Windows 10 Mobile - Wishlist (pre 10586.164)

Re: Windows Phone 9 features wishlist

Wtf no live tile. Yeah .... No. That is one idea that doesn't make any sense what so ever.
Re: Windows Phone 9 features wishlist

add cerificates manager for IE and option to customize keyboard and longer battery life ;)
Re: Windows Phone 9 features wishlist

add cerificates manager for IE and option to customize keyboard and longer battery life ;)

Yes yes and longer batter life would be nice but that's subjective to every user . I get a full day with half a day to spare in my 810. So I'm fine with the battery life

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Re: Windows Phone 9 features wishlist

My wish list is sparse.

What me wants is a Spanglish keyboard, or at least one that recognizes multiple languages. I hate auto-correct with a passion. I can't help it if I start a sentence in English, switch to Spanish midway and back to English.

Bluetooth PAN and MAP profiles would be nice too.
Re: Windows Phone 9 features wishlist

Wtf no live tile. Yeah .... No. That is one idea that doesn't make any sense what so ever.

Which part of my reasoning do you not agree with? Obviously it's fine if you don't agree with me but it would be more interesting if you would say why. Also I didn't just say "no live tiles". I suggested a way to improve them and also a way to help those who don't like them.
Re: Windows Phone 9 features wishlist

Which part of my reasoning do you not agree with? Obviously it's fine if you don't agree with me but it would be more interesting if you would say why. Also I didn't just say "no live tiles". I suggested a way to improve them and also a way to help those who don't like them.

How would disabling live tiles an improvement ? The whole windows theme was live tiles , hubs and personalization . By removing live tiles all windows phone would have is static square and rectangle icons . So again I really don't see the improvement of no live tiles

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Re: Windows Phone 9 features wishlist

How would disabling live tiles an improvement ? The whole windows theme was live tiles , hubs and personalization . By removing live tiles all windows phone would have is static square and rectangle icons . So again I really don't see the improvement of no live tiles

That's a fair point, and gets straight to the heart of the matter. It's not the "live" thing that I don't like, but the "tile". Redesigning the UI to avoid the blocks and hard edges would make the phone look more familiar to potential users, and in my personal view, less ugly. And as I also suggested, Microsoft should make them more interactive (like Android widgets, and as shown in an MS video posted on this site a few months ago).
Re: Windows Phone 9 features wishlist

That's a fair point, and gets straight to the heart of the matter. It's not the "live" thing that I don't like, but the "tile". Redesigning the UI to avoid the blocks and hard edges would make the phone look more familiar to potential users, and in my personal view, less ugly. And as I also suggested, Microsoft should make them more interactive (like Android widgets, and as shown in an MS video posted on this site a few months ago).

I don't think making it more similar would make it more compelling . I'm not sure if removing the squares and rectangles is a good idea. I mean the whole UI and ideology is based off of square and rectangle UI . Inside the app we swipe to the right and left to get more content . So if they get rid of the squares and rectangle . They would really have to redesign the UI. In turn it would look more like android or iOS .

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Re: Windows Phone 9 features wishlist

I don't think making it more similar would make it more compelling . I'm not sure if removing the squares and rectangles is a good idea. I mean the whole UI and ideology is based off of square and rectangle UI . Inside the app we swipe to the right and left to get more content . So if they get rid of the squares and rectangle . They would really have to redesign the UI. In turn it would look more like android or iOS .

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Might as well get to ios and Android then
Re: Windows Phone 9 features wishlist

My most wanted feature. The one that I and anyone else wants is the elimination of these two words from the oS. Loading.... Resuming.... Anytime I see them, it makes whatever I'm doing slow to a crawl. Pisses me off as well
Re: Windows Phone 9 features wishlist

My most wanted feature. The one that I and anyone else wants is the elimination of these two words from the oS. Loading.... Resuming.... Anytime I see them, it makes whatever I'm doing slow to a crawl. Pisses me off as well

That too ! Though I have been getting less and less of those in the apps i use ( minus skype I get the resuming screen )?

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Re: Windows Phone 9 features wishlist

That's exactly what I did. And 95%+ of other smart phone buyers. Nice on Steve! Anyone interested in solving that problem?
Can't be helped if you desire a different UI. The tiles drove me to WP in the first place and I've stuck there, despite a brief stint with Android.
Re: Windows Phone 9 features wishlist

Can't be helped if you desire a different UI. The tiles drove me to WP in the first place and I've stuck there, despite a brief stint with Android.

It could be helped if Microsoft changed the UI or offered an alternative. They should look at Android, which allows different launchers to be installed. That would help solve the problem.
Re: Windows Phone 9 features wishlist

It could be helped if Microsoft changed the UI or offered an alternative. They should look at Android, which allows different launchers to be installed. That would help solve the problem.
Like a metro mode and an icon mode?
Re: Windows Phone 9 features wishlist

Nice well said but you are forgetting a few items as well

this is a rehash of my old post but it may over lap some of what you said
Windows phone 8.1 list of items to work on
1. Lock screen needs to be more expressive / Functional (more notification icons, , music controls on the lock screen with artist album and song labels ( we don’t need the album art like kitkat offers as the background).
2. Lock screen lock options needed (ie picture password, voice unlock, face unlock, pattern unlock and pin).
3. Actionable notification icons on lock screen option (double tap an icon will open the respective app.
4. Battery percentage on lock screen
5. Actionable Toast notifications mock up see attached pic.
6. Action Center Toggles should be on and off switches not take you to the settings menu for wifi.
7. Action Center Toggles should be at least 6 or more scrollable like Samsung does theirs.
8. A toggle for Ring mode (Ring , Ring and Vibrate, Silent, vibrate).
9. Action center notifications should be able to swipe left or right to dismiss them.
10. Action Center notifications should auto collapse as more notifications come in (expandable and contractible ala android).
11. Settings Menu can do with a tiled icon view as well as the current list view would be nice.
12. When one taps phone we should have the option to go right into the dialer or the recent call screen. (I would prefer a sliding interface so from the dialer slide left for recent calls)
13. An all programs grid view would be nice.
14. When you launch Cortina she should expect me to speak or preferably a hello cortana would launch cortana from anywhere and she would be already listening to what I have to say.
15. Folders should be built into the os not a nokia app.
16. Make app resume and refresh time instantaneous or allow apps to periodically refresh in the background (ie getting a notification on fb messenger is faster than on my s4 but the apps has to resume then refresh to be up to date this should be seamless like on android. Maybe as a notification comes in the app refreshes and moves to a not suspended state for at least a minute so going into the app feels faster??? idk just saying MS).
17. More BIG Name APPS that are coded properly with Full Feature set as ANDRIOD or IOS counterpart (I.E PAY DEVLOPERS TO BUILD AND UPDATE APPS FASTER KIND OF LIKE WHAT BLACKBERRY IS DOING.) Faster App updates (yes you Instagram lazy arse and others).
18. Natively coded Facebook app please also chat heads or chat tile support would be nice for FB messenger.
19. Power intensive apps native or not need to be refined
20. More options under the camera UI settings menu I mean android and even BB have more options
21. Notification light Support for non Nokia or devices not supporting glance screen (or an option to blink the windows key alone if notifications come in).
22. Missing apps I need …. drop box, pulse news, oovoo, swarm ( foursquares replacement), google apps (youtube, google search, google+ etc), sound hound pro, and others
23. IR blaster support??
24. Keyboard is good … well done android phones I usually have to change for that but I have gripes. Do like LG or even Fleksy for android adjustable key size would be nice, add or remove certain keys would be nice, flick to the left would be good to delete works when swype is off, manually enter words into dictionary would be nice. Would love it if Windows would allow at least fleksy to integrate its keyboard into the phone as a replacement or if yall work with fleksy and integrate some of its features.
25. Option to 3rd party keyboards maybe
26. Option to separate ringtone and notification volume toggles.
27. The X on an app in the task switcher should be a red Square with a white X in it stay true to windows please lol.
28. Weather clock tile would be nice (I.E give the weather tile the option to show the clock on it too with options as to how you would like information displayed on the tile).
29. Camera should show resolution options grouped under 16:9 wide or 4:3 for have resolutions to choose from and more options on the stock windows phone app

mock up of the actionable notifications feature
View attachment 68866

U want android and iOS on Windows Phone?
Coz all those features are from iOS and Android
Don't u want ur WinPhone experience to be unique from other Os's?
Or just want an "integration" of features among OS's?
Re: Windows Phone 9 features wishlist

U want android and iOS on Windows Phone?
Coz all those features are from iOS and Android
Don't u want ur WinPhone experience to be unique from other Os's?
Or just want an "integration" of features among OS's?

great artists steal thats why Google and ios stole MS flat design
bringing the features to windows does not mean a non unique experience as MS can implement it in a completely new way
and btw one or two features are from blackberry ... actionable notifications are from bb that ios stole and made it their own ....
this list is getting trimmed and refined btw ill post it when im done finding stuff in the OS that needs fixing or flat out improving.
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Re: Windows Phone 9 features wishlist

U want android and iOS on Windows Phone?
Coz all those features are from iOS and Android
Don't u want ur WinPhone experience to be unique from other Os's?
Or just want an "integration" of features among OS's?

If this was the general idea, we would still be on windows phone 7

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