eh? OK, it says it in the Preview Program App to the right of my registration status
Paul: It says 48 hours on the support page for xbox
Paul: I'll find that link
Ashlea D: Thank you.
Paul: Xbox One Preview Program Frequently Asked Questions
Paul: It actually says 48 hours for the update, so....
Paul: Not for enrollment
Ashlea D: Thank you. One moment please while I read over this.
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Ashlea D: Thank you for providing that link. I do apologize, but the posting you provided needs to be updated. Due to the overwhelming quantity of people wanting to join the preview after E3, (over 150K) the enrollment process is now taking considerably longer than it use to.
Paul: That's really all I wanted to hear. Next time, please, act like people aren't stupid.
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several potatos

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Oct 6, 2014
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Did you try to join the preview before or after E3?

After. And if they just said "Everyone, please be aware there may be significant delays...." yadda yadda, I'd be totally fine. Instead, the mods are ABSENT on their website, save to delete my post explaining to people what is actually happening.


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Aug 16, 2014
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I'm still stuck on enroll pending after 4 days.It did definitely say 48 to 72 hours alright,your right there.Ah well,looks like we'll all be waiting much longer.A notification of some kind about the delays would be helpfull


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Jan 27, 2014
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After. And if they just said "Everyone, please be aware there may be significant delays...." yadda yadda, I'd be totally fine. Instead, the mods are ABSENT on their website, save to delete my post explaining to people what is actually happening.

I'm wondering how long you'll be on "pending" :/


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Jul 31, 2015
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There is no delay. You won't be enrolled until the next wave of updates, which is September.

Posted via the Windows Central App


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Jul 30, 2015
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There is no delay. You won't be enrolled until the next wave of updates, which is September.

Posted via the Windows Central App

That's not true. The Preview Program sends updates more frequently than that. I just joined it during the last week of July, and I've already seen at least 3 updates, maybe more.

This is odd though. I was sent an invite , and within 24 hours I was enrolled and my Xbox 1 was fully updated to the Preview version of the OS.


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Jul 31, 2015
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That's not true. The Preview Program sends updates more frequently than that. I just joined it during the last week of July, and I've already seen at least 3 updates, maybe more.

This is odd though. I was sent an invite , and within 24 hours I was enrolled and my Xbox 1 was fully updated to the Preview version of the OS.

What I said was because the August update wave was meant to have finished. Any people joining in between won't be enrolled until an update is released. As it was meant to be the end of the August wave, they would have had to wait until September begins, however, they decided to release a secondary update outside of the August and September waves.


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Nov 3, 2012
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In my experience, invites were processed within 7 days of the request, most were within 3 days. It wasn't tied to any particular update.

Now, it has stopped. Not seen anyone added in the last 7 days, which is very sad.

corby lambert

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Nov 12, 2013
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I was invited in November-December of 2014 and it was February 2015 before I got my first update. I was cool with that, I was patient. The OP is a deuche...


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Jun 15, 2012
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Dude, what is wrong with you?

Most important sentence you seemed to miss: "This is a preview". Things change. They are under no obligation to provide you with factual timeframes.

Seriously, it's damned if you do, damned if you don't with you preview kiddies, isn't it?

Josh Spillman

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Oct 4, 2015
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Well I appreciate that you put it out there for me to read because I'm in the same situation and no one had any answers. Now I know what to expect and why. Like you the page said 72 hours and I believed that as well. They simply could have said "You will receive the update as soon as the next one is available." Not give a time frame that they know to be false. I'm just glad I got an answer and I can stop looking every day to see if I actually have it. Thanks for your post it was very helpful and informative. Don't worry about these other post like you I just want to be told the truth so I know what to expect. So thanks again.

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