When is the Lumia Emerald update coming out?


New member
Feb 15, 2014
Lumia Emerald update

The rumored Lumia Emerald update is it going to be the GDR 2 that is seen on the 640/640XL shown here on WPcentral or is it the next big thing win10 for phones?
The timeline speculation is mid year for win10 so when is this Emerald thing going to happen if it is going to happen

Re: Lumia Emerald update

I don't think its for GDR 2, if it was then 640 and XL will be running it.
Re: Lumia Emerald update

i, and many others, dont believe there will be any other firmware for GDR2. it will be simple, just an os update, without any specific firmware.
but i also have a fear that we wont get as soon as we believe. if we wont get it soon, and very soon through DP, i think there would be a strong posibility for rest of us getting it as a consolation, AFTER W10 release on new devices, while we wait for w10 to officially come for our devices too.
Re: Lumia Emerald update

i, and many others, dont believe there will be any other firmware for GDR2. it will be simple, just an os update, without any specific firmware.
but i also have a fear that we wont get as soon as we believe. if we wont get it soon, and very soon through DP, i think there would be a strong posibility for rest of us getting it as a consolation, AFTER W10 release on new devices, while we wait for w10 to officially come for our devices too.

I don't really understand what your saying other than its something negative.. are you saying your afraid it wont be released before windows 10 is available through previews? If thats the case... why are you fearing? honestly this update is near pointless, basically everything they are doing will effect WP 8.1 and only 8.1, WP10 wont use this as a basis (as weve already seen, windows 10 for phones already has a completely revamped settings screen) so I dont really see what the big deal is...
Re: Lumia Emerald update

Emerald most likely will be installed in the next flagship Lumia which could be around 3rd or the 4th quarter of 2015.
Officially it doesn't exist yet (to the public) so it would have to be known about first I would think.
Just a guess, with Win 10. I'd be surprised if we had new firmware if GDR2 is right around the corner. Maybe... Who knows how long it will actually take GDR2 to be pushed from carriers.

Typically, we do get new firmware with all major OS updates, though.
Just a guess, with Win 10. I'd be surprised if we had new firmware if GDR2 is right around the corner. Maybe... Who knows how long it will actually take GDR2 to be pushed from carriers.

Typically, we do get new firmware with all major OS updates, though.

even with minor updates like GDR's, denim was 8.1.1, this is 8.1.2 so following the trend, there should be a firwmware, but i think microsoft might skip it
Why aren't these threads just simply killed when they're first found or have some auto response to them? We just barely get out of one update and people are aleady wondering about the next.

This place is a user forum and we're not MS and we have no idea, none, of their dealings with updates. Asking anyone on here, including those who may be connected with MS is not going to produce an answer for you.

Seeing these types of questions being asked gets tiring. Just wish they'd stop.
Why aren't these threads just simply killed when they're first found or have some auto response to them? We just barely get out of one update and people are aleady wondering about the next.

This place is a user forum and we're not MS and we have no idea, none, of their dealings with updates. Asking anyone on here, including those who may be connected with MS is not going to produce an answer for you.

Seeing these types of questions being asked gets tiring. Just wish they'd stop.

So, are you telling us that you don't know when this update is coming out? :P
ha ha ha
Re: Lumia Emerald update

The new releases with new OS update always come with new firmware if it existed.
That's how it has been till now check the history from Amber, Black, Cyan and Denim.
The 640 comes with Denim and Update 2 OS 8.10.15xxx
There is no new significant firmware change announced for other Lumias
I can't understand why people still believe Emerald is coming out.

Yes, so far firmware updates have gone alphabetically, from A, B, C, and D. However, there is no proof that the next one will be named Emerald. That was just someone's guess, and there is no authority behind it.

Just to set the record straight, the E firmware revision will be Ecru. Why? Because I just posted it on the Internet. And we all know that everything we read on the Internet is true.
Re: Lumia Emerald update

I said the same thing ;) Check my original comment he quoted.
Also, where on earth is this Lumia Emerald name coming from? Have people watched that awful Green Lantern movie and forgotten that there are other E colours other than Emerald?

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