CNET turning into MS fanboys, good sign


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May 7, 2013
I hated CNET. They were Apple fanboys to the bone. They always talked bad about MS products. But ever since January 21 things have turned around. I see articles all the time now that talk about how good MS is heading and they are expressing their worries about Apple.
This is just one of the positive articles lately. This is a very good sign for MS. When you get all the tech websites behind you it will resonate to the general public.
The Verge is very slowly changing too. But it will take a bit longer for that website I guess.
Anyway, just wanted to share my thoughts on this.
This quote from the article concerns me a little:

"Microsoft -- with its hardware, and with its upcoming Windows 10 operating system -- is actually blazing a bold trail. One that Apple may actually be able to learn from".

Yeah, that's Apple's MO, always has been. They're quietly watching Windows 8 and Windows 10, seeing what happens, then they'll come in with a *boom* product, learning from all of Microsoft's pain and mistakes. They did this with Windows Mobile when they brought out iPhone. They did this with Windows XP tablets when they brought out iPad. They're going to do it again. Not only are we all helping to test and shape Windows 10, but I daresay we're also helping to shape the next generation of iOS/OSX hybrids.
This quote from the article concerns me a little:

"Microsoft -- with its hardware, and with its upcoming Windows 10 operating system -- is actually blazing a bold trail. One that Apple may actually be able to learn from".

Yeah, that's Apple's MO, always has been. They're quietly watching Windows 8 and Windows 10, seeing what happens, then they'll come in with a *boom* product, learning from all of Microsoft's pain and mistakes. They did this with Windows Mobile when they brought out iPhone. They did this with Windows XP tablets when they brought out iPad. They're going to do it again. Not only are we all helping to test and shape Windows 10, but I daresay we're also helping to shape the next generation of iOS/OSX hybrids.

... which MSFT never gets any credit for.
This quote from the article concerns me a little:

"Microsoft -- with its hardware, and with its upcoming Windows 10 operating system -- is actually blazing a bold trail. One that Apple may actually be able to learn from".

Yeah, that's Apple's MO, always has been. They're quietly watching Windows 8 and Windows 10, seeing what happens, then they'll come in with a *boom* product, learning from all of Microsoft's pain and mistakes. They did this with Windows Mobile when they brought out iPhone. They did this with Windows XP tablets when they brought out iPad. They're going to do it again. Not only are we all helping to test and shape Windows 10, but I daresay we're also helping to shape the next generation of iOS/OSX hybrids.
I'm pretty sure it is patented right? MS sells lots of patents from which they got a lot of credit from, so basically MS sold those ideas to other companies like Apple(?) and from that point Apple reinvented those ideas to make more appealing and now they got the attention(correct me if I'm wrong). Now that MS has invented new things again, I wonder if they'll sell their ideas to other companies again.
I'm pretty sure it is patented right? MS sells lots of patents from which they got a lot of credit from, so basically MS sold those ideas to other companies like Apple(?).

Apple and MS have some kind of cross licensing deal. I don't know the particulars. To me it always sounds like the two have just agreed not to take each other to court over IP issues, without actually "selling" each other anything.
That author will be right back to slobbering over AAPL as soon as AAPL copies some of MSFT's strategy (and bashing whatever MSFT is doing at the time). It'll be the same old "they did it right" stuff.
It's nothing new. Every one copies.

{See what i did, there... turned it around and made it 'better' ;-)}
This quote from the article concerns me a little:

"Microsoft -- with its hardware, and with its upcoming Windows 10 operating system -- is actually blazing a bold trail. One that Apple may actually be able to learn from".

Yeah, that's Apple's MO, always has been. They're quietly watching Windows 8 and Windows 10, seeing what happens, then they'll come in with a *boom* product, learning from all of Microsoft's pain and mistakes. They did this with Windows Mobile when they brought out iPhone. They did this with Windows XP tablets when they brought out iPad. They're going to do it again. Not only are we all helping to test and shape Windows 10, but I daresay we're also helping to shape the next generation of iOS/OSX hybrids.

But isn't that the way the tech industry works, watch what others do and learn from their mistakes?
I rather if a reporter wasn't biased at all to one platform or service. I rather have someone with a neutral point of view review the device or software because then it'll give out the impression that the review is meant for the general audience to read and not just for the fanboys.
I just wanted to chime in to say this has got to be the funniest post topic today.
This quote from the article concerns me a little:

"Microsoft -- with its hardware, and with its upcoming Windows 10 operating system -- is actually blazing a bold trail. One that Apple may actually be able to learn from".

Yeah, that's Apple's MO, always has been. They're quietly watching Windows 8 and Windows 10, seeing what happens, then they'll come in with a *boom* product, learning from all of Microsoft's pain and mistakes. They did this with Windows Mobile when they brought out iPhone. They did this with Windows XP tablets when they brought out iPad. They're going to do it again. Not only are we all helping to test and shape Windows 10, but I daresay we're also helping to shape the next generation of iOS/OSX hybrids.

Meh. Apple only knows how to market.

Their new iPhone 6 competes spec-wise with the Lumia 925 which is how old now? It came out after the 930 and yet the 930 beats it in almost all categories. The odd thing is that so many people sucked it up like some revolutionary thing despite being pretty much obsolete the day it came out, let alone a few months from now.

Maybe people like the idea that they can fold their phones. :P

iPhone is the Call of Duty of mobiles.... Pay top dollar for the same thing as before but with more lens flares and bloom.
I personally don' think neither CNET or The Verge are turning into MS fanboys. Sure there have been some articles on how MS is doing things right, but I mean Windows 10 have earned this so far. Not to mention Hololens, which even though was just demoed; it shows the way general direction at Microsoft.

I also don't believe Apple has just copied others or know just how to market. Their hardware portfolio is beautiful when it comes to quality along with design and they have a wide range of quality apps on their mobile devices.

I'm no Apple ****** or anything, I'm even using the iPhone 5S these days and I'm learning to appreciate WP and my broken Lumia 820 more than ever.
I think MS bashing is becoming a thing of the "elders". The younger techies don't seem to be carrying that baggage.
I think claiming one site is biased against a certain company is a pretty slippery slope. What's to say a person views them as biased because he does not view them to be biased towards what he is already biased too?
I think I disagree with the OP. They still claim that any new hand set released is an 'iPhone clone', even though they are ****-all alike, they are still drooling over anything with an Apple logo on it. Now they are trashing all of the Virtual reality stuff and drooling over Apple's new patent.
And there are very few articles, even Windows related ones, where they don't mention some iToy or other lol.
I disagree with the OP on one thing; the title. I don't see it being a good sign for a site to be a ****** of any company, even if it's a company of which I'm a ******. Sure, I might like what they say and agree with it, but that doesn't mean that it's presenting the situation as it is. In fact, it probably means that it isn't objective.

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