Windows 10 Action Center concept


New member
Nov 1, 2013
Well, hello everyone.

I'm a wannabe designer and this is my first attempt to go further that a sketch in my notebook. I have zero experience in this and technically it is a PowerPoint presentation recorded with Bandicam. I sure know this is not perfect, so I came not for likes but for feedback.

The idea is good, the design is bad.
Also I don't pulling the action center from the left side, and it taking that much space. I would put it somewhere else.
The idea is good, the design is bad.
Also I don't pulling the action center from the left side, and it taking that much space. I would put it somewhere else.

Well, in comparison to other platforms it doesn't take that much space. Only Android's notification shade takes less place when there are none or a few short entries.
And why don't you like the side choice? Banners pop up from the right side, makes sense to put the panel there.
I prefer some kind of a pop-up (like the thing they now have on Windows 10 TP).
Actually from what I've seen it won't be bad. The desktop work preety well with touch (Surface Pro).

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