Look how the Android community is embracing Windows 10!

I want to say, for the first time I finally have some optimism about windows 10! Dont get me wrong, I always use windows for my laptop and tbh I put much more time in front of my laptop than on my phone (maybe it's simply because I have online business to manage). but for mobile platform, tablet or phone, I always thought android has been superior even though I use lumia and love it! But just like every other person, the app gap is simply making things bad. Not to mention the standard apps also rarely get updated. In android we update our app every week or so. in lumia, the same app get updated only once every few months :(

even with their first announcement of Windows 10 universal app concept, i still felt skeptical. Simply because I know myself and most other people who use windows laptop dont even bother to look at window store. we spend 99% of our time (be it about work or entertainment) in desktop mode. So despite MS made it easier for people to create app for both W10 and W10 for phone and small tablets, i still felt skeptical. However with this big announcement about android/iOS stuffs, I finally feel much more optimistic.

Obviously this still might not solve the issue but the hope is finally there. MS took the only possible strategy to compete imo. There's still a chance that a lot of android/iOS developer chose to ignore to release their app on W10 store. Im sure there will be developers who do that. However, i'm also sure at least 40-50% of multi-platform app developers (app developers who release for both iOS and android) would at least pay close attention to this. Most multi-platform developers will now think twice before they chose to ignore windows app. Considering it's easy to port to Windows 10, im sure a lot of them would just release it here on Windows 10 as they dont need to rebuild the app from scratch again (which to me sounds like the only reason why they dont want to port, they believe the amount of time needed to build the app is not worth it)
i feel MS has done everything possible from their end here.. however im not a pro developer and it would be great if some pro dev. could provide some actual insight into this like how easy it actually is from their perspective..
i feel MS has done everything possible from their end here.. however im not a pro developer and it would be great if some pro dev. could provide some actual insight into this like how easy it actually is from their perspective..

Well, other than being easy to pott, the fact that at least 500 million users will probably upgrade to Windows 10 on the desktop, and if Microsoft deploys some kind of advert built in to Windows 7, 8 and 8.1 potentially a billion, means that it will become very tempting for software makers to build universal Apps that also run on wp, even if they developp in C# or VB.NET.

I honestly don't see how this can fail.
Well, other than being easy to pott, the fact that at least 500 million users will probably upgrade to Windows 10 on the desktop, and if Microsoft deploys some kind of advert built in to Windows 7, 8 and 8.1 potentially a billion, means that it will become very tempting for software makers to build universal Apps that also run on wp, even if they developp in C# or VB.NET.

I honestly don't see how this can fail.
I think the questions remain whether or not apps that have no use on desktop will be available or not.

Nobody will use banking apps on their desktops, so will the banks be interested or not?

Games will probably be available, since those would be popular on desktops, tablets and phones.
Does anyone use apps on windows PC (non touch screen)? I always prefer downloading the desktop ver if exists , there are almost no services or apps which desktop apps cannot replace. Am,I wrong? Explain.
Does anyone use apps on windows PC (non touch screen)? I always prefer downloading the desktop ver if exists , there are almost no services or apps which desktop apps cannot replace. Am,I wrong? Explain.
It depends on the app. A banking app would have no use on the desktop, since the main purpose of banking apps on mobile devices involves taking pictures of checks to deposit them.

Nobody would use an app for a store on a desktop, laptop or tablet. For example, the Starbucks app allows one to scan his/her Starbucks Card at the register to pay for coffee. Nobody will take a laptop or tablet to the register to scan.

Other apps do have a purpose. The Netflix app for Windows 8.1 works great on desktop, since it is less of a resource hog than viewing Netflix in a PC browser.
Look at all the people willing to switch to Windows 10 just if the app gap is closed....

It's nice to see a calm, mature, open-minded discussion about Windows Phone at Android Central. It is in stark contrast to the constant F**K SCROOGLE, Lagdroid, iSheep, Crapple posts that appear over here.
It depends on the app. A banking app would have no use on the desktop, since the main purpose of banking apps on mobile devices involves taking pictures of checks to deposit them.

Nobody would use an app for a store on a desktop, laptop or tablet. For example, the Starbucks app allows one to scan his/her Starbucks Card at the register to pay for coffee. Nobody will take a laptop or tablet to the register to scan.

Other apps do have a purpose. The Netflix app for Windows 8.1 works great on desktop, since it is less of a resource hog than viewing Netflix in a PC browser.
True, but beside convenience, you can use Netflix even without the app, on the website.
So, what isTHAT BIG REASON that people would start develop apps anyway? Beside the transfer from Droid or ios, I'm talking about windows store for pc's, beside the universal advantage, what more do you can do with them?
I think the questions remain whether or not apps that have no use on desktop will be available or not.

Nobody will use banking apps on their desktops, so will the banks be interested or not?

Games will probably be available, since those would be popular on desktops, tablets and phones.

Why not ? Its 2015, I could see the bank app work for desktop. How ? NOTIFICATIONS. Similiar to Windows email notifications in upper corner. It would notify you about payments and other stuff. Its not a bad idea. Yes you can do that on your phone but why would you when you are working on your PC.
I just went over google play to see the top grossing apps, there are mostly games, messaging apps. Yes, some apps can't leverage the desktop experience but as I see there, we all can benefit from all the other apps that are/can be relevant on desktop. And certainly apps can be tailored to match the desktop experience, For example banking ones, the advantage of using phones over desktop is valid, however the apps can substitute for websites or other experiences. I don't know much about banking, just gave out an idea. Developers can, with some innovation, have a different app experience on desktop while maintaining the universal scheme.
Do you think larger apps that are not on WP will put any effort to porting their apps to us? Even if it is easier to do with the recent announcements, apps will still need to be maintained once they release them which is more work for them with what they see as little return. I work for an app who are very large on ios and android. They have no plans to release a windows app, because they don't see it as being worth the trouble (despite my best efforts to tell them otherwise). Hopefully a few major players will take the plunge release a windows app, entice new users to take up windows and get this ball rolling.
It's nice to see a calm, mature, open-minded discussion about Windows Phone at Android Central. It is in stark contrast to the constant F**K SCROOGLE, Lagdroid, iSheep, Crapple posts that appear over here.
In our defence, Microsoft haven't been colossal d**ks towards Google, so they don't really have any reason too. On the other hand, Google haven't been very nice with us cough-cough-youtube-cough
The boards are about google vs wp though. These are just people acting like adults rather than children. Keeping up with the neighbours is pointless. I use wp because it does what I need and the os works for me. Same goes for iphone and and android users I bet......
I still think this is all " ooh me too" from ms . Why aren't devs on WP? Because its too hard to develop apps for windows? No. No money, no users, no WP marketing etc. Is this ms last ditch attempt to get devs onboard? I though it was already easy to make app for WP. Apparently its the hardest os to develop for maybe that's why we have the app gap and or why apps keeps jumping ship......yeah I don't think so.
How many large apps will port their apps to Windows do you think? Even with the new announcements, apps will still need to be maintained once they've been ported. I work for a site that has a big ios and android app. They have no plans to port it to windows because it's just not worth it for them (despite me trying to persuade them otherwise). Without the big apps we don't currently have, we're not going to gain users, without the users, apps don't want to come here. Hopefully a few of the big apps will help break this vicious cycle
They have no plans to port it to windows because it's just not worth it for them (despite me trying to persuade them otherwise).

Are you trying to persuade them that it IS worth it, or are you trying to persuade them to port the app anyway?

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