Missing contact photos


New member
Apr 16, 2014
Hi there!
Anybody else have the problem that all of sudden the photos of the contacts (MS account) are missing? I mean, like, ALL of them. It's on my 1020 (14393.187) and on the 640 of my girlfriend (14393.103)
I hadn't noticed, but yes they are all gone. That's a bummer because I don't have most of the original photos any more.
Damnit! MS, what are you doing? If that's permanent I will have lost many great photos of friends
Hi there!
Anybody else have the problem that all of sudden the photos of the contacts (MS account) are missing? I mean, like, ALL of them. It's on my 1020 (14393.187) and on the 640 of my girlfriend (14393.103)

It has been reported here already few days ago. Issue is not the same for all users. My contacts are fine and as far as I know most of my friends does not have any issues... But yes, there is something wrong with contacts...
Curiously, the same happened to my wife's 535 still running on WP 8.1. I have a 640 running WM 10 and it did not affect me (touch wood)
In another forum I have read that Microsoft is migrating user data on outlook.com or something like that, and the bug might be related to that.
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Same contact pictures missing from Messaging app, no idea what's happened they did work before.
Same here on my Mom's 535 ..that was such hard work and now they're all gone ...oh the depair!!!
I might have lost some but fortunately for me i still have most on Google account. Still there...
I lost my contact pics on my phone and desktop when Outlook.com was finally upgraded to the new version a week or two ago. Contact pics pulled from other sources like LinkedIn remained in the online version.
Same here all of a down today I found my contact photos disappear and also assigned ringtones. My outlook mail also does not sync
I read somewhere that Facebook no longer work with Hotmail. Most of those pictures are pulled from Facebook.
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I had the same problem and more when MS upgraded my outlook.com account. Blew the whole Microsoft account up. I had to create a brand new MS account and start all over. Luckily I have everything backed up on my PC, just had to set everything up again. I tried everything to fix, even talked to MS level 2 support. As far as I know there is no fix. If you just lost the contacts pics you'll probably just have to put them back manually.

FYI - issue I had were outlook app wouldn't sync, calendar app wouldn't sync, couldn't log into mail, calendar, or people by the app or online. People pics all gone on phone. If anyone has these issues you'll probably have to create a new Microsoft account and start over.
mine just disappeared, pretty sure it was today. If they don't come back I'm gonna be pissed, because I don't sync mine with facebook (don't need 300+ people in my contacts when I communicate with like, 10) so I loaded all those photos in manually.
I'm on lumia 950, only the profiles with facebook are showing profile pictures, custom ones are all gone.
has anyone had their photos come back on their own after this? Just trying to decide whether to just wait for it or start blowing up support forums and feedback with it.

I submitted feedback this morning...much to my dismay I couldn't tell that it had been reported yet because there were no relevant results to upvote.
has anyone had their photos come back on their own after this? Just trying to decide whether to just wait for it or start blowing up support forums and feedback with it.

I submitted feedback this morning...much to my dismay I couldn't tell that it had been reported yet because there were no relevant results to upvote.

I had the same problem when MS upgraded my Outlook account this week.The contact photos did not come back.I never was on Facebook so all my contact photos had been set manually.I had set specific ringtones for my family members and those too went missing.
In addition ,my Mail and People apps had syncing issues both on laptop and mobile.The Microsoft community forums are full of users complaining of these issues.
Same boat. Unlocked 950XL. Began before .189 build. Contact pics, associated ring and text tones...all gone. Only Skype pics remain. (No Google or Facebook for me.)

And today, Outlook just keeps crashing.

Can't wait to see what comes next, missing emails? Corrupted MS account?
Can't wait to see what comes next, missing emails? Corrupted MS account?

It's amazingly frustrating. I never thought I'd say this, but I'm leaning toward Android for my next phone. I'm just so tired of feeling like I'm getting beta software even when I'm not on the insider program. Maybe I'll come back someday if MS can get their act together, but I'm tired of holding on to hope for them. I'll keep using my Icon until the battery goes south.

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