Will Windows 10 die in the Consumer Space?


New member
Nov 1, 2014
Windows 10 brings a unity of the desktop, tablet, phone, xbox etc. With universal apps, one can play a game on your phone and then continue on your tablet.

But my question is, what is stopping Apple and Google doing the same? The combination of ios and osx, android on phone and tablet.

Apple is known for copying and using technology already available: they are not innovators. But they are good a marketing. When Windows 10 comes next year, won't Apple and Google do the same? Won't this mean that the developers are still not incentivised to create apps for Windows.

Will Windows therefore die in the consumer space?
I'm a master in the future and u can say that no one knows what's gonna happen from now on with Windows 10 .. I think we just should hope the best for this system but I think that are enough posts asking same things over and over.. It's not going to change our lifes.. But maybe it will help us in productivity entertainment or whatever but just sit comfortably and see what happens..
Nobody knows what will or won't happen
I don't know...
But if so, how will Windows 10 be unique to the competition?

Windows 10 does still have the dominant force in the desktop market and if their plans for gaming come into fruition allowing Xbox games to run on windows, then apple or google won't be able to compete with that. Apple is already doing similar things with IOS 8 and Macs. So we can't exactly say they are or will copy since technically they did it first. Continuity and handoff for example.

Google is trying to do this with chromebooks and android apps on that.

But Microsoft does still have some dominant forces that it just needs to properly use. You really shouldn't be doom and gloom till you see what windows 10 truly brings.
I think we just should hope the best for this system but I think that are enough posts asking same things over and over.. It's not going to change our lifes..

Erm...if Windows does die or have much fewer users, then Microsoft will have less revenues. Microsoft believes in charging for services to make the software better. Lower revenue means that our software becomes worse...

Microsoft could end Windows if it doesn't become profitable, and stop updates.

So yeah, I think this is gonna change our lives, don't you?
But Microsoft does still have some dominant forces that it just needs to properly use. You really shouldn't be doom and gloom till you see what windows 10 truly brings.

I agree Microsoft is dominant with the desktop. But the desktop is already starting to fade. Look at hp, dell and other oems. Even Intel is starting to face fierce competition with ARM.

I'm not being doom and gloom. I want Windows to live. I've invested heavily in Windows and other Microsoft services. I don't want to see that go to waste.
People say that Windows desktops are going away, but I really do not think that is true. Percentage wise, yes it is being overshadowed by mobile operating systems (the Lumia 520 was the most popular single Windows device ever), but there will always be a place for desktop computers. It may not continue to grow as much, but it will always be there. That is why Google is trying to make headway in that regard with Chromebooks, but MS will be dominant in that sector for the forseeable future.
The one big leg up that Microsoft has on its competitors is the proximity of a truly unified OS across devices. This is something that Apple and Google are a long way away from, if they are even working on it at all.
Even if wp 10 device fails MS will flog the dead horse they have been doing it.
From Windows phone
I agree Microsoft is dominant with the desktop. But the desktop is already starting to fade. Look at hp, dell and other oems. Even Intel is starting to face fierce competition with ARM.

Desktops will not fade. A full desktop computer is simply better and more efficient at productivity tasks than smartphones and tablets. I constantly run 8+ tabs in both IE and Firefox, while working in Word, Excel, Adobe Acrobat, etc. There is no way you can do that efficiently with a smartphone or tablet, which are only good for simple tasks (that a desktop is faster at too).
Sure, it is not portable like a smartphone or tablet, but at home where portability is not an issue, a desktop is my most used device.
Lawyers all use Word, vast majority of government workers use Outlook, Word, Excel, I see more and more average home users finally accepting Windows 8 and curious about the variety of Windows devices. And I'm seeing Windows phones looking better every day. I think MS is on a good path.

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