Rumour.. Leaked windows phone 10 photos

I would have guessed that they were adding custom backgrounds, its been my most requested feature since W8. Looks decently legit.
That's gotta be fake. It doesn't include the new metro design language also it still has IE included


EDIT: I think that's more of a GDR update than WP10
Seems legit. But something makes me think that this is rather 8.1 GDR2 than W10. I expect W10 to look, well...a bit different.
It makes sense, since the Windows teams will want more unity with Windows on PCs...

...but I really don't like how this looks.
Yep! seems like the next update of WP8.1 to me.
I expect from the update this wallpaper thingy and Lumia Camera 5 (the new app) as the default camera app.
That's would be a nice way to keep us busy until the release of Windows 10 for phone!
I could probably get used to it, but as far as Live Tile design goes, I prefer the one we've got now, with the tile skins. Hopefully there'll be an option to enable/disable it, like three-tile layout. I'm wondering if 'exploding tiles' (not my phrase) might appear, where a tile can separate into other sub-tiles - I'm sure it was reported on Windows Central as a rumour not too long ago.
Instead of that I prefer this..
I'm not sure if this is real although I want to say I told you so to some people doubting the relevance of background images to the home screen. It's so gorgeous.

I'm pretty sure this will be the next update after denim if it were true since I'm expecting change a bit bigger than that for Windows 10.

Posted via Windows Phone Central App for Android!
win 10 for phones should have 3 screens
1.without any tiles only clock tile
swipe right to left
2. live tiles(favourite apps )
on live tile screen swipe right to left list
the background should have two options
1.static wallpaper
2.animated wallpaper(live wallpaper in case of android)
with customization phones screen will be eye catching which increases popularity
Instead of that I prefer this..

This is a great concept, but I will be really upset if the status bar moves to the bottom of the phone.
This is a great concept, but I will be really upset if the status bar moves to the bottom of the phone.
yeah I don't think Microsoft will move status bar at the bottom of the phone. Besides it's only a concept, not official.
win 10 for phones should have 3 screens
1.without any tiles only clock tile
swipe right to left
2. live tiles(favourite apps )
on live tile screen swipe right to left list
the background should have two options
1.static wallpaper
2.animated wallpaper(live wallpaper in case of android)
with customization phones screen will be eye catching which increases popularity

So basically the Android interface??? Erm.. no thanks!!!!

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