Why am I not able to install Windows 10TP on GPT disk?


New member
Jul 20, 2013
Windows 10TP installation on GPT disk

When I try to install Windows 10 January TP, and after going through "install now" and then selecting custom it doesn't show next button when in select the drive I want to install on, clicking more details says "windows cannot be installed on this disk. The selected disk is of the GPT partition style."
I tried formatting with gpartition into ntfs file system but still the same results.
Thanks for any help.
Re: Windows 10TP installation on GPT disk

Are you booting EFI to install on the GPT partition? Not sure about windows 10 but I know that in previous windows versions you needed to be booting the ISO in EFI in order to install to GPT.
Re: Windows 10TP installation on GPT disk

I had the same issue, no need to leave the setup you can bring up the command prompt when you get to the disk list and use diskpart to format your gpt disk then continue on. Follow the process below, it references Win7 but it works for Win10. Also, you can stop after converting to MBR then continue on with the installer by selecting the disk and moving on, the installer will format the disk. It may be obvious but I will state you WILL lose all the data on that disk so make sure you've backed up anything you want to keep.

Convert GPT to MBR with Diskpart

In some technology or computer forum, some technicians give some advice that convert GPT to MBR with Diskpart, which is run by program code. The specific steps are following below:
•Enter system installing interface by using Win 7 disc or USB hard drive boot. and then press “Shift”+”F10” to open the command prompt.
•Input “Diskpart” (do not input quotation mark, the following as well), and then press “Enter”to enter operating interface.
•Input “list disk”: to check hard disk properties. Pay more attention to capacity of hard disk to select. Usually, disk 0 is hard disk, and disk 1 is the usb dirve where wins 7 install.
•Input “select disk 0”: to select disk 0 as the disk that is operating.
•Input “clean”: to clean up current hard disk’s partition.
•Input “convert mbr”: to convert GPT into MBR.
•Input “create partition primary size = xxx”: to create the size of primary partition.
•Input “format fs = ntfs quickly”: to format disk to NTFS quickly.
•Input “exit”: to finish operating.
•Input “exit”: to shut down the command prompt.

After finishing operating, shut down the command prompt and install windows system on computer in normal way. The steps seems be concise, but the greatest shortage is that all data and files will be clean up. If you don’t have backup files in GPT disk, you will be crying and anxious for that. And if you don’t have some professional knowledge about program, this way is not recommended.
Re: Windows 10TP installation on GPT disk

Thanks for the help.
So there's no way to do it without losing data right?
And can i format just one partition or does entire disk need to be formatted?
Re: Windows 10TP installation on GPT disk

Why would you not use GPT? are you installing from an USB drive and if so how did you create the drive? If you used the Microsoft tool, it does not support writing a GPT partition and so you will have a MBR drive which will put your PC in legacy BIOS mode when you boot from it.

Use RUFUS to ceate a GPT USB stick and you'll be fine.
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Re: Windows 10TP installation on GPT disk

O man, I couldn't wait any longer so i formatted my HDD last night using diskpart. Worked fine.
If only you could have seen this thread earlier :'(
Re: Windows 10TP installation on GPT disk

Personally I would re-install in UEFI mode while you still have a fairly fresh install. Legacy mode is so.. well, legacy mode.. It's like riding your sports car with the breaks on..
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Re: Windows 10TP installation on GPT disk

You mean to say i should convert HDD into GPT again and install using a bootable GPT usb drive?
Does it really improved performance?
Re: Windows 10TP installation on GPT disk

If you want to dual boot, just mount the ISO in the Windows you are using and run setup.exe from X:\sources (where X is the drive letter of the mounted ISO), and carry out the installation. You will be able to install on the GPT disk this way.

P.S. This method is applicable if you already have a running Windows, and want to install Windows 10 TP in another partition for dual boot.
so, you say that I can dual boot windows 10 alongside 8.1 without using a bootable usb, neither going to BIOS???
Re: Windows 10TP installation on GPT disk

Yes, if you have a secondary disk you can install this way, OR you can create a virtual disk within a drive and add it to the boot loader and install. Just google installing windows 10 to a vhd.
Re: Windows 10TP installation on GPT disk

Man, you are a life saver
I came from another forum hoping to find any other rather than formatting the whole hard disk

Thanks Man
I created a gpt usb stick using that software but still its showing the message :/
My laptop is hp probook4540s . it has 3 boot options,
1. legacy
2. uefi with csm (hybrid)
3. uefi without csm (native)

i tried all these but no use :unhappysweat:
The answer is YES.no matter your disk is GPT or MBR.they are both ok for windows.
But one thing.if you motherboard is with BIOS.it cant boot from a GPT disk.your motherboard should be UEFI. so .this is not a matter of GPT or MBR.but BIOS or UEFI
I have a similar issue I tried with booth MBR and GPT boot able usb disks but it didn't work. Now I don't have any clue that how can I install a clean windows 10 on my HP envy touchsmart machine. Can you please guide on that? I will really appreciate that.


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