Please vote for background location tracking

Mar 2, 2015
Microsoft made a big mistake by switching off the ability to track your location for apps that run in the background. Every GPS-Outdoor app needs this feature. But if this app is made for WP8.1 (not 8.0) this feature is not allowed anymore :shocked:

Hope dies last, let us vote for rationality and click on the vote button of this link:

Vote here please!
Odd. I've used runtastic several times on 8.1 and WP10 and it worked just fine in background.

Or is this about something else?
Same as with Endomondo, but those are old apps made for 8.0 and as I said above, if you decide to make new app or optimized it for WP8.1 or W10M this feature is not allowed anymore according to developers...
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Odd - I can't believe this. There must be some other way to accomplish this in WP8.1 or W10M.
Possible but it seams that developers are currently facing problems with this issue and can't get any usable feedback from Microsoft so they decide to try to reach them on this way :)
Yeah, that's what I'm talking about, anyone who use any kind of GPS tracking app even occasionally should vote on this, with a single vote at least :D
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Good news :D
Posted on September 22, 2015: The background location tracking will be available again. This app is back-migrated to WP8.0 again (was WP8.1). The background location tracking was switched off by Microsoft for WP8.1 Apps. Now a step backwards is a step forward.

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