Windows 10 Spotlight lockscreen collection

Hey, i have now searched the web and looked in many collections of spotlight pictures, but i can't seem to find my favorite, i have a screenshot, but the time and date in it is kind of anoying. So if anyone can find a "clean" version of it, you would make my day so much!
View attachment 112574
You should check out the latest additions to the collection on my OneDrive ;)
hi guys, I have collected every spotlight lock screen wallpaper there has ever been since the day they started to appear until today (25th of november 2016). they are 578 spotlight wallpapers (no duplicate wallpaprs) in addition to 21 official (not spotlight wallpapers) so the total number is 599 images and this is the ultimate collection of spotlight wallpapers there is on the internet until today (25th of november 2016) (no duplicate wallpapers). the actual spotlight wallpapers are 289 spotlight wallpapers (but every wallpaper has two versions one for mobile and one for computer) in addition to 21 official windows wallpapers making a total of 599 wallpapers at the size of nearly 700 MB (696 MB to be exact).
All Wallpapers are in HD HQ
all you have to do is clicking the below link and a new tab will open in your browser for the shared folder choose what you want to download or just click the option download at the left of the screen near the top to download the entire folder at once (shared via my OneDrive). they are well organized and renamed by sequantial numbers so it makes it easy to find the wallpaper you want.!AgCr_9AUBmO7kEtWUfpgaHcD5O2c
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the one your asking for is in my 17 new windows spotlight collection. just download it and enjoy.
Hi all,

Can you please tell me where I could find the wallpapers? I tried looking for them but I can't locate the directory. One of my Windows 10 installs currently has the bamboo "forest"(?) wallpaper that I really like (the one with a path cutting right through the center) and I would really love to get that one. I have been visiting the OneDrive share on this page regularly hoping that that wallpaper would turn up there one of these days...
Collection from LuxZg: ...

Thanks QuentinJ for posting this for me! I've been adding few photos every few days, as they come, and will keep doing that, so just keep checking the folder from time to time. And enjoy some great photos! :)

EDIT: Interesting (NOT!) how adding the -at- sign also counts as l-ink and mentioning the very word seems to trigger the anti-spam, this is so annoying it's beyond explaining. I have to post 10-15 times (well, try to post) to find "the formula" where my post can actually go through. Even quoting other people triggers anti-spam. So weird, and so terrible...
I cant find on your collection the cortana lockscreen wallpaper featured on the windows 10 event, please upload it is so cool to be my default lockscreen. Thanks :)
New wallpapers since my last post, about 35 new ones as much as I've counted (actually 35 + 35, with same images for landscape and portrait orientation).
For URL see few posts earlier from QuentinJ

QuentinJ - a question... In your OneDrive folder ( Pictures > Saved pictures >Windows 10 wallpapers > Spotlight ) there's a bunch of pictures that are 1MB-6MB in size, while all pictures I get from Spotlight's "Assets" folder are around 460-470kB. Do you edit these pictures or do you find better quality somewhere? I haven't noticed any real visual difference when comparing same image that I've copied from "Assets" vs same image from you that is larger in size, but I'm still curious :)
I don't edit anything, but for some reason a few of the recent additions were larger in size. They are still 1920 x 1080 resolution like the others but are larger for an unknown reason.
Their size is the same as when I found them in my Assets folder
I don't edit anything, but for some reason a few of the recent additions were larger in size. They are still 1920 x 1080 resolution like the others but are larger for an unknown reason.
Their size is the same as when I found them in my Assets folder

Yeah, I took a note last several days and noticed the same. Roughly 1 out of 5 pictures from Assets folder would be larger (1.5MB+) while others are in the range of 460-480kb. Weird. But thanks for confirming anyway :)

Also, as a side note - new images again in my OneDrive ( ). Yeah, I can finally post a link! :)
Is there anywhere that gives credits for the photos or that identifies locations? One of the industrial photos reminds me of a place I used to work (sure it isn't the same place, just similar) and I'd like to know where it is.
Gorgeous collection! I would like to help -- how are you guys obtaining these? Are they available in 4K resolution?
they are by default in 1920*1080, i don't think you will get larger resolutions if you have a 4K screen but i don't know that for a fact.
The files are in C:\Users\[yourusername]\AppData\Local\Packages\Microsoft.Windows.ContentDeliveryManager_cw5n1h2txyewy\LocalState\Assets - just add .jpg at the end to view the pictures.
hey guys , i have a question , why the same picture at crise or luxzg and quentin has different sizes?
and thanks for these pictures, they are amazing
Hey Guys, the images are great but I am having a hard time downloading from onedrive due to low internet speeds... and the fact that onedrive kind of sucks. Can someone please place the collection in a google drive or dropbox folder.
I'm looking for the new spotlight lockscreen of the snowman wearing headphones. I believe it might be a IHeartRadio ad, but regardless, I can't find it online anywhere to use as wallpaper. Thank you!


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