Useful Bookmarks


New member
Nov 12, 2012
There is a lot of Windows tech out there. It's hard to learn, understand and remember it all. That's why we have this hardware and software in the first place: to augment the knowledge, memory and ability to manipulate data inherent in our wetware. It makes us better, stronger, faster. I love tech. I love the power, integration and flexibility of Windows platforms. I love Mobile Nations and Windows Central, love learning the tech and helping people with it. I love using the tools...

I was asked by Mobile Nations to become an Ambassador at Windows Central, I feel, because I demonstrated that love of helping others with the tech and belief in the community spirit of the place. Like any community we might disagree from time to time, but we all pull together around our common cause. Before becoming an Ambassador I already had a growing list of bookmarks to help reference and answer common problems and assist with common questions that crop up on the board again and again. Shortly after, I shared my list of bookmarks in the Ambassador General Discussion area which most members can't see. Staff and volunteers see it and my hope was that others would use and contribute to it. They did.

Some of the issues that come up are seasonal. Like, "Where is my Denim update," and emerging information on Windows 10 while it is under development. Other information is timeless and needs to be disseminated regularly. This board is huge and dense and distracting at times. No matter how wonderful of a reference we build here it is cumbersome due to its size and formatting. A list of bookmarks and shortcuts is a handy thing to have. As it grows though, it becomes cumbersome in its own miniature way and parts of it become obsolete due to better information or the expiration of the need.

I also realized recently, I was ignoring the most needful audience for this. The one that might benefit more widely and also help grow the list because of the sheer number of wetware, hardware and software systems working in tangent. The members and guests who read the public areas of the board. It's your board, you research here, these are your references to use and to share. I'm sharing mine and I sincerely hope you share yours.

I'm bringing Useful Bookmarks out in public, reorganizing and neatening up. I'm also encouraging others to use the bookmarks, link them to help others around the board and help grow the list by leaving their own bookmarks here in this thread. I'll do my best to curate and organize the mass.

On my desktop I have the following system set up; a Bookmarks folder on my browser task bar and the following three sub-folders: Windows Central (far and away the largest), Phone Forums and Phone Things. I often edit the names of the links to give them an easier to discern functional name and then alphabetize them. New links stay at the bottom of the list until I've cataloged them and published their use in this thread, then they get renamed and alphabetized with the others. Different users will, of course, come up with their own organizational structure.

Thanks in advance for reading, using and participating in this thread...

Helpful Forums
Useful Cellphone Information
Windows (Mobile Form Factors)
Windows (Desktop Form Factors)
Hash Codes
Microsoft Wearables
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Helpful Forums:

These are all our Mobile Nations Sister Sites:
(Your Passport that logs you into Windows Central will log you into any of these. You are automatically signed up for all if you sign up for one. Just like WC, they have a forum and a news blog {excluding MN Forum which has no blog and please note webOS Nation blog is archived}.)
Android Central: Android Forums at (For all things Android and Google)
Connectedly: Connectedly Forum (For wearables, smart home and smart automotive... The "Internet of Things.")
Crackberry: BlackBerry Forums at (For all things Blackberry)
iMore: iPhone, iPad, iPod Forums at (For all things Apple)
Mobile Nations (beta): Mobile Nations Forums (There is little traffic here, but it is a catch-all for things not found on the main Forums. It also hosts the Community Rules, Developer Rules, Marketplace Rules and Passport Account Support for all the communities combined.)
webOS Nation: webOS Forums at webOS Nation (This place still gets daily use from die-hard webOS addicts. Many of the Members on the other Mobile Nations Forums are proud to be counted as one of the more than 500,000 members this board attracted. I'm one of them.)

Other Useful Sites:
GSM Arena: - GSM phone reviews, news, opinions, votes, manuals and more... (I find this place to be very helpful for looking up spec on devices and running side by side device comparisons.)
Phone Arena: (Many prefer Phone Arena for running comparisons on phones. I will say they show more CDMA devices.)
Swappa: (You can buy and sell used devices here and check price trends. You can check IMEI, MEID, and ESN numbers here to see if they have been blacklisted. For device sales it is in the following markets: US, Canada, UK and EU.)
XDA: Android Forum for Mobile Phones, Tablets, Watches & Android App Development - XDA Forums (Primarily an Android hacking resource this place is a quagmire of knowledge on many operating systems and variants as well as thousands of devices.)
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Useful Cellphone Information:

Cellular Networks:
GSM World Map: GSM World Coverage Map- GSM Country List by frequency bands (This site has many maps showing different bits of info. I've linked the page showing GSM networks around the world with quick and handy citations for every country and what frequencies the carriers use there for GSM/3G/LTE. A great all in one page.)
Mobile Country Codes: (This Wikipedia page shows the Mobile Country Code and Mobile Network Code for virtually every carrier in the world, broken down into tables for each country. It also shows network standards and frequencies.)
UMTS: (A Wikipedia page devoted to detailed information on Universal Mobile Telecommunications System bands and frequencies with a wealth of technical detail.)
E-Ultra: (A Wikipedia page showing details on LTE systems. I've linked the portion that shows what band covers which frequencies and from there it is an easy scroll down to see what part of the world uses which bands.)
LTE: (This Wikipedia page shows which carriers around the world have deployed LTE and on what bands.)
US mvno carriers: (Another Wikipedia page. This one shows important details regarding mvno carriers in the US. There are also mvno lists for the UK and Europe. Here is the general page on what an mvno is:

Other Good To Know Things:
Amber Alerts: Wireless Amber Alerts (Information including subscribing and unsubscribing.)
Emergency Alerts: (Wikipedia explains how cell-broadcast works to bring you alert messages.)

NFC: Near Field Communication: What is Near Field Communication? (For the page.)

APN & MMS Settings: (A look up for almost any carrier in the world.)
Will My Phone Work: (Check to see if your phone will work on any carrier around the world. Takes all the manual work out of my guide for matching unlocked phones to carriers. I still do mine the old fashioned way. Thanks to Kavu2 for the link.)
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Windows (Mobile Form Factors):

Windows Central: (You better have this bookmarked. :winktongue:)
Contact Us: Contact | Windows Central (Send a News Tip to WC.)
Community Rules: Community Rules & Guidelines - Mobile Nations Forums (For all Mobile Nations sites.)
Developer Forum Rules: App and Developer Forum Rules & Guidelines - Mobile Nations Forums (For all Mobile Nations sites.)
Marketplace Rules: Marketplace Rules & Guidelines - Mobile Nations Forums (For all Mobile Nations sites.)
Ask a Question Rules: (This is taken from WC, but applies across all the Mobile Nations sites.)
Mobile Nations Passport / Account Support: (A special forum for help with Passport log in or any Account issues like name change, missing notifications, etc.)

Activation Code Required for Windows Phone: (The official Microsoft Help Page.)
APN & MMS Settings: World Wide Mobile Phone Settings (A look up for almost any carrier in the world.)
Apps That Deserve More Awareness: (By WC Members, for WC Members.)
BSOD [Solved]: (A quick video tutorial.)
BSOD [Solved again]: Got a blue screen of death installing Windows 10 Mobile? Here's the fix! | Windows Central (A WC article.)
Call Recorder WP 8.1 and lower: (A very well done post with a lot of info about why WP 8.1 does not have a call recorder and some hardware work-around options. Thanks to rhapdog.)
Camera Resolution/MP Calculator:
Change How Long Phone Rings Before V-Mail Picks Up: (A very useful link, Thanks nycny.)
Connect Lumia to XP: (A Microsoft Help Page. Thanks to Harrie-S.)
Consumer Cellular APN/MMS: (thanks to ElronTheElder)
Contacts + Message Backup: (Windows Phone App.)
Copy Paste: (Windows Phone how-to.)
Cortana Availability WP 8.1: (OS version and Settings Required to enable Cortana.)
Cortana Flight Tracking: organic fertilizer: misc: flying with cortana (A manual work-around to get Cortana to track flights.)
Developer Unlock Your Phone: (Microsoft Help Page.)
DNG Info: (Details on what DNG is from Adobe.)
Dual SIM How-To: (Microsoft Help Page.)
E-Mail How-To: (Microsoft Help Page.)
Enable T-Mo 1700 MHz 3G on AT&T Lumia 1520: (Thanks to AR2186.)
Error Installing WPRT [Solved]: (Post by rajivenator. Thanks.)
Fake microSD Card - Spot Counterfeits:
Features & Services Of WP Available By Region: (Microsoft Help Page.)
Forgot Password & Sign In Issues for Microsoft Account: Forgotten password and other sign-in problems - Windows Help (Microsoft Help Page. Thanks Harrie-S,)
Graphics Display Resolution Tables: (A Wikipedia page for easy reference.)
[Guide] Glance:[guide]-glance.html (WC Help Page by xandros9. Thank You.)
Images Saved As .wdp [Solved]: (Thanks to grizzlyaddams.)
iMessage Trap [Solved]: Not getting texts after switching from iPhone to Android? Here's how to turn off iMessage and fix it! | iMore (An iMore article. Thanks to Laura Knotek for the link.)
Impersonate Another Lumia Variant under WDRT: (thanks to pankaj981)
Insider Preview (Mobile) - phones supported for new enrollment: (thanks to ven07)
Install Apps From An SD Card: (A Microsoft how-to. Thanks to Harrie-S.)
Live Folders: Lumia Denim: using Live Folders on your Lumia - Conversations: The Microsoft Devices blog (Microsoft how-to.)
Living Images - View On PC:
Lumia Firmware Download: (thanks to PepperdotNet)
Macro Lens - DIY hack: (thanks bearsymo)
Microsoft Complete: Download link to open/save PDF copy of Microsoft Complete agreement here: and the phone number for assistance with Complete is 1-877-696-7786 (Thanks, rhapdog)
Microsoft Customer Care: microsoft customer care - Bing (Sometimes you have to refer them to the big dogs.)
My Family for Windows Phone Help Page:
Narrator On Windows Phone: (Many turn it on accidentally and get stuck.)
(OTG) USB Dual Role in Win 10 Mo Fact Sheet: (thanks to rhapdog)
Pixel Density Calculator (ppi):
Provisioning: (A Wikipedia page explains what it is and why it is important to your phone.)
Qi On An AT&T 1520 [Solved]: Here?s how to get Qi wireless charging back on your AT&T Nokia Lumia 1520 | Windows Central (WC hooks it up.)
Registry Values for Factory Unlocked Phones (Updated for W10M): (thanks to PepperdotNet)
Registry Values for Mobile Operator IDs (Updated for W10M): (thanks to PepperdotNet)
Reset Protection Status: Check Windows 10 and Windows 10 Mobile devices to see if the anti-theft reset lockout is turned on. (Thanks realwarder)
Restore My Phone Software: How can I recover/reset/restore my phone software? - Microsoft - USA (Microsoft Help Page w/ links to WPRT & LSRT. Thanks to Muessig for the link.)
Rich Capture Explained: A closer look at Rich Capture, the best feature on Lumia Camera | Windows Central (WC tutorial.)
Scroll/Tap Issue On 1520 Explained: (Thanks to Hesham Fouad.)
SD Cards/Readers: a nice wiki
SD Card Spec & Compatibility by Type: (thanks LurchUSA)
Shim Trick For Side Buttons: (Fix broken buttons on phones with removable cover.)
Skype Rooms - Moderator Add/Remove:
Soft and Hard Reset Explained: (a Microsoft Wiki)
Software Update Tables For Lumia: Software update for Lumia with Windows Phone 8 - Microsoft - Global (I think we all know this one.)
SPAM Help From The FCC:
Stuck In Airplane Mode: (One possible fix for this "bug" and a long discussion thread. Thanks to jcsuarezm.)
Stuck On Spinning Gears: My Lumia stays at the spinning gears - Microsoft - UK (Microsoft Help Page.)
SysApp Pusher: (A very useful utility for Windows Phones.)
Test Flash Memory Utility: Tests capacity/write speed/read speed of sticks and cards.
Too Many PIN Attempts in Win 10 Mo [Solved]: (thanks to nitesh khanduja)
Turn DT-900 Qi Charger into DT-901 w/ Makerbot: (View the linked post and the next one. Thanks to worldspy99)
Uninstall Any OEM APP On Windows Phone: (A WC hack guide. Thanks to Harrie-S for the link.)
USB Dual Role: Microsoft Information Communique (thanks to ronaldme)
UserVoice For Windows Phone: (Suggest it to the big dogs.)
Virus or Malware On WP?: Should I worry about viruses or malware? - Microsoft Community (What, me worry?)
VPN How-To: (Microsoft Help Page.)
Warranty Status for Microsoft Mobile:
Wet Phone! [Help]: How to Deal with a BlackBerry thats Gotten Wet--THE RIGHT WAY - BlackBerry Forums at (From our Crackberry friends. Thanks to Laura Knotek for the link.)
What Do The Icons On My WP Mean: (Help! I see this thingy that looks like some stuff!!!!!)
Which Features Does My Lumia Support (8.1 edition): FAQ - Which features does my Lumia phone support? - Microsoft - Philippines (A great reference page. Thanks to gpobernardo for the link.)
Which Features Does My Lumia Support (10 edition):
WiFi Sense How-To:
Will My Phone Work: - Check if your phone works on a network (Check to see if your phone will work on any carrier around the world. Takes all the manual work out of my guide for matching unlocked phones to carriers. I still do mine the old fashioned way. :winktongue: Thanks to Kavu2 for the link.)
Windows 10 Mobile Camera - Adjust Rich Capture Lighting on PC: (guide by rhapdog)
Windows 10 Mobile Camera - View Living Images on PC: (guide by rhapdog)
Windows 10 Mobile User Guide for Lumia: http://download-support.webapps.mic...C87437D092/Lumia_with_Windows_10_UG_en_US.pdf (thanks to eusty
Windows Phone App For Desktop: (Microsoft Help Page w/ Download Link.)
Windows Phone Typing Shortcuts: (Type like a BOSS. Thanks Harrie-S for the link.)
Xbox Privacy, Safety & Parental Control: Privacy and Online Safety on Xbox One and Xbox 360
You CAN Change The Email Address Of Your Microsoft Account Without Resetting Your Device:
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Windows (Desktop Form Factors):

About Windows Central: (thanks to James Falconer)
Advertising Inquiries w/ Mobile Nations: (thanks to Guytronic)

Windows Central: (You better have this bookmarked. :winktongue:)
Contact Us: Contact | Windows Central (Send a News Tip to WC.)
Community Rules: Community Rules & Guidelines - Mobile Nations Forums (For all Mobile Nations sites.)
Developer Forum Rules: App and Developer Forum Rules & Guidelines - Mobile Nations Forums (For all Mobile Nations sites.)
Marketplace Rules: Marketplace Rules & Guidelines - Mobile Nations Forums (For all Mobile Nations sites.)
Ask a Question Rules: (This is taken from WC, but applies across all the Mobile Nations sites.)
Mobile Nations Passport / Account Support: (A special forum for help with Passport log in or any Account issues like name change, missing notifications, etc.)

Automatically log In To Windows 10:
Browser Redirects [Solved]: How to easily remove Any Browser Redirect virus (Removal Guide) (A comprehensive guide to cleaning.)
Change Your Log-In Screen Background in Windows 10: (Thanks to noersetiawan for the find.)
Connect Lumia to XP: (A Microsoft Help Page. Thanks to Harrie-S.)
Copy Files Between Lumia and Mac: (Thanks to ven07)
Developer Unlock Your Phone: (Microsoft Help Page.)
DNG Info: (Details on what DNG is from Adobe.)
Error Installing WPRT [Solved]: (Post by rajivenator. Thanks.)
Fake microSD Card - Spot Counterfeits:
Fix Sound Problems in Windows 10: a Microsoft Help Page (Thanks to ven07)
Forgot Password & Sign In Issues for Microsoft Account: Forgotten password and other sign-in problems - Windows Help (Microsoft Help Page. Thanks Harrie-S,)
Graphics Display Resolution Tables: (A Wikipedia page for easy reference.)
Group Policy Editor - enable in Windows 10 Home:
Hibernate Mode On Windows 10 Box: (Thanks ven07)
iMessage Trap [Solved]: Not getting texts after switching from iPhone to Android? Here's how to turn off iMessage and fix it! | iMore (An iMore article. Thanks to Laura Knotek for the link.)
Impersonate Another Lumia Variant under WDRT: (thanks to pankaj981)
Living Images - View On PC:
Microsoft Complete: Download link to open/save PDF copy of Microsoft Complete agreement here: and the phone number for assistance with Complete is 1-877-696-7786 (Thanks, rhapdog)
Microsoft Customer Care: microsoft customer care - Bing (Sometimes you have to refer them to the big dogs.)
My Family for Windows Phone Help Page:
Network Adapter Reset in Windows 10:
NirSoft: NirSoft - freeware utilities: password recovery, system utilities, desktop utilities (These people have some slick freeware executables that get the job done. No adware. Works. Does what it says on the tin. Build a great PC toolkit from here.)
non-Genuine Upgrade to 10: Upgrading To Windows 10 From Windows 7/8.1 Pirated (Here is what is going to happen to pirates.)
PC Flight "Your security settings need attention" [Solved]: (thanks ven07)
Phone Size Comparison (1:1 scale): Works in PC browser... (thanks P1ng0fDeath)
Pixel Density Calculator (ppi):
Privacy - is Windows 10 Violating Mine?: (thanks to xandros9)
Privacy Settings in Windows 10: (Thanks to harharharris)
Ransomware Removal (a Microsoft Help Page):
Remove "Uninstallable" Apps From Windows 10:
Reserve Free Win 10 Upgrade: How to reserve your free upgrade to Windows 10 - Microsoft Community (Microsoft how-to.)
Reset Protection Status: Check Windows 10 and Windows 10 Mobile devices to see if the anti-theft reset lockout is turned on. (Thanks realwarder)
Restore My Phone Software: How can I recover/reset/restore my phone software? - Microsoft - USA (Microsoft Help Page w/ links to WPRT & LSRT. Thanks to Muessig for the link.)
Screen Recording App for PC: (Video + Audio, full featured recorder)
SD Card Spec & Compatibility by Type: (thanks LurchUSA)
Server - Create a Home Server Using a Windows Box: Tutorial for creating an HTTP server and links at bottom of page for FTP and creating a Domain Name, etc.
Skype Rooms - Moderator Add/Remove:
SPAM Help From The FCC:
System Builder vs Full Version of Windows:
System Files - Scan and Repair: Excellent for repairing damaged system files after malware cleanup.
System Rescue CD: SystemRescueCd (A must have bootable Live Linux disk to help solve PC issues. A great toolkit.)
Tech Support Scam - Report to Microsoft: (thanks xandros9)
Test Flash Memory Utility: Tests capacity/write speed/read speed of sticks and cards.
Trackpad Gestures and Keyboard Shortcuts for Windows 10: Trackpad gestures and keyboard shortcuts, or: Windows 10 for the Mac user | Ars Technica
Turn DT-900 Qi Charger into DT-901 w/ Makerbot: (View the linked post and the next one. Thanks to worldspy99)
Ultimate Windows Tweaker for Windows 10: Over 200 tweaks to customize your installation. (Thanks TechFreak1)
Windows 10 - upgrade from previous version using ISO:
Windows 10 Mobile Camera - Adjust Rich Capture Lighting on PC: (guide by rhapdog)
Windows 10 Mobile Camera - View Living Images on PC: (guide by rhapdog)
Windows 10 System Requirements: (Thanks to gpobernardo for the link)
Windows Phone App For Desktop: (Microsoft Help Page w/ Download Link.)
Windows Spotlight - save lockscreen images:
Xbox Privacy, Safety & Parental Control: Privacy and Online Safety on Xbox One and Xbox 360
You CAN Change The Email Address Of Your Microsoft Account Without Resetting Your Device:
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Hash Codes:

I keep the following Hash Codes in my Contacts on my phone for easy reference:
  • ##7820# = Carrier Lock Status
  • ##3282# = Field Test
  • ##634# = Lifetime Counter (Total Talk Time. Does not reset.)
  • *#06# = Show IMEI
  • ##4678255# = Tier 3 Status (that one is not so useful)
  • *#61# > Call = Show call forward number and delay until voicemail in seconds (can be adjusted in 5 second increments up to 30 seconds maximum with next Hash Code)
  • **61*+11234567890*11*XX# > Call (Where 11234567890 is the number that you found in step above and XX is the number of seconds you want to wait until voicemail picks up. You can set it in increments of 5, where 30 seconds is the maximum.) - Follows your SIM so if you swap to another phone, this setting still remains.
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I just added a post by worldspy99 to Bookmarks for Windows.

If you are ambitious and have access to a Makerbot, you can convert your DT-900 Qi wireless charging plate into a DT-901 with the soft glow lights. Sounds like a cool project to me.

And the following post in the linked thread is a Nexus 4 charging orb mod! Sweet stuff for DIY.

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