Predictive Keyboard / Word Flow is a joke


New member
Nov 20, 2012
Do you guys agree that Predictive Keyboard and Word Flow on Windows Mobile 10 are just horrible? You swipe a normal word, and it doesn't even show up anywhere in the word carousel. Instead, it comes up with some choices that are totally off.

I have made a complaint on Feedback Hub but no action has been taken. So I thought it may be a good idea to list out here, all the words that you have tried typing/swiping and the choices returned by the keyboard. If anything let's hope that Microsoft could be shamed into fixing this.

Action: Swipe
Intended Word: specified
Carousel choices: decided, services, decides, shredded, switched, serious, spirited, satisfied, directed, affected, weirded (LOL). stuffed, second, studied, divided, addicted, specific, around, drive,
Another one...

Action: Swipe
Intended word: qualification
Carousel choices: Williston, walk-in, William, association, Waltham, admission, auditorium
Action: Swipe
Intended word: forgetful
Carousel choices: Doubtful, forceful, Fuel, Feel, Thoughtful, Dorel, Fidel, Vogel, Cheerful, Cordell, Ditto, Cheek, Doorbell, Cheryl, Cottrell, Deep, Greek, Freedom, Dettol

Yes if I swipe forget it gets it everytime??
Even small words like see come up as se, I've had ti before; these aren't even words. Does anyone have multiple languages installed?
Yeah, really gone downhill since WP8. I tired this corner using ha sore function, and, as goin can feel, It's second now.

Translated: I typed this completely using the swipe function, and, as you can tell, it's awesome now.
"Predictive Keyboard / Word Flow is a joke"

lol, never thought I would see such a tittle for a thread here, back in april 2014 if you were to tell me that, I would laugh for a year, wordflow on 8.1 was the best touch keyboard ever made, won a guinnes record, was envied by iverge guys and made the impression that your phone was reading your inner voice and pasting the words on the screen, even people that never liked android's swype keyboards stared at my phone like WOW after I convinced them to try it

but now we got a thinkpad-like cursor, so thats nice
This is one area that is frustrating for me as i'm constantly correcting words that don't even make sense. I'm also doing regular typing more often as a result as some words it is just completely blatant to them even if i slowly move across each letter.. It will put in the most grammatically incorrect words in place of what I'm writing. I thought this stuff is supposed to be intelligent? I agree windows 8.1 it was perfect.

I wish once I could write something like "is" and not have it be replaced with "it's".
I actually think that Word Flow is by far the best mobile keyboard, my suggestions are accurate, but I thinks its because I swipe and don't tap.
"Predictive Keyboard / Word Flow is a joke"

lol, never thought I would see such a tittle for a thread here, back in april 2014 if you were to tell me that, I would laugh for a year, wordflow on 8.1 was the best touch keyboard ever made, won a guinnes record, was envied by iverge guys and made the impression that your phone was reading your inner voice and pasting the words on the screen, even people that never liked android's swype keyboards stared at my phone like WOW after I convinced them to try it

but now we got a thinkpad-like cursor, so thats nice

Exactly! Word Flow in WP 8.1 was amazing, and I agree with you it is as though the phone could "read your inner voice and pasting the words on the screen". You don't even need a very high level of precision when swiping. Which is why it is so mind-boggling that the keyboard could have regressed by so much in WM10.

It is a sad irony that we are now given a thinkpad cursor, since we definitely need this cursor way more in WM10 than WP8.1. In WP8.1, I rarely needed to make corrections and usually it's only when I want to edit my sentence. In WM10 I am constantly making corrections all the time because of the broken keyboard.
I actually think that Word Flow is by far the best mobile keyboard, my suggestions are accurate, but I thinks its because I swipe and don't tap.

Yes, Word Flow is the best mobile keyboard.... in Windows Phone 8.1. The one in Windows Mobile 10 gives the impression of being completely broken and barely usable. Both swiping and tapping are problematic but swiping is probably worse, since in addition to the poor predictive text, there is also the poor gesture recognition.
Yes, Word Flow is the best mobile keyboard.... in Windows Phone 8.1. The one in Windows Mobile 10 gives the impression of being completely broken and barely usable. Both swiping and tapping are problematic but swiping is probably worse, since in addition to the poor predictive text, there is also the poor gesture recognition.

IME, I have the exact opposite of what you guys have
Nice topic!

Yea, 8.1 prediction was so much better, I don't understand what changed. The first builds of w10m, now that was really really horrible, it actually has gotten better lol.

Infact I just tried my RS2 phone (lumia 930) I tried @Bahamen original posted words, specified, qualification and forgetful. Perfect each time! I did try on my 950xl with Release Preview and only "qualification" made it on the first try.

Tried @scienceguylabs sentence and messed up words "typed" and "completely" but partly my fault cause I wasn't careful enough? second time more carefully spelled out worked.

It was a tough call about accuracy though in that I kinda felt the 950xl screen was too big for me to swipe and my 920 and 930 was always better. Maybe it's the case right now that using my 930 on rs2, I'm just naturally better at it that screen size. Won't know until I put my 950xl on RS2.

I do notice that it does learn as you keep correcting but sometimes when I want the other word it forces my learned word too much.

EDIT: I made my 950xl keyboard smaller and ended up being more successful. lol I dunno
there was no argument to be made about wp8.1's word prediction, it was a matter of giving it a try and coming back shocked

as you guys have expressed here, it is now frustrating trying to swype things and doing it twice and doing your best to trace the word as accurate as possible, and.. nope, won't work, while on 8.1 you could swype words like counterrevolutionary without even looking at the screen and magically it just appeared there

phone size you say? because 920 smaller than 950? 1520 is still bigger than 950 XL though, so no correlation there, wp8 phones were bigger than today's w10m's

btw I frequently use spanish and english, both were flawless on 8.1, spanish even more so thanks to accents being way easier to do while swyping
I actually think that Word Flow is by far the best mobile keyboard, my suggestions are accurate, but I thinks its because I swipe and don't tap.

I agree, i find the keyboard better and more accurate with predictions than the stock one on my Note 5
For the reasons brought up in this thread, and many, MANY more I get the distinct impression that everyone in Redmond is laughing at all of us for buying Lumia 950s/XLs or running W10M. They sure don't seem to give a dang about offering quality products in the mobile space, hardware or, especially, software...
One more reason not to "upgrade" to Windows 10 Whatever.
But that's provided that you are okay with using versions of apps that are outdated, and/or have only moved to Windows 10 Mobile. If you want to use some of the great apps, you're missing out. Never mind the fact that the switch for Skype will be shut off any day now on that OS.

My mind has entertained the idea occasionally, but missing out on general updates that have made some of these apps better just sucks.

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