When will the Windows 10 update for phones be coming?

Sourav Agrawal

New member
Jul 16, 2015
when will be the windows 10 update for phones be coming??

Want to know when will be the windows 10 update for phones be coming??
Re: when will be the windows 10 update for phones be coming??

Based on the Microsoft FAQ page, Microsoft is working with partners so that eligible Windows Phones may receive the Windows 10 update later this year - give or take a one or two months.
Re: when will be the windows 10 update for phones be coming??

At least MS are supporting their devices. A lot of the 'other' OS OEM's don't bother. After a few months, and a new device appears, you tend to get forgotten about, unless like me, you delve into the world of rom cooking, and show the OEM's how it should be done! I have many Android phones that were dropped from updates, despite only being a year or so old! If that applied to Msoft, my 930 would be defunct!

Happy to wait patiently!

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