Will you switch to AT&T for the 920?

Mr. MacPhisto

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Aug 7, 2012
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That is cool, and I do believe you. Thats why I asked. Had your answer been "Oh, its my cousin Bob down at their call center/retail store", their input would have had much less (i.e. none) value. However, someone who negotiates corperate contracts with a proven tip track record is a different story.

I think the different number makes sense. They may even tweak a few minor features, slap the name 922 on it, AT&T can still advert the 920 as "exclusivly on AT&T" yet Verizon gets in on the high end action as well.

What I really don't understand is T-Mo getting screwed on the low end device. They have really been a friend of Windows Phone, especially the Lumia 710, even pushing it as one of the best options for their Monthly 4G prepaid plans.

I have to wonder if the T-Mobile strategy will be rethought with the Metro stuff. The big thing about that is it gives T-Mobile spectrum for their LTE rollout and bits of an already active LTE network.

I have a feeling that the phones will hit T-Mobile, but that AT&T will end up with an exclusive Nokia window at launch which is what VZW has basically said.

Now, my guess is that AT&T thinks that the Nokia phones, especially the 920, are flagship devices and I think they will aggressively push that the 920 is the best phone on the market (and I would agree with this assessment based on what I've seen here and elsewhere). So they will hope that those who see the MS launch event stuff online and have to have one will switch over.

Do not expect Verizon to trumpet the Nokias until after launch week. I'd guess the same thing goes for T-Mobile. VZW is getting a kickback for its silence - and I'd guess (be sure to see that when I say "guess" it is my own conjecture, nothing from a source here) that AT&T is giving something to Nokia to get the exclusive window.

What I do know is that Verizon is also giving something to get it. They want it badly. A bunch of the corporate people were given a demonstration of the Lumia 920 by Nokia and they were apparently blown away by it. My source was not there to see it, but his boss was and the word was the VZW people felt this phone could be a game changer if marketed correctly between the NFC, wireless charging, the camera tech on it, and the mapping. Nokia showed them the JBL wireless charging speaker system too. Expect those to be in Verizon stores (betcha AT&T will carry them too).

VZW's excited. Despite issues with Android, they are glad it has grown. They love the WP8 experience and potential. Above all, they are hoping for Android and WP8 to together dwarf iOS. They HATE Apple. Apple has been trying to use threats with the iPhone to try and force Verizon to pay them or AppleTV settop boxes on FiOS.

I'd guess AT&T is getting similar threats over U-Verse.

Windows Phone is an out. Microsoft has been very good to Verizon. FiOS already has some Xbox capability and with VZW and Verizon working together more and more (the Vodaphone shares of VZW have caused some issues in the past) that will likely expand with some functionality built into Smartglass. But the relationship has been a good one and Microsoft has been a partner that is concerned about Verizon being profitable on their end. In short, they have not been demanding like Apple has been.

VZW is very interested in doing as much damage to iOS as possible. Until iPhone becomes just a phone like everything else, they won't be happy.

Another guess, but I'd bet AT&T and T-Mobile are in the same place. Only Sprint is not there because of their crazy up front payment, but Sprint is very poorly run right now.


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Sprint has also been burnt by "alternative OSes" several times in the past.

They lost bucketloads on the Samsung Instinct and Palm Pre. Management is probably pushing for "known quantities" as a result.

Plus, the Arrive had a very high return rate. While it's unfair to judge WP on just one device, the Arrive wasn't exactly setting the world on fire, and adding several other handsets to the mix wouldn't have been economical.


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I can't believe Nokia had the balls to ask people to wait and send comparison charts to other phones. Then don't have it on every carrier.

Hey Nokia this isn't Europe. People won't just buy the phone in full and use it on any carrier they want.


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Sep 18, 2012
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Sprint is their own worst enemy. Not everything is their fault but most is self inflicted. My wife has an arrive and it's been great. But being gun shy from before they had a quick trigger, even though the users love it and it's reviewed great. I've had them for 14 years with really no complaints service wise. But it's fact they aren't even thinking about a WP8 right now and messages once a week to buy an iphone that has me leaving.


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Sprint worked hard to convert early Android users, and the Metro UI was too different for them... hence a flood of returns.

They also had a terrible pricing strategy for the Arrive... initial price out the gate was $299 on contract! And it didn't have WiMax when Sprint was pushing everyone to WiMax.


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Sep 18, 2012
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Like I said, a lot is self inflicted. Though I will say when we bought my wife's arrive. They were very nice in the store and said they didn't have any. Didn't try to sell us anything else and said if she bought one online they would transfer her contacts and set it up for her. I asked the guy any news on wP8 and he said no, but said he wish they would say something, he'd like to see it and try it. Not the usual response from a salesperson about WP at all.


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Apr 24, 2012
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That's good to hear. Hopefully your source knows what (s)he is talking about. I'll probably wait until December, but if there's no 920 on Verizon at that point then I'm going HTC or Samsung.

That almost makes sense. I would not be shocked if this was part of the original Lumia 900 deal where AT&T said they would carry a soon to be obsolesced device if they also get first rights to the successor.


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I am very happy that it is comeing to AT&T since that is who I have, but for everyone else.... I do wish the 920 wasn't exclusive. I think in the long run this will also effect total overall sales or potential sales and market share. I think that Nokia needs to look this over and re-evaluate this.


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Sep 30, 2012
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Never Switch to AT&T

I'd never ever switch to AT&T. I don't care if they have the entire WP line exclusive or not, I would simply not go to AT&T. The service is terrible, their rates are just horrible, and their customer service is based on "Screw the Customer". I had them once, and had such a bad experience with them I will never ever go back. T-Mobile has been good to me, but I'm tired of ify coverage and poor selection of devices. I'm happy to go with Verizon, but they need to get all the flag ship devices before the end of the year to make it worth my while.


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Sep 30, 2012
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Just got info that Verizon will not likely get the 920 but a variation of it with a different number like the 820. I guess the frequencies between the two will be different. May be to prevent people from jumping between carriers with the phone - no idea.

Still hearing that Nokia will be a Black Friday launch for Verizon while HTC and Samsung will be early November. The 8S will be the value phone for the holidays. Might be $49 with a two year contract. The 8X and ATIV S will come in at $199 if the current plan holds ($249 for 32GB on the Samsung).

The current plan calls for the Nokia 822 to launch at $99 and the 92(2?) to launch at $249 due to the 32GB of storage.

BUT expect those prices to be lower for Black Friday possibly through to Cyber Monday online.

The HTC 8S may see its price halved to about $25 with a contract. The 822 may drop to $50. The 16GB 8X and ATIV S down to $149 and the 32GB 92(2?) and ATIV S down to $199.

Those within six months of a VZW contract expiration may be made able to upgrade to WP8 devices with the special pricing that weekend and there will be a sale on accessories for those phones as well (big money maker for VZW).

That's the info I have right now. My guess is AT&T will do something similar, but that's a guess. Regardless, it may be smart to wait until Thanksgiving here in the States to make a decision on what to do. That's what I'll do.
That makes me feel so much better now. My contract is up in November for T-Mobile and I can keep my pricing without renewing until I switch over. My deadline was always the end of the year when the special offer with my company ends. I can wait until black Friday it gives me more time to save up for the phone, charging pad, and JBL speaker I want. And if they don't get the 920(2) then I can still switch to the 8x and get the same deal.

I trust the information because it makes total sense with the push towards WP. And the information I got from an in-store salesmen gives me hope, she thought they would have a Nokia phone, but didn't know which one.


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That is cool, and I do believe you. Thats why I asked. Had your answer been "Oh, its my cousin Bob down at their call center/retail store", their input would have had much less (i.e. none) value. However, someone who negotiates corperate contracts with a proven tip track record is a different story.

I think the different number makes sense. They may even tweak a few minor features, slap the name 922 on it, AT&T can still advert the 920 as "exclusivly on AT&T" yet Verizon gets in on the high end action as well.

What I really don't understand is T-Mo getting screwed on the low end device. They have really been a friend of Windows Phone, especially the Lumia 710, even pushing it as one of the best options for their Monthly 4G prepaid plans.
T-Mo can't afford to get the high end devices. From the looks of it, Nokia phones are charging a premium. $600-$700 off contract and that's a lot of money for T-Mo to subsidize. They don't even have any version of the iPhone and the only high end Droid that they have is the Galaxy SIII. They specialize in mid and low end phones that matches their plans and customer base. Their recent merger announcement doesn't bode well either for getting high end devices. They will end up being one of the largest non-contract providers in the nation.
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Sep 6, 2011
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AT&T made windows phone what it is, if it wasent for them I dont know if we would have made it to this point. They were the mayjor phone company to pust WP7 when it came it, and thx goodness it pay off, and is now is the 3rd largest phone OS. Remember that all. I have AT&T for years now, I dont think I ever had one dropped call. They are not bad at all for the most part.


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MacPhisto outlines a rollout strategy from Verizon -complete with dates and devices. And it sounds like a fairly reliable source to boot. I'm willing to give the benefit of a doubt here.

Now Miller comes in right on cue, and starts his usual whine about how there are no dates, no pricing - even though the exact thing you are whining about has been addressed.

Honest to God, someone could provide a notarized document stating which carrier will get which device on this date and you'd still complain. For God's sake just get an S3 and be done with it already. Clearly, no Windows device will ease your pain so go with something that will make you happy.

Bingo. And what's even more hilarious is that they feel that they are doing this ranting for the SAKE of windows phone.

Anyhow, I'm on AT&T and I'm not getting the 920


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I switched to AT&T 3+ years ago because I decided I wanted to have access to good phones. Though the coverage in my area is pretty much equal. If I lived somewhere with poor ATT coverage I could see why this would suck. Verizon has equally ****ty data plans now so that's also a wash.

I'd never ever switch to AT&T. I don't care if they have the entire WP line exclusive or not, I would simply not go to AT&T. The service is terrible, their rates are just horrible, and their customer service is based on "Screw the Customer". I had them once, and had such a bad experience with them I will never ever go back. T-Mobile has been good to me, but I'm tired of ify coverage and poor selection of devices. I'm happy to go with Verizon, but they need to get all the flag ship devices before the end of the year to make it worth my while.

See, you are on the other side. I was with Verizon, they tried to **** me over with their horrible plans and customer service, so I left for AT&T.


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Honestly, when you look at the plans for both AT&T and Verizon, they run about the same. Especially their Everything Share plans.

It's gonna be a tough call for me. I really want the Lumia 920, but I am a T-Mobile user. I'm not sure how fast T-Mobile is gonna be in re-speccing their 3G network, and how fast they are gonna be with rolling out their LTE. On top of that, it would mean buying the phone outright. My contract ends in February, but it will be interesting to see where they are at that point by the time things settle down.

Otherwise, I am headed to Verizon.

Laura Knotek

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I have equal coverage on AT&T and VZW (T-Mobile and Sprint aren't good here). However, I have a FAN discount from AT&T, so that is the deciding factor.


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Actually ATT reminds me of Rogers up here. Rogers customer service stinks to high heaven and I've had bad reception in the past so it will be a quarter past never when I'll get on board with them again. Also they are the 920 exclusive here and sounds like they are getting the Ativ and 8X as well.

That doesn't leave much for the other carriers - the trend is the Ativ will be available everywhere. As much as I find Samsung's devices uninspiring, you gotta love how they can bring their products to market.

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