Groove music and SD cards?


New member
Aug 1, 2015
Is it normal to not be able to add mp3's from an SD card to your libraries on groove? I can play the MP3 if I open it in file explorer, but I can't view it in Albums, Songs, or Artists.
Nope, not normal.

As long as the file is in the 'Music' folder (or a sub-folder within 'Music') on the SD Card it should show up in your library. My mix of MP3 and AAC files on my SD card are all synced correctly.
Finding this too. New 950XL user.

Is there no way of forcing Groove to do a fresh search for new music??

Added a new album to onedrive last night, still not showing hours later.

Also added my complete to collection to an SD card, looks like half the music is missing when i look at offline only. Doesn't seem to want to add anymore. Frustrating.......
Labelled as Music, no workey.

It did syncronize at first but stopped at 350. Now it won't try load the rest. And the streaming from onedrive still hasn't changed to show the new album i uploaded. Shows in Groove on my laptop. Not the phone. Amazed there's no refresh folders action!
Hello, you are not alone, I've been visiting other threads (search 'Groove SD Card') and adding my two cents, maybe someone from MSFT will see them as this forum does have some visibility. I have this problem w/ the 950XL and the latest Groove using an 128GB SD card. After initial interrogation Groove found my 33K songs, but now will not add new songs in the UI that I have placed on the SD card and internal storage using file manager and via sync from autoplaylists on WMP. It's very annoying. There is no way to kick off a new search for new content that I can find.
I have exactly the same problem as you.
Same phone, same sd card size.
Have you had any luck yet?
Any tips on an alternative app?
I'm not saying you guys do not have a legitimate problem, but Groove on my 1520.3 initially had "problems" but over time, even days, it finished the indexing and works just fine now. So, maybe try opening Groove, go to "available off line" and let it sit a while. Maybe, maybe it will eventually index them and function properly. FWIIW: I must do this every time I install a new build, indexing that is, so I'm seen it a lot. Regardless, good luck. Groove has come a long way. For example, I find it's "radio" function superior to Spotify in that it finds more related tunes and repeats far less.
Originally posted by bells0
Finding this too. New 950XL user.

Is there no way of forcing Groove to do a fresh search for new music??

Added a new album to onedrive last night, still not showing hours later.

Also added my complete to collection to an SD card, looks like half the music is missing when i look at offline only. Doesn't seem to want to add anymore. Frustrating.......
For at least three years this exact issue has been a pain in the a**, maybe in five more years they will get this to work properly.

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