I Absolutely HATE Windows 10

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Jan 3, 2013
Seriously. From everything I'd seen, I didn't think it was going to be much good but I decided to install it and give it a whirl before making my mind up. So I bought a used tablet from eBay and installed it yesterday, only to discover it is so much worse than I thought it would be. OK, it's only been 36 hours or so but I haven't found so much as a single thing about it that feels better than Windows 8. It is all worse. Terrible, even.

Firstly, they seem to have completely destroyed the tablet experience. And I mean completely destroyed. When you open an app in landscape mode and turn the tablet into a portrait orientation, the app only takes up the top half of the screen and you can't reach the maximise/restore button in the top-right corner. You have to restart the app to get it back to full screen. Interestingly, when you go the other way, you can hit the maximise button and it will go properly full-screen and behave normally from that point on but that is hardly a great UX. I also hate vertical scrolling in the Start Menu and in apps, although that's just a personal preference, I suppose. But what is a real issue is not knowing where the scrolling area on the Start Menu starts. In portrait mode the dead area is almost half the width of the screen. Again, it is extremely poor UX design and frustrating as hell to use.

Getting rid of the Charms Bar, which was beautifully designed, and replacing it with the ugly and oversized Notification Centre is also a bad choice, especially the way it is connected to items in the new, oversized System Tray.

Now that we see apps alongside everything else on the Desktop, how are we supposed to know what's an app and what's a proper desktop application? Without the distinction, useless apps like Photoshop Express seem like a complete waste of disk space. To be fair, they probably are but it's not going to help sell the overall experience when you can't tell what is going to have good, responsive UI design and what is only going to work in the traditional desktop way.

I'm going to persevere until after the next build, because that seems to have some good features, but if the overall experience doesn't start to gel for me, I'll be back on Windows 8 for good.
Seriously. From everything I'd seen, I didn't think it was going to be much good but I decided to install it and give it a whirl before making my mind up.

Seriously??? You do realise that windows 10 is still pre beta. Microsoft is still putting the pieces together, why do you think that there are so many disclaimers as you go to download the preview???
But you do realize that they are still not finished ! That is technical preview!! It should be buggy and unfinished, I think you should wait until after official launch to criticize it ! I myself found the build on phones terrible but I know it is TP so wait and see .
So far I'm really liking windows 10. They fixed some bugs but there are still plenty to be had sure but its very clear to see they are listening to the suggestions in user voice. They fixed the keyboard on the 1520 and the people app is better and brought back the press a letter for the alphabet search and my photos app is now working. I can set up limits on my data usage again and if u use the white theme the look seems to flow better. I hope they make it so whatever theme I choose the universal apps will change too in the future such as the new store beta which is slow and a bit light on info currently. Its going slow but I can definitely see progress.
Guys in the phone app I witnesses in videos you can't easily swipe from left to right and get history and speed dial,you have to stretch fingers to top and directly press on which option,is it still so? To do such simple task in Phone app surely sucks,someone please reply and let me know,I don't have spare phone to test the W10 TP on my phone.
My preference would be to have a new 6 inch flagship with the option to have 8.1 or 10. My choice from what I have experienced would be 8.1.
It's really too soon to say if windows 10 is better or worse than 8.1... But honestly, I am enjoying this technical preview of it.. Even with all the bugs and crashes 😜
Seriously??? You do realise that windows 10 is still pre beta. Microsoft is still putting the pieces together, why do you think that there are so many disclaimers as you go to download the preview???
This is why I've made no complaints about how buggy it seems, and it seems much more buggy than any preview version of Win8 I used, or things like colour schemes, which I know are up for improvement down the line. I'm really only talking about the core functionality, which I feel is unlikely to get any drastic overhaul before release. e.g. I can't see them reverting to the Charms Bar at this stage, can you? To me it feels fundamentally flawed and I can't see any of what I hate about it being fixed before release.

Also, WTF!?! Why is anyone here talking about ******* phones? Seriously, how hard is it for you to go and talk about that on the W10 for phones forum?
Well, with windows 10 they have gone back to the desktop and that is really down to enterprise customers. Windows 8 is far too alien in terms of UI for said customers plus 8.1 came a bit to late. Installing programs like classic shell is not an option for most large corps.

The power off menu was hidden inside settings! settings of all places lol....

Anyway as Continuum continues to evolve the touch UI will improve and it is not a question of "if" as the world is becoming more and more mobile centric.
let's quote something on the Insider website.

[h=4]If you have a touch PC[/h] Insider Preview works with touch, but some things will be rough and unfinished. More touch-friendly improvements are on the way. In the meantime, let us know what it’s like to interact with Windows and apps in the preview.
Then don't use 1. the Technical Preview, and 2. No one is going to force you to use it. 8.1 and 7 still very much exist.
Wasn't the Charms bar the universally hated aspect of Windows 8? Now that it's going away with 10 now it appears to be universally loved.
Wasn't the Charms bar the universally hated aspect of Windows 8? Now that it's going away with 10 now it appears to be universally loved.
I think the charms bar was universally hated by desktop users. However, Windows 8 tablet users, like myself, generally liked it. To me the charms bar (and slide in gestures) is the best of the Android taskbar and the minimalism of IOS on the iPad combined into one. I think Windows 8.1 is the best tablet ui (if you never have to venture into desktop land).
Only thing so far I HATE about Windows 10 is NO Windows Media Center and that it wont be coming at this point...(wish MS would re-think this)
and for the record I hate Windows 8...
Only thing so far I HATE about Windows 10 is NO Windows Media Center and that it wont be coming at this point...(wish MS would re-think this)
and for the record I hate Windows 8...

Why do you hate Windows 8?

Most people's "hatred" can be fixed in 60 seconds with "ClassicShell" or "start8"
Windows is very flexible, I often tweak it to my liking.

Install one of those utilities and voila. A more efficient, speedier, improved Windows 7 with a different theme.
Seriously??? You do realise that windows 10 is still pre beta. Microsoft is still putting the pieces together, why do you think that there are so many disclaimers as you go to download the preview???
He's serious. I bet you Windows 8.1 wrecked him and Windows 10 completely blew his mind. I've seen the same come from OSX users when they upgraded to Yosemite. Nothing left of em. Leaves em like bugs on a windshield Lexrsk. You can't fix em. XP preinstalled is maximum brain efficiency.
I have the bug where opening an app in landscape mode will have it occupy only the top half of the screen in portrait mode in 8.1. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't. So I wouldn't blame that on Windows 10
Seriously. From everything I'd seen, I didn't think it was going to be much good but I decided to install it and give it a whirl before making my mind up. So I bought a used tablet from eBay and installed it yesterday, only to discover it is so much worse than I thought it would be. OK, it's only been 36 hours or so but I haven't found so much as a single thing about it that feels better than Windows 8. It is all worse. Terrible, even.

Firstly, they seem to have completely destroyed the tablet experience. And I mean completely destroyed. When you open an app in landscape mode and turn the tablet into a portrait orientation, the app only takes up the top half of the screen and you can't reach the maximise/restore button in the top-right corner. You have to restart the app to get it back to full screen. Interestingly, when you go the other way, you can hit the maximise button and it will go properly full-screen and behave normally from that point on but that is hardly a great UX. I also hate vertical scrolling in the Start Menu and in apps, although that's just a personal preference, I suppose. But what is a real issue is not knowing where the scrolling area on the Start Menu starts. In portrait mode the dead area is almost half the width of the screen. Again, it is extremely poor UX design and frustrating as hell to use.

Getting rid of the Charms Bar, which was beautifully designed, and replacing it with the ugly and oversized Notification Centre is also a bad choice, especially the way it is connected to items in the new, oversized System Tray.

Now that we see apps alongside everything else on the Desktop, how are we supposed to know what's an app and what's a proper desktop application? Without the distinction, useless apps like Photoshop Express seem like a complete waste of disk space. To be fair, they probably are but it's not going to help sell the overall experience when you can't tell what is going to have good, responsive UI design and what is only going to work in the traditional desktop way.

I'm going to persevere until after the next build, because that seems to have some good features, but if the overall experience doesn't start to gel for me, I'll be back on Windows 8 for good.

Why wait? Get back to Windows 8 right now and make yourself happy. Sheeesh, how tough can it be to make a simple decision? Why does everybody have to know in every post you do how unsatisfied you are with Windows 10? This complaining about a wholly voluntary process is so infantile I have a good mind to send a note home pinned to your shirt.
Why wait? Get back to Windows 8 right now and make yourself happy. Sheeesh, how tough can it be to make a simple decision? Why does everybody have to know in every post you do how unsatisfied you are with Windows 10? This complaining about a wholly voluntary process is so infantile I have a good mind to send a note home pinned to your shirt.

Probably as the OP wants this to be about him, just him, only him and no-body else.
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