This guy hits the nail on the head with Windows 10 Mobile

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Yes each and every word he said was true. I really like Pocketnow's reviews (Especially Michael Fischer's)
The phone really is a "nope" right now lol.

Posted via the Windows Central App for Android
I have the 950, not the XL, but I've had ZERO of the issues here. With exception of the lacking apps and app compatibility - which is long known and expected with Windows 10 being so new, respectively.
I have the 950, not the XL, but I've had ZERO of the issues here. With exception of the lacking apps and app compatibility - which is long known and expected with Windows 10 being so new, respectively.

I was talking less about issues and more about him telling everyone to stop saying Windows 10 mobile is beta. If it is beta, they wouldn't be selling the thing.
I watched that review 2 times now and it's dead on. No matter how much we all love Windows 10 phone, it's a buggy mess. For the most part it's good but, app crashes, start menu crashes, battery drain, and most other issues are very common but, happens across devices. Preview and 950/950XL models.

You cant honestly sit here and say NONE of these issues affected you at all... I know fanboys WILL be fanboys but, there are issues.

Read through the preview threads and 950 and 950XL threads, 95% of the problems he said are not unknown on here.

It's no longer a beta, all these issues should of been resolved before these models were released.
I watched that review 2 times now and it's dead on. No matter how much we all love Windows 10 phone, it's a buggy mess. For the most part it's good but, app crashes, start menu crashes, battery drain, and most other issues are very common but, happens across devices. Preview and 950/950XL models.

You cant honestly sit here and say NONE of these issues affected you at all... I know fanboys WILL be fanboys but, there are issues.

Read through the preview threads and 950 and 950XL threads, 95% of the problems he said are not unknown on here.

It's no longer a beta, all these issues should of been resolved before these models were released.

I can honestly say that NONE of those issues are happening on my 950. Sure, I had one app that caused a restart & lag but it was old nonessential lock screen app, uninstalled & back to normal.

I don't know why I haven't had any of the issues we've all seen reported, but I haven't.
The review is spot on imo. Very honest. WPXBOX is another site which covers Windows News in India and it has also given a 7 to software on W10m.

Maybe it will get better but right now it's riddled with bugs (a whole lot of them are there) and not as stable as WP8 or even 8.1 was
No problems in my 950xl.
I swear most of the so-called 'tech authors' go out of their way to find problems with Microsoft stuff lol

Really? We clearly see start menu hanging up and going black, camera errors on his device. You're being ignorant.
Even if YOU did not have these problems and majority does, it's still a buggy OS.
Stop defending what's wrong.

Posted via the Windows Central App for Android
Really? We clearly see start menu hanging up and going black, camera errors on his device. You're being ignorant.
Even if YOU did not have these problems and majority does, it's still a buggy OS.
Stop defending what's wrong.

Posted via the Windows Central App for Android
I'm a massive Microsoft fan, but ill call them out in a second when they are sticking it to the consumers. Making excuses where there is real problems, just helps them not have to address the issue.
Really? We clearly see start menu hanging up and going black, camera errors on his device. You're being ignorant.
Even if YOU did not have these problems and majority does, it's still a buggy OS.
Stop defending what's wrong.

Posted via the Windows Central App for Android

No point in getting upset and calling others names. As much as it is fact that there are bugs and issues with some, it's also true that some are having no issues - I'm one of the latter with a 950, works great. Sorry.
No point in getting upset and calling others names. As much as it is fact that there are bugs and issues with some, it's also true that some are having no issues - I'm one of the latter with a 950, works great. Sorry.

I believe you, but my point is even if less than 10% of people have issues (which mind you, is not the case here), as a whole we have to say that OS is not working well. It's still buggy, because of its inconsistency.

Posted via the Windows Central App for Android
We all need to remember, for every 5 phones here that people own, there is about 200 people with the phone who has NEVER heard of WindowsCentral.

There are bugs out there, I dont even own a 950 or 950XL but, I have been reading them over and over on other sites
I have aLumia 1020 & a Lumia 950 running Windows 10 mobile. they are both runnng fine and I think 10 runs better on the 1020 than 8.1 did.
I think anyone who was enrolled as an Insider was not surprised to find out the OS was not ready. My experience with my 950 exceeded my expectations hardware wise, but I was always under the impression I would be starting out with a beta OS. I don’t think this was much different with launch of WP7 and WP8, we knew what we were getting into, and slowly but surely the OS improved and stabilized. I feel most of the bugs that some of us are encountering will soon be swept away with consistent updates. Fingers crossed.
My experience with my 950 exceeded my expectations hardware wise, but I was always under the impression I would be starting out with a beta OS..

This is the BIG problem, go into a store, Pay TOP dollar for a phone ($650 is towards the higher end of phones) and you get beta software.

Microsoft's name with big companies are going down hill because of this stuff... Enough with releasing OS's that are not finished just to meet a deadline.
This is the BIG problem, go into a store, Pay TOP dollar for a phone ($650 is towards the higher end of phones) and you get beta software.

Microsoft's name with big companies are going down hill because of this stuff... Enough with releasing OS's that are not finished just to meet a deadline.
I agree completely. I always said I don't know why they didn't just launch this phone a year ago with 8.1 but lacking some of the "features". Then when the OS was ready have the 950 family be first inline to get the OS update and firmware to open up the features".
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