Where does W10 leave Windows RT tablets?

You just quoted me as saying it. When I say I don't want Zune back, I mean I'll take ANYTHING else. I prefer a simple app that only plays what I have already saved on my device. I honestly don't want the online features, searching features, music downloading features, etc. I just want an MP3 player for my local collection. Which is why I use SimPlay. Not to mention SimPlay gives me choice between portrait and landscape mode. That's the only thing XBox Music is missing at this point for my own needs... landscape orientation. But that's MY preferences, and perhaps not the same as very many.

Yeah, I do believe both apps will be replaced by the new music app in the Windows 10 TP. I'll find out as soon as Win10 for the phones is previewed.
You just described Zune.
I have to agree with the OP and what others have stated through this thread. I installed the preview and within a day it was back to 8.1 on my SP3. The start screen is clunky at best. Things like whenever I close metro apps, it shot me back to the desktop. When all I wanted to do was go to the start menu and launch another pinned app. Now I know, they're working on things for desktop users currently. But man, could you of screwed up tablet mode anymore with what Microsoft has done?! I normally love being on the cutting edge and trying out the new stuff to provide feedback. But that was just unbearable.
I don't think anyone can answer that yet. Windows 10 has a "tablet mode" and I think that kind of explains the direction they are going. It's a shame.
The app has a completely different UI, looks completely different and acts completely different and is a universal app to boot.
Denial is not just a river in Egypt

Ah yes, because, an app cant gain functionality and a different UI without the code being completely re-written from scratch right?
Ah yes, because, an app cant gain functionality and a different UI without the code being completely re-written from scratch right?
The new Windows apps were said to be new universal apps. If the old ones weren't universal, then it stands to reason that the new ones were rewritten.
The new Windows apps were said to be new universal apps. If the old ones weren't universal, then it stands to reason that the new ones were rewritten.

or its been universal the whole time, they just didnt release the WP version.

and saying "new unversal app" doesnt mean much, microsoft calls all big updates new.
or its been universal the whole time, they just didnt release the WP version.

and saying "new unversal app" doesnt mean much, microsoft calls all big updates new.

​No, the universal API is coming with 10. Logic dictates that they haven't been universal due to API changes from even the desktop 8.1 to 10.
I've been wondering the same, I still want a newer +10" windows tablet for entertainment, and I DONT want OR need an intel cpu or x86 apps on it, quite the contrary, I just want a big touchscreen with a web browser and media players with 20h battery life, x86 its just a major hindrance for this scenario, I don't want a fan on my tablet, and I don't want a cheap x86 cpu struggling between performance & battery consumption/heat either, so im just gonna wait for that might surface 3 to emerge, and I hope its bigger, faster, thinner, longer lasting and has full w10 without x86 crap to shot it down
I've been wondering the same, I still want a newer +10" windows tablet for entertainment, and I DONT want OR need an intel cpu or x86 apps on it, quite the contrary, I just want a big touchscreen with a web browser and media players with 20h battery life, x86 its just a major hindrance for this scenario, I don't want a fan on my tablet, and I don't want a cheap x86 cpu struggling between performance & battery consumption/heat either, so im just gonna wait for that might surface 3 to emerge, and I hope its bigger, faster, thinner, longer lasting and has full w10 without x86 crap to shot it down

The current x86 Atom sounds like what you can go for. Its surprisingly efficient.
Fanless, it can power through even some PC games. If someone told me the new Intel Atom was fanless and could play light Starcraft II games, I wouldn't have believed them. I tried it for myself and while not the best experience, it still blew me away. (a far cry from my 2008-9 Atom netbook that'll get 5 fps at most while channeling its inner leaf blower.)
Previous gen CloverTrail Atoms aren't too bad, although not great.

You don't have to use x86 programs, just pretend its RT and x86 will come in handy once-in-a-blue moon.

I believe x86 hardware is better than you seem to think.
While in general, battery life just hasn't reached that level of 20hours, I think there's some devices out there you may like. I'm not sure if it is that model or not, but the Dell Venue 11 Pro comes in an Atom model and the laptop-esque dock includes an extra battery. (main battery is swappable too)

For better or worse, RT is gone. It has its uses back when what you said was true, but its been eclipsed by the leaps Intel made.
I've been wondering the same, I still want a newer +10" windows tablet for entertainment, and I DONT want OR need an intel cpu or x86 apps on it, quite the contrary, I just want a big touchscreen with a web browser and media players with 20h battery life, x86 its just a major hindrance for this scenario, I don't want a fan on my tablet, and I don't want a cheap x86 cpu struggling between performance & battery consumption/heat either, so im just gonna wait for that might surface 3 to emerge, and I hope its bigger, faster, thinner, longer lasting and has full w10 without x86 crap to shot it down

​What tablet gets 20hrs of battery life?
For better or worse, RT is gone. It has its uses back when what you said was true, but its been eclipsed by the leaps Intel made.

Even more, Intel is subsidizing the Atom CPUs, so they're cheaper. However, market conditions can change at any moment, Microsoft has to be ready to comeback to ARM.
Mobile CPUs are becoming so powerful that are good enough for laptops. If ARM takes the lead Microsoft would be at disadvantage not only in the tablet market, but also in the PC market.
Universal apps and HTML5 are neutral, the dependency on x86 could disappear fast for a lot of people. In fact, It can be argued that It doesn't exist already for most of the consumers. Legacy win32 apps could be supported through virtualization.

Windows RT is not dead, It's in a latent state waiting for better market conditions.
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