Can you download Windows 10 Phone via Windows Insider without a SIM Chip?


New member
Apr 11, 2015
Can you download Windows 10 Phone via Windows Insider without a SIM Chip

I just purchased a used Icon handset to try out TP Windows 10 Phone. Everything is set to go, however, I am unable to cycle through Windows Insider to get to the download page. Specifically, it click on Preview Builds which gets me to the Enroll page. I then click on Insider Fast and accept the Limitations page. The phone then reboots. When I click on Windows Insider afterwards, I have to repeat the process.

I am wondering if the hang up is that I do not have a SIM chip. Does anyone know if this is the case?

Thank you.
Re: Can you download Windows 10 Phone via Windows Insider without a SIM Chip

No SIM necessary at any point.

Maybe you should check for updates in the Settings?
Re: Can you download Windows 10 Phone via Windows Insider without a SIM Chip

Nope. I installed the tech preview to my little brother's Lumia 635. He uses it exclusively to play games and listen to music, so it's not activated nor does it have a sim in it.
Re: Can you download Windows 10 Phone via Windows Insider without a SIM Chip

I have an unlocked phone, it didn't ask for my sim card while i was updating it
Re: Can you download Windows 10 Phone via Windows Insider without a SIM Chip

All you need is Wi-Fi.
Re: Can you download Windows 10 Phone via Windows Insider without a SIM Chip

I appreciate everyone weighing in on this. I am still have trouble getting Windows Insider to recognize my phone. In an attempt to solve the mystery, my Icon has Windows 8.10.14219.341 and firmware version 02540.00019.15024.38022. I looked for an update approximately 2 minutes ago to no avail.

Any guidance would be greatly appreciated.
Re: Can you download Windows 10 Phone via Windows Insider without a SIM Chip

Updates don't come through the Insider app.... through the normal Updates page once Insider has configured the phone.
Re: Can you download Windows 10 Phone via Windows Insider without a SIM Chip

Following up on my 5 19 2015 post, I can report the following:
As background, that was actually the second time it reached Windows Insider "bypass" issue.
Subsequently, I was notified of an update which I proceeded to download.
For the second time, I began to experience the update loop mentioned by many on line.
I began to research what type of restore tools their might be available. I found the Windows 8.1 restore, but also found the Lumina Software Recovery Tool. On a hunch, and nothing else, I decided to use both recovery tools starting with LSRT. After getting through both, which was not without difficulty, I reloaded the Windows Insider program and hoped for the best. Alas, I ran into the WI bypass problem again. Without thinking much about it, I connected Icon to a battery charger and went to bed. When I woke up the next day, a software update was noted which I installed and went to work. When I came back 10 hours later, Windows Phone 10 was miraculously up and operating. It's working pretty well although it does have issues and minor quirks. For instance, I have 2 phone apps on the All Apps list and I have needed to do 1 soft reset after several attempts to pin apps to the start screen failed. From a quirk perspective, the scaling of the icon on the start tiles does not work properly. Last night, I began to log into my Microsoft account for the various apps and that seems to have gone well. I am going to give this a few days, but I as I become comfortable with the stability of the platform, I just might try to move my SIM chip over from my HTC M8 and see how it holds up during the day. Right now, I really like what Microsoft is trying to get to and excited that by year end, we will have the new OS and IU.

Readers Digest Version, try running the Lumia Software Recovery Tool and then the Windows Phone Recovery Tool (my version is 2.0.3) before trying the Windows Phone 10 install (you will need to reinstall Windows Insider). I am speculating that it gives you a cleaner build for the Windows Phone 10 install.
Re: Can you download Windows 10 Phone via Windows Insider without a SIM Chip

Using a Recovery tool before the W10 install does not only provides a clean install but even more important you have the recovery tool up and running so you can roll back if you want.
I saw already several posts from people who installed w10 first.
But when they wanted to roll back they "discovered that could "not" roll back because they had problems with downloading/installing/connecting to the Recovery Tool.

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