Are we moving forward or backward with new release


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Apr 15, 2015
Hey Windows fans,

Do you think that with windows 10 , microsoft is making a forward step or a backward step? List what do you think are useful features that are getting added to Windows 10 from previous versions and what are the missing features that are most popular on Windows platform but not part of Windows 10.
From what I've seen (I haven't been able to successfully get W10 onto my tablet to test first-hand), W10 seems to be getting incredibly complex in an effort to please everybody. To me this seems like a stupid idea. The best thing about W8 was its elegant simplicity, something that successive updates have steadily eroded.

8.0 was definitely the sweet-spot for me in terms of UX, with or without the Start button (although removing it was the stupidest thing they could have done, the perfect way to alienate your users). The problem is that they are also making a lot of worthwhile improvements "under the hood", which makes it harder to assess the overall worth of W10. Personally, I am in no hurry. I really like W8 and I won't be upgrading until I buy a new machine that comes with W10 pre-installed. In contrast, I installed the first Preview build of W8 I could get my hands on and never looked back, such was my dislike of W7.
To me, it feels like Microsoft gets a lot of excellent ideas but always implements them in a half-assed, isolated way that makes it all seem like a weird afterthought rather than a focus. Windows 8 ditching the start menu was a bold move but the UI just wasn't intuitive enough for people who grew up using classic Windows. They have a hard time committing to and fixing their ideas and instead just move on to the next thing. I think the problem stems from them being too big of a company to commit for very long. There's just too much going on there. Look at what happened to Kinect and its 0.5 billion $ marketing campaign that launched with it.
Moved to appropriate area...

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