Tablet pricing


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Oct 5, 2011
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A Samsung Series 7 128GB Windows 8 Tablet is apparently priced at $ 1 199 and the 64GB marginally lower, i have seen prices from $ 900 to $ 1 000 touted on various links.

So, are we looking at $ 1 000+ price range for 128GB tablets? This dampens my enthusiasm a bit. Hopefully there will be some price undercutting with other manufacturers.

You think that this is a fair price?


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Jul 8, 2012
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I will never pay 1000$ for a tablet. For that money, I can easily get a laptop that'll handle games and all! I think tablets should be max 500$ (more or less). Otherwise they don't have much to offer compared with laptops.

This is one of the reasons I look so much forward to the Surface models. Rumoured to be about 200$ for the RT version with Office13, it will make a great addition to school.
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Dec 30, 2010
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I have a hard time believing that surface will be $200 unless it's subsidized by some sort of subscription service. Maybe 2 yrs of Office 365 and Microsoft Music at $20/mo or something.

I expect unsubsidized RT tablets to be around $399 or $499. Maybe there might be some lower quality ones at $299.

As for the full Windows 8 tablets being around $1000, well, they're not ordinary tablets. These are full computers. Just like ultrabooks. It makes sense that they'd be in the same price range.


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Mar 16, 2012
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A Samsung Series 7 128GB Windows 8 Tablet is apparently priced at $ 1 199 and the 64GB marginally lower, i have seen prices from $ 900 to $ 1 000 touted on various links.

So, are we looking at $ 1 000+ price range for 128GB tablets? This dampens my enthusiasm a bit. Hopefully there will be some price undercutting with other manufacturers.

You think that this is a fair price?

Yes, it's a fair price.

That's $1000+ for an ultrabook with a touchscreen. Full desktop OS, keyboard dock included, Ivy Bridge CPU. Don't think of it as an iPad competitor. Think of it as a MacBook Air with a touchscreen and a detachable keyboard.

According to other OEM statements we've heard, Atom-powered Windows 8 tablets like the Thinkpad Tablet 2 will cost $600-$700, probably. And Windows RT tablets will likely fall in the $350-$450 range.

So if you don't want a tablet priced like a laptop, don't buy one with the specs of a laptop. That's what the Atom and ARM tablets will be for.


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Mar 24, 2012
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I have a hard time believing that surface will be $200 unless it's subsidized by some sort of subscription service. Maybe 2 yrs of Office 365 and Microsoft Music at $20/mo or something.

I expect unsubsidized RT tablets to be around $399 or $499. Maybe there might be some lower quality ones at $299.

As for the full Windows 8 tablets being around $1000, well, they're not ordinary tablets. These are full computers. Just like ultrabooks. It makes sense that they'd be in the same price range.

Student Discount?


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Jul 4, 2011
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If the Pro versions are closer to $1,000, I do not think they sell. I agree with Marute. There are some disadvantages with the tablet form factor that comes with the portability and that price point is just to high. I understand it is going to go toe-to-toe with ultrabooks, but it does not have the basic strenghts of a true ultrabook. Price it a couple hundred under and those disadvantages are no longer that big of an issue.

Windows RT tablets at $500? We need to remember there are only two types of tablets selling well right now:

-The iPad at top end prices.
-The Kindle Fire and Nexus 7 at low end price points.

Right now, there is no other market for tablets. the $300-$600 options not named "iPad" have all flopped. If the Windows RT are in the "flop" price point, it will be very, very tough to build an audience that has proven to not be there.

I just do not see the consumers flocking to tablets the way analysts and manufacturers have said for over two years was going to happen. Tablets are used for fun- not work. They are disposable income items. Why spend 2 or 3 times as much to read books, play games and watch movies if you do not need to?

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