Desktop in Windows 10 Smartphone?

I don't think it will run desktop mode, however, I could be wrong. We could wait and try it out when windows 10 preview comes out for the phone in a few weeks.

As for desk to apps. The current phone processors would not be able to run full apps. Maybe the next Gen phones will if they switch to Intel or something.
It will require that the phone have an Intel processor in order to do so. However, Microsoft has previously stated (can't recall where), and it was alluded to in this presentation today, that a special coding went into devices that are 8" and smaller to better fit the form factor. Previously, MS stated that 8" and below would not get Desktop. However, it sure looked like the 8" tablet in a demo I saw on YouTube had a Desktop mode, but only when using a bluetooth keyboard and mouse. Perhaps the Bluetooth keyboard and mouse will come to Windows 10 on the phones now?
I can't think of scenarios where this could be so useful that compensates the cost of including the desktop. The cost are storage for full Windows, a bigger cpu, battery drain and security problems.

What I'd really like to see is: If I connect the phone to a big screen, through hdmi or miracast, the projected app should use the PC UI of the universal app, not the phone UI. Both UIs would have to be downloaded to the phone, ,the PC UI could be downloaded at demand, when needed.
It needs a home screen that's your own....that is 100% custom.....your "Desktop" if you will
I want an x86 super phone that I can drop onto an nfc enabled wireless charging pad and have it automatically pair a Bluetooth keyboard and mouse and Miracast a desktop UI to my WiDi display.
I want an x86 super phone that I can drop onto an nfc enabled wireless charging pad and have it automatically pair a Bluetooth keyboard and mouse and Miracast a desktop UI to my WiDi display.

We are likely to get that. The desktop UI just won't be the Win32 desktop, but universal apps that configure their UI for large screens.
I want an x86 super phone that I can drop onto an nfc enabled wireless charging pad and have it automatically pair a Bluetooth keyboard and mouse and Miracast a desktop UI to my WiDi display.

Won't be the next flagship for sure. However, I wouldn't be surprised is MS isn't already thinking about trying to make this technology feasible to bring us all one step closer to that reality.
with windows 8 you can kind of do this already throug remote desktop apps on your windows phone. I think it will still be possible on windows 10.
Now I understand that desktop (Win32) app need x86 or x64 based processor to run. But I think desktop mode for universal (modern) apps is kinda cool feature, like Windows RT 8.1 have, and that small tablet that Joe Belfiore hold at the event a couple days ago.
I hope I could see this feature or maybe slightly modified/compact version of Desktop on high resolution & big screen phone, that we can run multiple apps on single screen.

There is also a rumor about WP8.1 GDR2 will support Bluetooth HID, and first thought that comes into my mind is using a windows phone with a mouse and keyboard. Haha.
Maybe, depend on the system's interval code, if it is SHARED like how Microsoft said (3 screens and 1 cloud), then it would be possible, Surface Pro 4/5 would have SIM card implemented on it, with Phone, Tablet, Full version of Windows 10 in it (All in One OS)

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