I broke my SP3 with 10074!

Yazan Abdullah

New member
Nov 3, 2013
Waited for hours for this thing to load and then enjoyed windows 10 for 7 minutes. It crashed and it's asking me for recovery. I understand that it's incomplete and buggy but dam it it should be at least usable for more than 7 minutes....ruined my night.
Not sure why another "warning!!" is needed?
It's got enough disclaimers already. And one BSOD on one device isn't all that significant.
Just reinstall.​​
Re: Love build 10074!

I can't. I am trying. It's not recovering from USB. God dam them for releasing this pos. Buggy is one thing but bricking my sp3 is another. I am really buggn out right now as I need my computer for work.
Re: Love build 10074!

I can't. I am trying. It's not recovering from USB. God dam them for releasing this pos. Buggy is one thing but bricking my sp3 is another. I am really buggn out right now as I need my computer for work.
I hate to be that guy, but... You installed a technical preview that came with extensive disclaimers, on a computer you NEED for your job, and you're upset that it's buggy?
I have installed on my MacBook 13" and it work perfectly.
Posted on Lumia 1520 via Taptalk
Something similar happened to me and I powered down manually. It booted into the previous build when I powered back up.
I ignored previous builds for fear of them being unstable. After they changed name from technical to insider, I thought to myself that this is a relatively stable build. So I took the plunge after following instructions with regards to USB recovery. I am not complaining about bugginess. I know that incomplete software is buggy. What has happened here is not a bug. It's devastation! My friend is using Ubuntu to recover my files. I am devastated....i had 10 yrs worth of music and family pix.
I am devastated....i had 10 yrs worth of music and family pix.
I fully understand your plight and without intending to offend let me say... I think you got exactly what you deserved.

That goes for anyone installing pre-release software on their daily machines. Before backing up even. :shocked: I will never understand this.
I'm not gonna say you deserve it, but ******** it dude, back up if you're trying risky stuff.
Also, if it broke your PC, it doesn't mean it will break everyone's. I installed the 74 build and it's working great for me (except some apps won't work).

I'm not using backup or anything, but I put everything on my D:\ drive, so even if the system fails, I can always recover my files. Easy as that.
i had 10 yrs worth of music and family pix.

I have had a stable experience as well. to keep 10 years worth of data on 1 device is bonkers. obviously, the SP3 wasn't your 1st machine, so you should have kept that data on your old machine as well, or backed up to an external device. your would be in the same boat if you fried your sp3, if it got stolen, or if the ssd dies. you "should" be able to do a repair install, keeping your data, of which properly booting off of USB is needed. TONS of info to do that is available.
Waited for hours for this thing to load and then enjoyed windows 10 for 7 minutes. It crashed and it's asking me for recovery. I understand that it's incomplete and buggy but dam it it should be at least usable for more than 7 minutes....ruined my night.

Let me guess, you upgraded from 10061 instead of a clean install?
Installed 10074 earlier today.
Start and search was borked, but the update immediately after that fixed it.

Dude, you were the one who read the disclaimers warning of the risks, (data loss, bricking, damage, etc.) and you were the one who clicked Agree on an explicitly opt in program.

Clearly marked fire you had to agree to at that..

I understand the Insider rename misled you, but it didn't change to be magically better overnight. Paraphrasing the email I got: "its the same old OS"

Lets see what it says...
Download and install the preview only if you

  • Want to try out software that’s still in development and like sharing your opinion about it.
  • Don’t mind lots of updates or a UI design that might change significantly over time.
  • Really know your way around a PC and feel comfortable troubleshooting problems, backing up data, formatting a hard drive, installing an operating system from scratch, or restoring your old one if necessary.
  • Know what an ISO file is and how to use it.
  • Aren't installing it on your everyday computer.

We're not kidding about the expert thing. So if you think BIOS is a new plant-based fuel, Insider Preview may not be right for you.
Things to keep in mind

Unexpected PC crashes could damage or even delete your files, so you should back up everything. Some printers and other hardware might not work, and some software might not install or work correctly, including antivirus or security programs. You might also have trouble connecting to home or corporate networks.
Some installed apps might not yet work as expected or might not be available in your country or region. For example, Cortana is currently only available in English (United States), English (United Kingdom), Chinese (Simplified), German (Germany), French (France), Italian, and Spanish (Spain). To be able to use Cortana, the country or region for your system must be set to one of the available languages, and you also need to have installed that language's version of Insider Preview. In addition, the Cortana features that are available in one language might be different from those that are available in another.
Also, if your PC runs into problems, Microsoft will likely examine your system files. If the privacy of your system files is a concern, consider using a different PC. For more info, read our privacy statement.

Renamed thread to not mislead others. OP don't hesitate to drop me a line if you don't like what I did and want it back the way it was.
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