Are there any problems updating Windows phone 10 on the 525?

Re: Windows phone 10

Remember, while as a whole there shouldn't be many issues, you should be prepared to erase the phone at a moment's notice as your install could very well go wrong in a way that makes it less than usable, requiring a hard reset or use of the Recovery Tool.
Re: Windows phone 10

I wouldn't do it. I did it yesterday with my Lumia 520 and it bricked. I have no store, no internet, no settings or even dialer. Cant do anything with it. The only apps I have are Skype, radio, Cortana and Here Drive. The Hard Reset doesn't do anything, just makes it worse.
Re: Windows phone 10

I wouldn't do it. I did it yesterday with my Lumia 520 and it bricked. I have no store, no internet, no settings or even dialer. Cant do anything with it. The only apps I have are Skype, radio, Cortana and Here Drive. The Hard Reset doesn't do anything, just makes it worse.

Then i strongly recommend using the Recovery Tool and trying again. That fixed my otherwise broken 920 install when i had it on my 920.

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