How do I remove items seen in the notifications + actions menu?


New member
Aug 6, 2014
notifications + actions

how do i remove items seen in the notification + action menu?

at first there were only messages, phones, outlook but for some reason my list is growing, from glance, wifi to extras + info(?) thanks
Re: notifications + actions

Settings->notifications + actions

Tap on an app name that you want to customize/turn off notification are any use the settings you find there. If you have "Show in action centre" turn off, you won't see notifications for that app.
Re: notifications + actions

yes, i know, but that will only halt/turn off receiving notifications from those applications

what i meant was removing/deleting the item completely from the list of notifications + action itself
Re: notifications + actions

yes, i know, but that will only halt/turn off receiving notifications from those applications

what i meant was removing/deleting the item completely from the list of notifications + action itself

Not possible, why would you want to?
Re: notifications + actions

Uninstall the app and it should disappear from the list.

Reinstall the app and go into the app's settings and turn off notifications. Items only appear in the notification app list when they first send a notification so you'll have to stop it before it starts.

Not sure why you'd want to remove items from that list - if you have disabled them in action centre, they won't do anything, not as if they're taking up battery power or anything...
Re: notifications + actions

I understand the OP, he wants to have a "clean" list.
To the OP, if there was an "easy" way to do this then Microsoft also had to put an option in which you could undo this if it was deleted iby accident. So basically this could be done but it would make the OS more complicated and "difficult" so that's why it is "not" possible.
Re: notifications + actions

its just that there are items in the notifications + action app (for me) that are not necessary and was not present when i started using my phone such as extras+info, backup, glance, sms/call block and WP store

the only real items that should be in it should be the wifi, bluetooth, message and call notifications

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