Windows 10 - Text Message Option?


New member
Sep 30, 2014
Hi everyone.

I'm currently an Apple user and am contemplating a switch to Microsoft with a purchase of a Surface and Windows Phone. I have a question concerning Windows 10.

Does/Will Windows 10 have the functionality of receiving texts/phonecalls on the surface from a Windows Phone similar to how iMessage and FaceTime work with OS X and an iPhone?
Hi everyone.

I'm currently an Apple user and am contemplating a switch to Microsoft with a purchase of a Surface and Windows Phone. I have a question concerning Windows 10.

Does/Will Windows 10 have the functionality of receiving texts/phonecalls on the surface from a Windows Phone similar to how iMessage and FaceTime work with OS X and an iPhone?

I'm guessing that functionality will be built in via Skype since Microsoft owns it. I am simply guessing though. I hope you give a Windows phone a try.
It's in the realm of possibility since People, Phone, and Messaging are now Universal Apps on the Phone TP, but at its current state that's not a possibility yet.
This is pretty much the only "must have" feature for me that is preventing me from making the switch now. I guess I'll be in a holding pattern until more information on Windows 10 comes out. Thanks guys!
You can go to Windows 10 forums for a listing of updates and changes that are occurring to the OS. I definitely know that MSFT will be utilizing Skype integration into their messaging application for Windows 10. You can Bing Windows 10 videos to see an actual live display of who it works. Because they are incorporating Skype into there messaging suite, it would only make sense to assume that voice and video would be incorporated as well. As it stands right now you have to utilize the Skype application though it is integrated across all devices.

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