- Dec 22, 2014
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From Neowin :
You can now get the Windows 10 Mobile Creators Update on your unsupported phone
By Rich Woods @@TheRichWoods · 8 hours ago
Earlier this week, Microsoft offered the Windows 10 Mobile Creators Update to the Release Preview ring of the Windows Insider Program. Since the official Creators Update is only coming to 13 phones, the company said that newly unsupported devices could continue to receive updates for the time being in the Release Preview ring.
But this wasn't exactly the case, or at least it was much more complicated than Microsoft originally let on. It turned out that your phone had to first be on build 15063 before getting updates for 15063 in the ring, which means that you must first upgrade your handset via the Slow or Fast ring, and then switch it to Release Preview.And that hadn't even been activated yet.
It's now been two days since LeBlanc said it would be "online shortly", and now, it's finally online. If you've upgraded your unsupported phone to the Creators Update, you should be on build 15063.138. Once you switch over to Release Preview, you will get 15063.251.
However, he also made it absolutely clear that "unsupported is unsupported", and that "feedback for unsupported devices won't be looked at by the team". Those who choose to install the Creators Update on any other handsets besides those on the 'approved' list will be doing so "at their own risk".
You can now get the Windows 10 Mobile Creators Update on your unsupported phone
By Rich Woods @@TheRichWoods · 8 hours ago
Earlier this week, Microsoft offered the Windows 10 Mobile Creators Update to the Release Preview ring of the Windows Insider Program. Since the official Creators Update is only coming to 13 phones, the company said that newly unsupported devices could continue to receive updates for the time being in the Release Preview ring.
But this wasn't exactly the case, or at least it was much more complicated than Microsoft originally let on. It turned out that your phone had to first be on build 15063 before getting updates for 15063 in the ring, which means that you must first upgrade your handset via the Slow or Fast ring, and then switch it to Release Preview.And that hadn't even been activated yet.
It's now been two days since LeBlanc said it would be "online shortly", and now, it's finally online. If you've upgraded your unsupported phone to the Creators Update, you should be on build 15063.138. Once you switch over to Release Preview, you will get 15063.251.
However, he also made it absolutely clear that "unsupported is unsupported", and that "feedback for unsupported devices won't be looked at by the team". Those who choose to install the Creators Update on any other handsets besides those on the 'approved' list will be doing so "at their own risk".