Thanks for that post. Works for me!
It's stuff like this that want to make people throw their windows phone in the lake and move to apple or android. One minute it's working, they push an update, and now your not getting notifications on your email. This is basic basic core stuff that should ALWAYS work from one update to the next. It's completely ludicrous that it doesn't. You want to change how it operates under the covers fine, code a migration path so it migrates that stuff to your "new" way automatically during the upgrade so users don't scratch their heads, get mad, spend time lookig up answers or just give up all together and learn to hate Microsoft. Get it together Microsoft!!!! It's also stupid silly why you can't set a custom notification on a newly added account UNTIL you get an email on it only then will it show up in the notifications & actions center for you to customize. SO somebody gets a new windows phone who decided to switch off of apple or android and now your gonna make them run hoops to figure out how to set an email notification.
This new update also seems to have removed several custom sounds, all the ones I was using, which is awesome, now I have to train myself for new sounds for the 3 different email accounts I have.