How to check and force a Windows 10 upgrade


New member
Mar 15, 2011
To check whether your download is coming, look for a folder called:
In the root of your C:\

If its not there, check there are folders dated with todays date, here:
Files start here, before being unpacked into the location above.

If those folders don't exist, type this at the command line:
wuauclt.exe /updatenow
(This worked for me, and my download has started)

Hope that helps. If you have to hit Windows Update with a hammer, try this:
1.Uninstalled the KB2976978
(In an elevated cmd prompt) stop wuauserv
2.rd /s /q C:\Windows\SoftwareDistribution start wuauserv
I have the $Windows~BT folder downloaded on both my test PC and my Surface Pro. So, I should be able to upgrade anytime after midnight.

It is interesting that the Insider PC's are getting an update - I do t know if it is a updated from 10240 or if it is simply a final test of the upgrade - though that seems odd to me.

I will kick off the Test Nachine tonight and wait for the weekend to upgrade the Surface. I need to be around to address any spousal usability issues.
I have the folder. But there isn't any network activity for windows update proccess. The folder just stuck at 140MB since midnight till morning.

any idea?
I see $Windows~BT folder in C:and its size is ~3.5GB. The folder size is not growing anymore. Should I expect same update size for W10 Pro since
my PC currently runs Windows 8.1 Pro?
So here is the story. After finding out how much data I have on my hard drive, I decide to run disk clean up to see if I can free up some space as I need to run a back-up for my files. I opened disk clean up and chose to clean system files. And now the Windows 10 folder is gone. Is there anyway that I can get it back or force Windows 10 install, please help
My w10 folder is 4.2GB... Tried to start it by using the setup.exe file. But that just gave an error. Guess I'll just have to wait until someone decides it's time to install it on my PC?
Downloaded Windows 10 and waiting. On a SP3.

If you check c:\windows\WindowsUpdate.txt, you'll notice the following update popping back and forth:

2015-07-29 09:23:10:379 1020 f88 Agent *************
2015-07-29 09:23:10:379 1020 f88 Agent ** START ** Agent: Installing updates [CallerId = AutomaticUpdates]
2015-07-29 09:23:10:379 1020 f88 Agent *********
2015-07-29 09:23:10:379 1020 f88 Agent * Updates to install = 1
2015-07-29 09:23:10:395 1020 f88 Agent * Title = Upgrade to Windows 10 Pro
2015-07-29 09:23:10:395 1020 f88 Agent * UpdateId = {XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX}.200
2015-07-29 09:23:10:395 1020 f88 Agent * Bundles 1 updates:
2015-07-29 09:23:10:395 1020 f88 Agent * {XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX}.200
2015-07-29 09:23:10:395 1020 11b4 Report REPORT EVENT: {XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX} 2015-07-29 09:23:10:395+0800 1 181 [AGENT_INSTALLING_STARTED] 101 {XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX} 200 0 AutomaticUpdates Success Content Install Installation Started: Windows has started installing the following update: Upgrade to Windows 10 Pro
2015-07-29 09:23:10:395 1020 11b4 Report CWERReporter finished handling 2 events. (00000000)
2015-07-29 09:23:10:395 1020 11b4 EP Got XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX redir Client/Server URL: ""
2015-07-29 09:23:10:395 1020 11b4 EP Got XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX redir Reporting URL: ""
2015-07-29 09:23:10:395 1020 11b4 Report OpenReportingWebServiceConnection, reporting URL =
2015-07-29 09:23:10:395 1020 11b4 IdleTmr WU operation (CLegacyEventUploader::HandleEvents) started; operation # 4547; does use network; is at background priority
2015-07-29 09:23:10:395 1020 11b4 IdleTmr Incremented PDC RefCount for Network to 1
2015-07-29 09:23:10:395 1020 11b4 Report Uploading 2 events using cached cookie.
2015-07-29 09:23:10:426 1020 f88 DnldMgr Preparing update for install, updateId = {XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX}.200.
2015-07-29 09:23:10:426 4968 b8c Misc =========== Logging initialized (build: 7.9.9600.17930, tz: +0800) ===========
2015-07-29 09:23:10:426 4968 b8c Misc = Process: C:\windows\system32\wuauclt.exe
2015-07-29 09:23:10:426 4968 b8c Misc = Module: C:\windows\SYSTEM32\wuaueng.dll
2015-07-29 09:23:10:426 4968 b8c Handler :::::::::::::
2015-07-29 09:23:10:426 4968 b8c Handler :: START :: Handler: Windows Setup Install
2015-07-29 09:23:10:426 4968 b8c Handler :::::::::
2015-07-29 09:23:10:426 4968 b8c Handler : Updates to install = 1
2015-07-29 09:23:10:426 4968 b8c Handler : WARNING: Exit code = 0x80240020
2015-07-29 09:23:10:426 4968 b8c Handler :::::::::
2015-07-29 09:23:10:426 4968 b8c Handler :: END :: Handler: Windows Setup Install
2015-07-29 09:23:10:426 4968 b8c Handler :::::::::::::
2015-07-29 09:23:10:426 1020 119c AU >>## RESUMED ## AU: Installing update [UpdateId = {XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX}]
2015-07-29 09:23:10:426 1020 119c AU # WARNING: Install failed, error = 0x80240020 / 0x00000000
2015-07-29 09:23:10:426 1020 f88 Agent LogHistory called. idUpdate={XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX}.200, resultMapped=80240020, resultUnMapped=0
2015-07-29 09:23:10:426 1020 119c AU Write OSUpgradeState =14 with OSUpgradephase =2


I'm trying to work out how to force this update. The update keeps failing, and I'm unsure why. It looks like it's timer based? No idea if this is an erroneous lead.
wuauclt.exe /updatenow helped me to start update on my PC.
But nothing from this thread helps me to start it on my laptop. I don't even have $Windows~BT folder. Any thoughts what I can try, guys?
When I did the wuauclt.exe /updatenow, it said downloading Windows 10 in Windows Update then it wanted to instal Windows 10 Insider Preview.

I have tried every thing to get my PC to reserve a copy but it won't. I used keyfinderthing to get my Windows 8.1 key but it is different then what's on my Email when I bought Windows 8. Did my key change when I updated to 8.1?

You guys should just show some patience and stop trying to force it. All you're doing is re-downloading files you already have, and will likely still have to wait at the last bit until Microsoft ok's it.
I have the window-BT folder. Looks like a regular install directory. I attempted to run the setup.exe and got an error. Guess Ill try changing my time to 12:01am. Also, I can see in the setup properties details that this is build 10.0.10240.16384
Has anyone gotten theirs to install yet? I have the BT folder on my computer (about 4.5 GB), but after 12 AM, I have not gotten a prompt to install Windows 10.
The biggest thing to remember is that Microsoft said Windows 10 is rolling out in waves - it's not a 12AM unlock where everyone gets it all at once. It's going to take days (even weeks) before everyone is offered the install. Just be patient.
The Windows launch timer is set for 8 am eastern if that means anything. And.. Windows 8.1 keys are different then 8.0
its the file. i tried to jumpstart and that was missing. last puzzle piece.

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