Screen Savers - Will Windows 10 bring new ones?


New member
Jun 20, 2011
Maybe this is the last thing that MS is thinking about but I think it high time MS replace these old school screen savers. Even in the preview, 3D Text, Bubbles, Mystify, Photos, Ribbons and Blank is still there. Been there, done that. Is MS ever going to update these?
3D Text is still there?
I'm off to re-live some good times now. Nothing says "<insert profanity> you, <colleague name>" like the actual text "<insert profanity> you, <colleague name>" bouncing and rotating around the screen and s-s-s-s-l-l-l-owin-n-n-g down if there's any background activity.
3D Text is still there?
I'm off to re-live some good times now. Nothing says "<insert profanity> you, <colleague name>" like the actual text "<insert profanity> you, <colleague name>" bouncing and rotating around the screen and s-s-s-s-l-l-l-owin-n-n-g down if there's any background activity.
I mean I'm kinda old school about screen savers and the one thing that attracted me to Windows was the screen saver. Maybe MS could do a nice aquarium complete with fish you could make react on a touch screen. Or maybe Rovio might contribute an Angry Birds scene that on a touch screen will allow you to actually toss some birds. Just something new.
Maybe MS could do a nice aquarium complete with fish you could make react on a touch screen. Or maybe Rovio might contribute an Angry Birds scene that on a touch screen will allow you to actually toss some birds. Just something new.
I'd like those ideas! That might actually get me to use a screensaver again. I just got bored of screensavers, since there weren't any new ones in eons.
I think screen savers are going out of fashion now that power saving monitors are the norm.
I think screen savers are going out of fashion now that power saving monitors are the norm.

Its been a real long time since screen savers actually did the tasks they were created for. I simply enjoyed seeing it on the screen. There was this one aquarium screen saver that was so realistic and lifelike, you could actually see the fishes eyeballs swivel. I'm hoping they spend some time on it.
Its been a real long time since screen savers actually did the tasks they were created for. I simply enjoyed seeing it on the screen. There was this one aquarium screen saver that was so realistic and lifelike, you could actually see the fishes eyeballs swivel. I'm hoping they spend some time on it.
Many of the Linux screensavers are still cool like that.

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Many of the Linux screensavers are still cool like that.

Sent from my Moto X using Tapatalk

True. They update screen savers or make them available in the disto for download. I think we should do this. They shouldn't treat screen savers like another notepad app.

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