People don't understand the service model of Windows 10.


New member
Aug 17, 2014
I keep reading articles with misinformed consumers thinking that after the first year of free Windows 10 upgrade that they would have to pay for a subscription to keep using the OS.

The update is free to the new OS for all users using Windows 7 and up for the first year. After that if you want to upgrade then there may be a charge to purchase the upgrade OS. They are not going to charge you a yearly fee to use the OS once you have it installed.

Just ranting in case no one understood what they meant by the first year free.
To be fair, mentioning the word "service" would confuse just about anyone.

Anyway, here's a Windows blog entry: The next generation of Windows: Windows 10

"This is more than a one-time upgrade: once a Windows device is upgraded to Windows 10, we will continue to keep it current for the supported lifetime of the device – at no cost. "
They need to bold that. I am sure that they didn't think that people would confuse it but they did. Hopefully they will clarify or someone somewhere can clarify that model later.
I suspect the service model is because features in Windows like OneDrive and the store are paid services. That's why they want everyone on the new platform.

They did say the core licensing model has not changed though. So there's no annual charge for just using Windows. No different to any other current OS..
It didn't help that months ago they word "subscription" was mentioned by someone somewhere regarding the next Windows version. So that was what was in my head when "services" came up. Definitely a misfire on MS's part today.
I think the Microsoft strategy it's for avoid piracy, as an stimulus whose have their Windows legal ,I think they will do as is done with Windows 8 and,8,1 the same will happen with Windows 10 upgrade will come either in an ISO or as Windows update package
It makes me wonder if dvd sales in the first year will even happen. This could be the first non iso version of windows to kill the pirates.

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