W10M Insider Preview 14364 Discussion (Redstone Branch, inactive)


New member
Nov 12, 2012
Windows 10 Mobile Build 14364 for Fast Ring is now available, here is what is new (and broke) | Windows Central

Issues? Bugs? Solutions? For all things Build 14364 of W10M. Discuss it all here.

[NOTE]Tip: Check out this thread before posting
Is your device behaving oddly, is something just not right? This is the place for discussion of software and hardware issues!
[TIP]Here is some useful information you may find yourself needing.
Some issues with responsiveness and app delays can be resolved by either restarting your phone or performing a Soft Reset.

If things get a bit more serious, you may opt to perform a hard reset or software reset.

Lastly, if things really get serious, you may need the Software Recovery Tool to recover your phone back to working order - head over to the Microsoft FAQ Page for more information.

Make sure you check the official Windows 10 Mobile Support Page as well for some of the most common tips and trouble shooting guides.[/TIP]
[INFO]Restarting your phone involves turning it off and then turning it on again. Turn off your phone by pressing the power button until you are prompted to "Slide down to power off". Turn your phone on again by pressing the power button until it vibrates.

A soft reset is similar to pressing the reset button in PCs and has the same effect as pulling out the battery of your phone and then putting it back in. For phones with non-removable batteries, press the volume down and power button together until your phone restarts. Be aware that when using Windows 10, the voume down and power button combination will also launch Windows Feedback. Just continue to hold down the buttons for a full 10 seconds in order to trigger the soft reset. For phones with removable batteries, you can either opt for the button combination or remove the battery and then return it.

A hard reset or a software reset will reformat your phone by removing all the user information leaving only the bare OS and firmware currently installed in your phone. It does erase data so you should always keep a good backup of your phone just in case you have to resort to this option.

The software reset can be done by going to your phone Settings > System > About > tap on "Reset your phone." You will be prompted once before doing this just to be sure. Be sure, also, to have everything backed up since there would be no way to recover all of your files.

The hard reset accomplishes the same thing as the software reset, but can be accomplished when the phone is non-responsive and you are unable to enter into settings. To perform the Hard Reset, "Power off the phone > hold Volume Down > press Power > keep holding Volume Down until you see the exclamation (!) screen, then immediately release the Volume Down. Now tap Volume Up / Volume Down / Power / Volume Down. You should see the spinning gears and your phone will reflash the last OS version held in recovery.

The Software Recovery Tool is the final option, for example for "bricked" phones that would no longer turn on, be charged, etc. This can be used to either roll back to a previous OS version or force an update to a more current OS version[/INFO]
Remember, when reporting bugs be descriptive! The more information you give, the better the chance someone will be able to help you.

What OS version? Any special conditions that should be noted? What were you doing? What is the result? Any error codes or messages given? What have you tried for solutions? What variant of the phone are you using? Single SIM or Dual SIM?

Please describe as much as possible about the bug so others may try and replicate the bug and don't make suggestions for solutions that you have already tried which have failed.
[INFO]When reporting bugs/issues, please also use the Windows Feedback app to report issues directly to Microsoft. Microsoft don't actively read forums looking for people reporting issues when they have a data collection system built right into the operating system. They use WF to analyse numbers and prioritise fixes (issues with more reports, get sorted quicker).

"You can use the Windows Feedback app to tell us which features you love about your Lumia with Windows 10, or when something could be better.
1.To launch the app, swipe over to the App list, and then select Windows Feedback.
2.See if someone else has given similar feedback by entering the topic, such as Microsoft OneDrive.
3.If you find similar feedback, tap the Upvote or tap on the feedback to open it, write the problem details to Add details-field and tap Send.
4.To narrow your search to a specific topic, you can filter the results by picking the category that matches your feedback the closest. For example, for feedback about the Microsoft OneDrive, select Apps and Games > OneDrive.
5.If you don’t find any similar feedback, tap + to add new feedback. Select the correct category and subcategory from the dropdown-list.
6.Enter your feedback (the more details the better!), add a screenshot if you can, and tap Send.
7.Your feedback will automatically upload when you are charging your phone and connected to Wi-Fi, but you can also upload the feedback manually by tapping … > Upload feedback data."

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Re: W10M Insider Preview 14364 Issues (Redstone Branch, Fast Ring)

Ok, so ms introduced a cool features a little while back that allowed me to connect my phone as a continuum window on my pc then use the pc keyboard and mouse. As far as I remember all you do is turn on the connect app in w10, then connect via wifi from w10m. Well this doesn't seem to be working for a while, is anyone else experiencing the same
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Re: W10M Insider Preview 14364 Issues (Redstone Branch, Fast Ring)

This is like an addiction.....gotta try them, it might be the one that works!!! :winktongue:

Two gripes, battery life has been below expectations and Cortana not handling incoming texts when on bluetooth. Both my 950 & 950XL, we shall see.
Re: W10M Insider Preview 14364 Issues (Redstone Branch, Fast Ring)

The gray background is back on the settings menu, that bums me out more than I expected. I really liked the colored icons floating on a solid black screen.

Notifications are popping up an my pc real fast, Groove Music updated on my phone and my PC told me it was done.
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Re: W10M Insider Preview 14364 Issues (Redstone Branch, Fast Ring)

This update breaks Cortana for me. I can no longer talk to her or tell her to do anything. When I tap on the microphone button, she just freezes for a few second and then crashes and I can't use Hey Cortana either. Also, when I ask her something, she says she is "thinking" for ages without any response. I've checked my internet connection and tried both soft and hard reset to no avail.
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Re: W10M Insider Preview 14364 Issues (Redstone Branch, Fast Ring)

When I try opening an email notification it opens a different old email. Which happens to be an insider email.
Re: W10M Insider Preview 14364 Issues (Redstone Branch, Fast Ring)

I don't like that sometimes the screen does not lock according to the timeout setting. Example, having it set to time out after five minutes and nothing happens after five minutes

When swiping across to apps list and selecting a letter to open the jump list.... After you select the letter you want to go to; example "S", it directs you to another letter (usually one before) like O, or P
Re: W10M Insider Preview 14364 Issues (Redstone Branch, Fast Ring)

I also don't understand why so many builds later we still have issue when swiping over to all apps list and having to wait for the app icon to load...
Re: W10M Insider Preview 14364 Issues (Redstone Branch, Fast Ring)

When I try opening an email notification it opens a different old email. Which happens to be an insider email.
Yes. I also have same issue. And it opens mail from other mailbox.
Re: W10M Insider Preview 14364 Issues (Redstone Branch, Fast Ring)

Yep, the all aps list letter jumping bug still present on my 950XL. Stupid bug.
At least this version got rid of many (but not all) "Resuming.." screens and lags...
Re: W10M Insider Preview 14364 Issues (Redstone Branch, Fast Ring)

I'm experiencing battery draining fast on this build. Which was not so on the previous build. Battery saver too now shows 20hrs 17 min for full charge, when it used to be at least 1day 15hrs.
Re: W10M Insider Preview 14364 Issues (Redstone Branch, Fast Ring)

950XL, DS, US:

> Bluetooth = off: "HEY Cortana" is working intermittently, and seems to respond to "hey cortana" only when in her app; then tells me "Sorry, I can't do this for you right now. Check back after future updates."

> Bluetooth = on: "HEY Cortana" is working fine on my Bluetooth Headset.

> Using the Letter Grid in the All APPS to shortcut the list by letter; puts the requested letter at the very bottom of the screen (I don't know if this is intentional or not - it does make it mandatory to have to scroll up to see the apps; which in a case of there being multiple page listings under that letter, forces you to "automatically" scroll to the bottom of the letter list, and therefore viewing "all" the apps under that letter - or at least the one you are looking for, or trying to remember).

> Swiping to ALL APPS shows the apps are all populated (950XL).
Re: W10M Insider Preview 14364 Issues (Redstone Branch, Fast Ring)

BBM hasn't worked well for me on my 950XL DS on the last couple of Redstone builds. Frequently fails to launch (gets stuck on splash screen). And, like on production build, you cannot invoke it from the notification - it always hangs.

I don't expect great performance, as it's an old app, but I don't think it's unreasonable to expect it to work. And until my wife loosens her death grip on her BlackBerry, I'm stuck using it. :)
Re: W10M Insider Preview 14364 Issues (Redstone Branch, Fast Ring)

The only issue I'm having with this build on my 950 XL DS US is Cortana will not read messages. I have tried turning it off and back on with no effect. Reported to Feedback.
Re: W10M Insider Preview 14364 Issues (Redstone Branch, Fast Ring)

I'm on an Icon (Verizon). I just upgraded last night but here is what I have found so far:

-- Battery life is terrible. Within one hour of taking the phone off the charger this morning, I was at 62%. This is without using the GPS
-- Messaging is buggy. Messages do not send after pressing the send button; the send button just disappears and the message stays in the text box for another minute or two before finally appearing in the conversation
-- Speech-to-text is gone for messaging. Not sure at what point that disappeared as I just upgraded from 8.1 last night (the complete lack of functioning driving apps on 8.1 is what pushed me to upgrade)

If anyone can recommend me a more stable release, it would be greatly appreciated. My intent in upgrading is purely to get a working release that can use Windows Maps.
Re: W10M Insider Preview 14364 Issues (Redstone Branch, Fast Ring)

I'm on an Icon (Verizon). I just upgraded last night but here is what I have found so far:

-- Battery life is terrible. Within one hour of taking the phone off the charger this morning, I was at 62%. This is without using the GPS
-- Messaging is buggy. Messages do not send after pressing the send button; the send button just disappears and the message stays in the text box for another minute or two before finally appearing in the conversation
-- Speech-to-text is gone for messaging. Not sure at what point that disappeared as I just upgraded from 8.1 last night (the complete lack of functioning driving apps on 8.1 is what pushed me to upgrade)

If anyone can recommend me a more stable release, it would be greatly appreciated. My intent in upgrading is purely to get a working release that can use Windows Maps.

Release preview? :amaze:
Re: W10M Insider Preview 14364 Issues (Redstone Branch, Fast Ring)

Found another one:

-- Search function in Store is broken. Lets me type two letters, then locks up or kicks me out of the app.

I really wish I had chosen to update at a time other than last night. I was planning to get the previous build that I knew was on fast track which had good reviews on the Icon. I got that one and it worked fine for about an hour, but before I got off of fast track the new update came and unexpectedly overwrote the good version. Is there no way to roll back without losing all my settings? I'm in the process of backing up everything now but would rather just roll back and keep everything intact. I have a audio recording app (Mini recorder free) which has about two years worth of musical sketch ideas in it but is refusing to backup to the cloud... :-(
Re: W10M Insider Preview 14364 Issues (Redstone Branch, Fast Ring)

Found another one:

-- Search function in Store is broken. Lets me type two letters, then locks up or kicks me out of the app.

I really wish I had chosen to update at a time other than last night. I was planning to get the previous build that I knew was on fast track which had good reviews on the Icon. I got that one and it worked fine for about an hour, but before I got off of fast track the new update came and unexpectedly overwrote the good version. Is there no way to roll back without losing all my settings? I'm in the process of backing up everything now but would rather just roll back and keep everything intact. I have a audio recording app (Mini recorder free) which has about two years worth of musical sketch ideas in it but is refusing to backup to the cloud... :-(

You have just updated from 8.1, you need a hard reset with backup as a clean installed desktop, or simply wait two days till phone stops caching and updating core apps. All iussues you wrote are fixed by weeks, Store is full operational. Check if by chance you got still upgrading apps in pending list, they must upgrade to win10 version
TIP: store itself must update, so in case of list pause all and start only store
Re: W10M Insider Preview 14364 Issues (Redstone Branch, Fast Ring)

Found another one:

-- Search function in Store is broken. Lets me type two letters, then locks up or kicks me out of the app.

I really wish I had chosen to update at a time other than last night. I was planning to get the previous build that I knew was on fast track which had good reviews on the Icon. I got that one and it worked fine for about an hour, but before I got off of fast track the new update came and unexpectedly overwrote the good version. Is there no way to roll back without losing all my settings? I'm in the process of backing up everything now but would rather just roll back and keep everything intact. I have a audio recording app (Mini recorder free) which has about two years worth of musical sketch ideas in it but is refusing to backup to the cloud... :-(

Justishar, sorry to hear of your situation...I know nothing of the Icon, but there are a lot of good people on this post that I am sure will be able to give you some good options. In the meantime, try a few soft restarts, and give it a little time, until a more knowledgeable person can advise you better. Good luck!

Update: there you go...Mauirzio is one of the many good guys";^)
Re: W10M Insider Preview 14364 Issues (Redstone Branch, Fast Ring)

"Hey Cortana" seems to be MUCH improved from this morning...pretty handy now (950XL":^)

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