Exactly, Windows Phone 8 has no caught up with specs to the competition. There's not need to lie to make us feel better.
I hope this means, the games won't be so awful =)
Specifications. Greater hardware means more compatibility with ported Android and IOS apps.
Say what you want about Windows Phone not needing Dual-Core but I used Third Party apps and boy, if you think Android is laggy wait till you use Slacker Radio or Accuweather.
Android also has lots of options for apps but look at me for example.
I dislike the facebook app so I.
update my status with the me tile
check my messages in touch.facebook.com when that crash (which does, a lot)
I got to m.facebook.com. But I can't scroll a lot in there, Sp I
go back to touch.facebook.com but the pictures don't look right
So I go to people's hub.
Why isn't another Facebook app that does things right? At least with Android I have options, Slacker Radio is soooooo bad, but there's no Pandora T_T.
Facebook works fine of IOS. I would accept that, if they weren't better options of the other OS.
I'm pretty sure Slacker Radio on Android doesn't take 5 minutes from opening the app to actually playing music.
Unfortunetly most of the uninformed buyers will buy specs on paper. Quad core sounds better than dual core. They don't know that if an app isn't written to use all four cores then it is a waste and a huge battery eater. The dual core WP8's will be smooth as butter because the OS is very efficient unlike the lag-droids.
Unfortunetly most of the uninformed buyers will buy specs on paper. Quad core sounds better than dual core. They don't know that if an app isn't written to use all four cores then it is a waste and a huge battery eater. The dual core WP8's will be smooth as butter because the OS is very efficient unlike the lag-droids.
Hope I was clear when I wrote "Performance". I meant that even on standard or mediocre specs, if the phone performs fast, do we then STILL need Specs?
Sent from my DROID RaZr.