Microsoft rumored to change UI in WP9


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Jul 15, 2013
So I have heard a rumor going around ever since 2013 from what I believe if I can recall a Russian leaker who tweeted about Windows Phone 9 being a complete new User Interface. Now I am seeing a few more recent rumors popping up from other sources. Do any of you believe that Microsoft, the Windows Phone team, or lets just say Joe Belfiore would pull off such as I personally think of it. A stupid move? I mean ask yourself. Why would Microsoft build such a ground stable OS putting so much effort and money into it and then 4 years later revamp the whole thing? I don't believe this rumor at all! I'm forcing myself not to, sound off on your thoughts below!!
Well, there're also all the rumors that sound pretty likely of the live tile interface being integrated in the start menu of Windows 9. I wouldn't think that they'd start expanding the implementation of this UI and then just scrap it on WP.
Although I'm not gonna completely discount the idea because this "new" (kina) interface started on WP, so the next one could, too. But that also depends on if you consider WP the next version of Windows Mobile, or something entirely different.
But then there're also the rumors of Windows and WP being more closely related to each other, which would lead me to think that they would definitely have the same UI.
Well, If what they say is true on the rumors of Windows RT and Windows Phone merging. This is what everyone says will be Microsoft's part for competing in the Tablets marketing. And if that's true, then why would they have one OS be all Start screen and touch and then Windows Phone going back to Windows Mobile changing the experience? I just really hope they don't do it man. Cause the one 'personal' opinon on this rumor to me is... Like I said. Why stress on spending money and getting apps that have a Modern UI and going with the All-out live tiles and such and then scrap it all and start over?? I know that this is Satya Nedella's company now but remember Windows Phone was something that started their whole one experience for everything in your life. and also started the UI in the first place. Also, just because you are going back to the Desktop for non-touch displays doesn't mean you need to change WP.... I don't know many, Like I said. They better not do it or I'm all out going back to Android. The Start Screen and UI of WP is the only and best reason why I am on this platform.
Why would Microsoft build such a ground stable OS putting so much effort and money into it and then 4 years later revamp the whole thing? I don't believe this rumor at all! I'm forcing myself not to, sound off on your thoughts below!!

They've changed the UI each revision of WP - WP7.0 was very different from WP8.1. 9.0 seems about right for a major UI upgrade, especially since this version needs to work on both phones and tablets. If they've got a new idea for a UI that makes it easier for apps to scale their UI seamlessly from 3.5" budget phones to 13" tablets then this is as good a time as any to give it a go.
They've changed the UI each revision of WP - WP7.0 was very different from WP8.1. 9.0 seems about right for a major UI upgrade, especially since this version needs to work on both phones and tablets. If they've got a new idea for a UI that makes it easier for apps to scale their UI seamlessly from 3.5" budget phones to 13" tablets then this is as good a time as any to give it a go.

Well may I just say with my own thought that I think that that is the absolute dumbest concept and strategy that Microsoft has ever or is thinking about pulling. Look at iOS, changed once out of 6 versions, Android over the years has changed by only inproved graphics and better features. Heck! look at Blackberry, changed a few times but is solid. And if what you say is true that they change the UI periodically and try to convince people to come to this OS for this reason and then start all over with the same stuff another 4-5 years. Then again and again. Well you might as well count MS out of the game cause they will never reach 10% of the Global or US market if they keep that bull**** up.
Well you might as well count MS out of the game cause they will never reach 10% of the Global or US market if they keep that bull**** up.

There's very little evidence that they'll reach that kind of market share with their current UI. I don't know if their Metro/Modern UI helps them or hurts them in the market - my guess is that it hurts them simply because it's too different, and if it were an actual competitive advantage somebody would have noticed by now.
There's very little evidence that they'll reach that kind of market share with their current UI. I don't know if their Metro/Modern UI helps them or hurts them in the market - my guess is that it hurts them simply because it's too different, and if it were an actual competitive advantage somebody would have noticed by now.

I agree. At this point Microsoft has nothing to lose. What's the down side of changing things up? Four years after WP's release it's at 2.5% market share.
Yeah they should make it so that the Control Center is pulled up from the bottom and the screen and you activate the voice assistant by holding down the Home button. Ooh and instead of sliding up to enter your password on the lock screen, how about swiping to the right! Wait...
Yeah they should make it so that the Control Center is pulled up from the bottom and the screen and you activate the voice assistant by holding down the Home button. Ooh and instead of sliding up to enter your password on the lock screen, how about swiping to the right! Wait...

I know we all have our own opinions. But to my opinion, that is sooooo iOS with the suggestion of the Control Center from the bottom. And I do somewhat agree on the lock screen. But why ONLY up? Up or down sounds more like it. And what the hell would the search button be for then? Bing? which may I remind you is for Cortona now? Kind of pointless to have Bing on one button and Cortona on another. And again the home button to access a Virtual assistant is soooo iOS again.
Yeah they should make it so that the Control Center is pulled up from the bottom and the screen and you activate the voice assistant by holding down the Home button. Ooh and instead of sliding up to enter your password on the lock screen, how about swiping to the right! Wait...

I see what you did there 😉
How did that song by Timex Social Club go? "How do rumors get started? They're started by jealous people."

When you're constantly in the rumor mill, your competition is worried.
Think about it this way: the UI changed, a lot, from WP7 to WP8. Now we have 4 rows of small tiles, what what! It changed a lot again for WP8.1: now we can have 6 rows of tiles even in 4.5" phones and we even have folders in 8.1.1, woohoo! Those are all considerable UI changes. You can expect a similar amount of change in WP9 - maybe those interactive tiles we've heard about?
Why would Microsoft build such a ground stable OS putting so much effort and money into it and then 4 years later revamp the whole thing? I don't believe this rumor at all! I'm forcing myself not to, sound off on your thoughts below!!

You mean like from Windows 7 to Windows 8?
...They better not do it or I'm all out going back to Android....

How about we try this. Try out the new UI first then decide. If MS was able to win you over with the old UI, they might just do a good job again with the new. Plus I doubt they will do anyting substantially different from the Live Tiles. Interactive tiles, new shapes for the tiles, more animations for the tiles. Hey they may even finally give us more colors for the light and dark background. These all seem more likely of what they might do. You can come down from off that ledge.

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