Workaround to get Glance Screen back on build 10149


May 15, 2013
I believe I may have found a work around for getting glance screen back in build 10149, I've only tested this on my 920 as this is my only {Correction:04/07/14 - meant to say only not old... ooops lol} device and however it may not work for you.

It's a simple work around that involves downloading Glance Background, link below:

The other alternative is to use sysapp pusher, both this app and glance background will need to downloaded and installed from the old store as the store (beta) doesn't work however it may work for some of you. Personally I would recommend this method as Edge appears to have rendering issues for many of us.


1) It's not persistent or consistent off charge when phone auto times out (mine is set to 30 seconds) as you need to cycle the lock screen on and off to get it load up.
2) You cannot add your own background, the Glance background app crashes so your stuck with the preloaded screens (or you might get lucky and be able to change it)
3) Image becomes squashed when the time moves up the screen
4) Can sporadically cause a battery drain
5) You may end up with a fuzzy background & hazy text on Glance screen (seen only once).

What works for me, your experience will most likely differ:
1) Peek works (only if you had it previously enabled)
2) Glance remains on screen whilst charging, then times out as per normal (was enabled to be persistent whilst charging, that is off by default) {See Edit}
3) Night mode functions during the times set
4) Colour changed to blue from default for night mode - still shows blue
5) Custom lock screen notifications (indicators at the bottom of the screen)
6) Old Style battery icon, with battery saver icon and charging icon (when charging off course).

If I notice anything else, I'll update this post.

Also If this works for you or not, please post so it would give a better idea how effective is the work around.

2) Just after I posted this, to use project my phone via usb - glance is not persistent on screen whilst being charged by my laptop and not all that peek doesn't work either.

2nd Edit:
2) Had to lock screen cycle a few times, but now is persistent and peek also works... just my luck.. I probably sound completely mental :grincry::grincry:.
Last edited:


New member
Jun 20, 2011
Its why they call you TechFreak. booyah

BTW, I am road testing my HTC M8 Windows phone today. I've made some very painful discoveries on what works and what doesn't. So far, its hold up well and the battery is good too. I'll detail what I've learned at some point but I have to say, at least for now, WinXM is going to be one fantastic OS after all is said and done.

The Extreme G

New member
Dec 5, 2014
920 user here. This no worky for me. Here's why:

The old Store sees Glance as installed because it shows me the view button. When I try to open Glance Background it tells me that I need to enable Glance first then closes when I tap ok. The problem is Glance is nowhere to be found on my phone to enable it. Hitting the view button in the store takes me straight to the home screen. This method is a bust for me. :crying:


May 15, 2013
Its why they call you TechFreak. booyah

BTW, I am road testing my HTC M8 Windows phone today. I've made some very painful discoveries on what works and what doesn't. So far, its hold up well and the battery is good too. I'll detail what I've learned at some point but I have to say, at least for now, WinXM is going to be one fantastic OS after all is said and done.

Can't wait to read what your experiences are :), it's experiences through users like yourselves gives me an insight how phone sort of feels like. As to experience it myself I will have to import one and with the taxes, import duty etc just makes it completely uneconomical to do so. Not to mention completely hate carrier locked and branded phones. When I got my HTC TP2, these levies alone double priced I paid for the phone on ebay - {when you take the conversion in to account} and that was for a 10th hand phone which need some repairs. For a brand new phone?... eash too much lol.

920 user here. This no worky for me. Here's why:

The old Store sees Glance as installed because it shows me the view button. When I try to open Glance Background it tells me that I need to enable Glance first then closes when I tap ok. The problem is Glance is nowhere to be found on my phone to enable it. Hitting the view button in the store takes me straight to the home screen. This method is a bust for me. :crying:

Good to hear from another fellow 920 user!

Ah, that sucks, did you hard reset the device as soon after you installed from Wp8.1 or did you go from a previous build?

Reason I ask, is that once I started playing around with the new build the first thing I did was enable, check and set up glance. Plus I upgraded straight from Wp 8.1 and did not restore during Wp 10 the out-of-box-experience wizard (oobe). Only after I restarted the first time, which also happened to be after the device hub update. After this first restart / update did I start experience wierdness with the o/s and missing glance.

I can see why Jazmac has started to abbreviate Windows 10 Mobile / Windows 10 for Phones to WinXM, as typing either of these is slowly going to get pretty old - especially if you have a character limit!
But I'm not going to copy, sooo I might start using WpX - just to confuse people :evil:.

The Extreme G

New member
Dec 5, 2014
Ah, that sucks, did you hard reset the device as soon after you installed from Wp8.1 or did you go from a previous build?

Reason I ask, is that once I started playing around with the new build the first thing I did was enable, check and set up glance. Plus I upgraded straight from Wp 8.1 and did not restore during Wp 10 the out-of-box-experience wizard (oobe). Only after I restarted the first time, which also happened to be after the device hub update. After this first restart / update did I start experience wierdness with the o/s and missing glance.

I can see why Jazmac has started to abbreviate Windows 10 Mobile / Windows 10 for Phones to WinXM, as typing either of these is slowly going to get pretty old - especially if you have a character limit!
But I'm not going to copy, sooo I might start using WpX - just to confuse people :evil:.

I upgraded from 8.1 to W10M then did a hard reset. Every other system setting was/is populated under Extras except for Glance.
No biggie though. I'm pretty sure the next build is right around the corner. I'll grab that build and go from there.


May 15, 2013
I upgraded from 8.1 to W10M then did a hard reset. Every other system setting was/is populated under Extras except for Glance.
No biggie though. I'm pretty sure the next build is right around the corner. I'll grab that build and go from there.

I see, I'm curious did you enable glance before doing a hard reset?

In regards to the next build; possibly... I hope so.. as the auto correct is too ios-like for my liking it's driving me mental lol. For instance if I type
"This is quite irksome" it changes it to "This is quite it is some" or "Yeah sure" to "Yes Say" :grincry: :grincry: these are just some examples lol.

Maaz Mansori

New member
Apr 25, 2013
For me, Glance mostly works properly. If I try to add my own background images, they don't show up but otherwise Glance is fully functional from what I can tell. What I did, though, is instead of doing a hard reset in 10149, I downgraded to 8.1 first, updated all apps including Glance, uninstalled preinstalled apps (like from my carrier, etc, not system apps), and then upgraded back to 10149 and then reinstalled any apps, mostly from the new store but some like Glance Background I had to use the old store. The reason why I did this method is there were some stuck apps in the new store that wouldn't update and wouldn't uninstall, such as AT&T Radio and I didn't want to just do a hard reset because it results in Extra settings either showing up as a separate app or not at all.


New member
Jun 20, 2011
I just looked based on this thread and the comments that on my 920 and my 1520, the glance screen is still there after 10149.


May 15, 2013
I just looked based on this thread and the comments that on my 920 and my 1520, the glance screen is still there after 10149.

Interesting, either that is down to A/B testing or it's a widespread bug that impacts certain models / regions.

As the Glance app and extras+info app look like they have been removed from the store (beta).


New member
Jun 29, 2015
I also have it, 620 lumia, but its the basic app from long time ago, only shows clock and notifications, no date, etc...

but as soon as I update glance, its gone from the menu, while it still works.

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