SMS messages received from iPhone on 950XL are in Chinese instead of English


New member
Sep 16, 2016
I recently replaced my 950XL and my new one is running 10.0.14393.321. Some of the text messages I receive from iPhone users come through as all Chinese characters if the message includes text and emoji. If it's just text, it comes through fine. If it's just emoji, they show up okay. It's not 100% of the time, though, and it only seems to be from iPhone. I'm with AT&T. Anybody seen this kind of behavior before or know what's wrong?
I am getting this same issue, though I have a Nexus 6P on Android 7. 2 iPhone users text me, and occasionally when they have text and emoji it gets screwed up somehow. Any fixes?
Having the same issue, came to see if anyone knows what the issue is. I get random texts in Chinese too.
It's not just on the 6P or 950XL. This has to be an iPhone bug. I got this today from a friend. She's using a newly updated iPhone 6 and I'm using an Honor X2 running Android 6.0.
I think those are the "stickers" they use. They send the proprietary pictures instead of symbolic links to preloaded icons, such as emojis. I bet if you could edit the data directly, it would just be a JPG without the data header.
I am haveing the same problem with texts sent from my sister's iphone. It will be mid conversation and a long text will come through from her, all in chinese.
She says that I am the only person who has gotten chinese texts from her and therefore thinks it is a problem with my phone.
It's not just a Windows phone either. I posted the pic above, and that conversation was between my phone (Android 6.0) and an iPhone 6S newly updated to the newest iOS.
I tested the sticker thing with a friend of mine last night. she sent beating hearts and text etc. and we couldn't figure out how to make it happen. It just seems to happen randomly. I know it isn't random, but until I figure out how to induce it, it seems that way.
I will play with settings and friends' iphones more and see if I can figure it out.
Got another one, today, just like the pic I posted above. I copied the text, put it in translator, and got gibberish. Text came from an iPhone. I was using a Nexus 6P. Weird.
Got this twice over the past month from one person. She has an iPhone 6 on OS 10, I have a Nexus 5X on 7.0 Nougat.

I suspect it's tied to the emojis
My wife sent me a text this morning from her l950 to my 950xl message looked just like that but on her phone it looked normal. I even copied and pasted the message and forwarded it back to her and she said the message looked normal I think the problem was on my end with my the 950xl. Looks like its a OS wide problem on alot of different phones interesting.

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Definitly not on your end. This is happening with the iphone's latest update. Not just you and your wife. I my sister's iphone is doing it. These forums are popping up all over and the phone sending the chinese is always an iphone. The problem is that something in the latest update has obviously made it so that some new feature doesn't know how to communicate with other phones. "it's an iphone thing; you other phones wouldn't understand" Literally.
It's definitely an iPhone or network thing since it affects both Android and Windows.
As far as I know my iPhone send normal txt to my wife's windows phone.
But I will have to try again with emoji when I get back to Canada.

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