Windows 10 Music+Video app (WMP 13) Concept


New member
Oct 31, 2012
Okay, I being putting off this for a long time now, but I guess I should share this concept for the multimedia experience of Windows 10. From my understanding, Microsoft is adding flac support to the aging Windows Media Player which haven't changed much Windows 7, heck, it even kept all the faux glass and other nasties from the era of the old.

Back to the flac part, I started wondering does Microsoft is going to axe the Music and Video metro apps and put all their efforts on a new Windows Media Player version 13 or most probably going to reintroduce the hub concept back. Remember the unified store in the leaked Windows 10 build 9901?

Anyway, I don't want to waste screen real estate with this lengthy introduction, here it is: Music+Videos app on Windows 10.

Windows 10 Media Player (Desktop).png

This new app is a reimplementation of the old Zune software back in the Windows Phone 7 days, but it essentially an entertainment hub for the Windows desktop, and maybe carry over the interface to Windows Phone 10 and Xbox as well. A picture is a worth a thousand words guys, please let me know if there is any improvements.
..looks like you took the zune for windows software and threw a background on it, I prefer the zune software as it is currently, your concept isn't "bad" but its very lacking and needs a lot of refinements, also, I don't think Microsoft is going back the the zune's art style (though god how i wish they would... Zune forever FTW)
Well, actually its something like that, hence I mentioned it is a reimplementation of the Zune software on Windows 10. Its an initial concept by the way. I am currently busy with my real life so I have no real time to add more stuff onto it.

And yeah, Microsoft is going to the old fashion way: the dreaded hamburger menus.
I think the biggest issue is the jarring text, I'm honestly not sure how to fix it, but something definately needs done.. fix that issue and this may be a nice concept.
As a huge fan of the Zune software, I like this. I really miss syncing my WP(7.x) up to Zune and wish they would've kept it for WP8
man, I really miss the zunes wireless syncing ability, that was amazing, I really wish theyd bring that back

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