Telugu Language Keyboard Support

Agree with you, since i'm not a Telugu speaking guy, But i always support the language dedicated keyboards... Because it gives the convenience to user to type in his own native language!
I'm a Hindi speaking guy and always missed "Google Hindi Input Keyboard" when I moved to Windows Phone... Let's hope that Microsoft gives support to third party keyboards So that Devs can develop some cool Language dedicated keyboards.
Regards :)
Thank you Sharma but if I am not wrong, Windows Phone has Hindi Language, so are you using it as I know Hindi and I already have installed it in my Lumia...Its really good so thought it would be nice if MS can get all the(most) languages so that it adds fun :)
You are right, there is a Hindi keyboard but you have to find characters and type...its really complicated! In Google Hindi Input, you just type hinglish and the keyboard will automatically writes it in Hindi Font.... Isn't it more convenient?
And same, Imagine for Telugu.... There is a English character keyboard, You type Telugu words and the keyboard automatically types the words into Telugu fonts at the same time as you type in English... Wouldn't that be cool and convenient??
Thanks for all the help as Microsoft has indeed added it & T_Luck_Sharma, they have added the English one too and its way too cool :cool:

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