Finally, someone got it right! [W10 for phones concept]

Alfa Kapa

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Sep 29, 2014
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Hello everyone, today I saw a great concept and I want to share it with you :)

Windows X for Phones ? Stampsy

This is the most -down to earth- recent concept and I think it feels like a natural evolution for this OS.
Please read the above article/ideas/concept so you can have a better understanding!

Here is the uservoice, for everyone liking this idea, in order to reach the Windows phone team's eyes and take serious considerations..!
(it received already 250 votes in less than 1:30 hours)

I don't have anything to do with the concept or uservoice, I just care for the future of WP which for now seems really blurry.


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Apr 18, 2012
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"Finally, someone got it right"

someone got right what? show me the same concept coded and I will believe you. I mean, it's so easy to make these silly concept on illustrator or Photoshop or CorelDraw or anything, but do you know how it takes to code what they think it's a good concept? it's not like it's impossible but it's like drawing an airplane and say "oh yeah it's easy to build" you should go and try to make an Operating System, specially if we are talking about making one platform from an operating system that was 40+ million lines of code.

All what I saw in his concept anyway, it's just the same crap all over again. is that right? only because YOU think it's right?
the world is not only about you or what you are used for using Windows Phone (it's not like I don't use it anyway)

why the browser address bar on bottom? just like on Windows 8, you have to hunt for it. because it would go up whenever you display other options.
why the hamburger on the bottom? don't you see it looks horrible? "one use phone hand me wants" well, I wouldn't kill me to move a little my hand and just press the bottom at the top, which looks fine. oh wait no.. this person is removing them, so no hamburger buttons, why? some people say "android here android there" but that kind of buttons have existed for years.
The toggles? what's wrong with the current ones? at least Microsoft shows, not everything must be squared on Windows Phone.

Those "interactive live tiles" it's nothing new. Microsoft has already shown them.. but again, making a pretty photo is not the same as coding. Same with multiple accounts, yeah cool thing, but add that to the space each user will take. and all that stuff. yes Phones are limited spaced with 8gb storage and such.

"Windows button as notification light"? well, news windows phone don't even have buttons. so it's pointless. people should understand that most phones will not have them anymore on WP.

and a typical answer you can get, if you want customization, go Android. I would rather get a nice release with not hundred shades of gray scale backgrounds and get nice features that will really make One Platform come true.

you might dislike it, but it would be stupid to build two totally different UIs for desktop and phones only because people can't move a little their phones. "but one hand me use want" yes... but nobody forced you to be lazy and buy a big phone you don't want to use with two hands. get a 4" phone. if you want to only use hand hand all the time, while you are busy (making who knows...) with your other hand.

I still wonder. Someone who got what right? the same pathetic complains that I read everyday on comments section even if it's not related to the article?
Like it or not, Windows is going One Platform and developers will not care to make two layouts only because people want to use their phone with one hand phone.
just look at this concept, crappy All-the-same-All-the-time concept, what about left hand users. those buttons are on the right, how are left handed users are support to use it with one hand??

Maybe Microsoft should make three layouts, one for desktop, one for phones right hand users and then left ones. and then inverted for people who like to take photos on the mirror, and heavy interface with all 3d effects for the ones that don't care about battery life, and other with just a powershell because they are super power users. and if I don't get what I want, I will complain.
Again. Microsoft is making one platform, so like it or not, they are trying to find a middle thing for the kind of users that will use touch or mouse or keyboard.
So all this "buttons to bottom" talk, is just not going to happen. because if people complained about how inconsistent windows is, well, apparently some people don't care about it in the end.

I hope this person of the concept, codes a photos app, calendar app, onedrive app, a browser, and uses what he thinks should be correct on Windows Phone. let him code and design the layout. maybe he will be popular as Rudy and the savior of squared pictures and killer of ellipses and the savior or squared toggle buttons, and just the savior of all Windows Phone design.

Be thankful I am in good mood, if not 3 hours more and I would be writing. but I am ready to drop my Microphone

*makes an evil bad look and drops Microphone* ^__________^


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Feb 1, 2013
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As a developper, here is what I think of these features:

-The accent color litteraly just is, a simple RGB color that a dev can access with something along {PhoneBrush:Accent} I don't understand why Microsoft has always blocked us to the predefined ones...

-Like the accent color, these are just RGB colors defined by the OS, depending on if it is "light" "dark" or "high contrast". Same thing. Devs access these colors with something along (depending on the context) {PhoneBrush:MessageBoxBackground} or {PhoneBrush:MessageBoxForeground}

-Custom notification colors. i'm guessing the code around there would have to be rather modified, allowing devs to replace the accent color by any RGB value they specify when registering the notification service, but it surely would be do-able.

-The lockscreen would be difficult to implement keeping it smooth, but I think most of the ideas would be possible, except maybe the Advanced live lockscreens. It would be like opening an app each time you unlock your phone: Not very nice.

-The new tiles would be a developper nightmare. Already needing to design 3 seperate tiles is enough of a pain, but can you imagine 6?! And interactive too?! Not fun.

-The group feature is pointless. We've got folders for organisation.

-Modern UI toggles? Seriously? This is just rejecting change stupidly.

-I agree with project spartan, 100% And it would be no more difficult to dev than what is currently being done.

-I'm totally against burgers, they really suck. So I agree with the app bar functionality extension. Great idea I've always dreamed of being able to do.

And that's what I think :)

Basically, I'd say about 75% of this concept would be do-able, simply.
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Alfa Kapa

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Sep 29, 2014
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-The new tiles would be a developper nightmare. Already needing to design 3 seperate tiles is enough of a pain, but can you imagine 6?! And interactive too?! Not fun.

-The group feature is pointless. We've got folders for organisation.

-Modern UI toggles? Seriously? This is just rejecting change stupidly.

-I agree with project spartan, 100% And it would be no more difficult to dev than what is currently being done.

-I'm totally against burgers, they really suck. So I agree with the app bar functionality extension. Great idea I've always dreamed of being able to do.

And that's what I think :)

Basically, I'd say about 75% of this concept would be do-able, simply.

I completely agree with the above, especially the new toggles, when I saw the statement on his page/blog I was like ''you are wrong here dude!'' ,

What I saw is that they are not hard -or better- impossible things to implement!
(I'm not a developer but I can separate the concepts from the artist's dreams and the once that can actually implement in the OS)

And thinking of small tablet,phones and even smartwatches, this is exactly what I want to see, Emi above might not approve, but 500+ votes plus the comments in uservoice in 3 hours, clearly tell a different story!
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Aug 2, 2012
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Hello everyone, today I saw a great concept and I want to share it with you :)

Windows X for Phones ? Stampsy

This is the most -down to earth- recent concept and I think it feels like a natural evolution for this OS.
Please read the above article/ideas/concept so you can have a better understanding!

Here is the uservoice, for everyone liking this idea, in order to reach the Windows phone team's eyes and take serious considerations..!
(it received already 250 votes in less than 1:30 hours)

I don't have anything to do with the concept or uservoice, I just care for the future of WP which for now seems really blurry.

Looks like more poorly informed fantasy from yet another person with an inflated ego and too much time on their hands. I am glad you found something you like. Perhaps someone might do an Android skin that would approximate the superficial bits. That is the closest it will ever get to reality. BTW, if someone tried to stick me with that mess as a UI, I would be changing phones the same day....


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Feb 1, 2013
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Yes, they can, But then if devs only use the current three sizes, what is the point of having the other ones? A feature like that has to be used by devs, otherwise it's absolutely pointless. Imagine a phone that is capable of recording 8K prores footage, but the OS can't handle it. Same problem.


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Dec 3, 2012
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the reason why the toggle in WP8.1 is better than W10 is because the accent color shows when it's on, but not when it's off, clearly indicating the position.
The W10 toggle only shows left or right. how the heck is one suppose to know if left or right is on or off or off or on or whatever? we're used to up/down toggle switch like the light switch in our homes, not horizontal switches so the old switches are clearer.


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Oct 30, 2012
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I think some people in this thread need to take a chill pill. The op just posted a concept that, in my opinion, looks pretty good. The concept is obviously not code to implement the the concept. It's just that: A design concept. Basically every OS, app, website, etc is designed before it is coded. The concept artist just wants his or her voice heard. A lot of this concept isn't ground breaking stuff in terms of features but the design implementation is pretty good and I would like to see some of these features integrated into Windows 10.


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Aug 19, 2014
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I think some people in this thread need to take a chill pill. The op just posted a concept that, in my opinion, looks pretty good. The concept is obviously not code to implement the the concept. It's just that: A design concept. Basically every OS, app, website, etc is designed before it is coded. The concept artist just wants his or her voice heard. A lot of this concept isn't ground breaking stuff in terms of features but the design implementation is pretty good and I would like to see some of these features integrated into Windows 10.

I agree with you. It's a nice concept and it doesn't mean that EVERYTHING has to be implemented... Although there's one thing that I did really like: more powerful app bars, just like the Office suite in Windows 10 (for phones). Instead of hamburger menus, they should make that CONSISTENT with the entire OS. Now how would that work with the desktop Windows is beyond me...


Jul 20, 2013
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"show me the same concept coded and I will believe you."


This sounds like an old boss I had, when I started, in IT, back in the mid 60's. He used to say 'if I can think of it you can do it'. Ah, sorry, no!


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Feb 1, 2013
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"show me the same concept coded and I will believe you."


This sounds like an old boss I had, when I started, in IT, back in the mid 60's. He used to say 'if I can think of it you can do it'. Ah, sorry, no!

A. It's just a concept
B. The author probably isn't a programmer
C. If he is, he doesn't have the skill of Microsoft's employees
D. He doesn't have access to the W10 Source code


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Oct 2, 2013
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-The lockscreen would be difficult to implement keeping it smooth, but I think most of the ideas would be possible, except maybe the Advanced live lockscreens. It would be like opening an app each time you unlock your phone: Not very nice.

for lockscreens, i would suggest that put all actions on top, like it said, button. top left button for action (defined by EACH user, separated actions setting per account), top right button for changing account.

-The new tiles would be a developper nightmare. Already needing to design 3 seperate tiles is enough of a pain, but can you imagine 6?! And interactive too?! Not fun.

Coding 1 tile is already a hell for me, how those developers can make it right and had no problem?


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Sep 13, 2013
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E. This is a realistic concept

Agreed. Out of all the concepts I've seen posted on this forum this is probably one of the more realistic and usable concepts I've seen. Arguably there are some small faults with it (groups?) but for the most part the way this CONCEPT has been produced and thought about makes logical UI and practical sense that keeps the WP philosophy without going too far left or right field, unlike some other concepts which look unnatural within the Windows environment.

Wasim Wes Adetunji

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Dec 23, 2014
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It's just a nicer design. Calling it poorly informed is stupid. Here's what you sound like: "Minor improvements to phone interfaces will happen when hell freezes over" WTF????? As if the "well informed" interface is the boring one.

Wasim Wes Adetunji

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Dec 23, 2014
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So what? How is changing the colours around and changing some of the interface elements supposedly impossible? He isn't even talking about adding more features, just changing the organization and style a bit.

Wasim Wes Adetunji

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Dec 23, 2014
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Yeah, it's really weird that somebody says "this looks nice" and idiots on the internet pretend like it isn't allowed to suggest how it should look without knowing how to make a reality yourself.


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Dec 17, 2013
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the reason why the toggle in WP8.1 is better than W10 is because the accent color shows when it's on, but not when it's off, clearly indicating the position.
The W10 toggle only shows left or right. how the heck is one suppose to know if left or right is on or off or off or on or whatever? we're used to up/down toggle switch like the light switch in our homes, not horizontal switches so the old switches are clearer.

I thought the outline of the oval changes to the accent color when on. Can anyone verify this?

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