How do you get Groove music to show all you music?


New member
Dec 17, 2011
I am using a Lumia 950 XL. I actually have had this problem on multiple phones. Is there a way to get Groove music to actually show all ones music on the SD card. Groove music will show most of the music, but it will not always show all of it. After a week, I am pretty sure it is not going to show them. My music files are fine. In fact I went and renamed one of the files slightly and it showed right up. I do not want to go in and rename all my files. I just do not understand how Microsoft can be so bad with music apps. I know Windows 10 is very buggy and should not be released to the public, but I have a Lumia 950 XL and am stuck with Windows 10 mobile.
I am having a similar issue right now with my 1020. I don't have the music on an SD card, but any new songs I add aren't being added to my collection. Is there a way to force Groove music to at the music on my device and check for new music
How are you adding them? I put everything in OneDrive, including new music as it's purchased. Then I connect the phone to PC and sync offline music of my choice with the WP desktop app, or download to the phone using Groove after opening Groove and letting it sync on its own. There is a sync button on settings and you can also sign out and sign back in as a last resort.
The ones I am adding are just through explorer. I don't think there is a windows phone syncing app for Windows 10 (desktop).
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The ones I am adding are just through explorer. I don't think there is a windows phone syncing app for Windows 10 (desktop).

Don't use the 10 app for WP, Android and Apple. The old desktop app should still be available, I'm using it on W10Pro. Here it is, the link at top of middle column. It actually Syncs and shows check boxes next to music that is installed on the phone. I use it weekly. The other apps are a joke, nothing but links to Explorer and OneDrive, no sync ability showing a list of what is installed on the phone by artist and album.
Hello, you are not alone. I have this problem w/ the 950XL and the latest Groove using an 128GB SD card. After initial interrogation Groove found my 33K songs, but now will not add new songs in the UI that I have placed on the SD card and internal storage using file manager and via sync from autoplaylists on WMP. It's very annoying. There is no way to kick off a new search for new content that I can find.

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