Short story:
Many years back, while working at Dixons over here in the U.K. (Electrical retail store), we had a great BIG DVD display as that was starting to push into the mainstream. It featured video from the latest blockbuster movies, the usual demonstrations etc, with MANY people stating that it looked glorious, clear, much better than VHS tape etc.
The demo was running from a VHS tape hidden under the display.
The general public are oblivious to things and, at the drop of a hat, WILL accept change and work with it. Example: Mobile phone operating systems... they soon get to grips with their shiny new toy. When Windows 8 arrived for testing I, honestly, HATED it. It was stupid, idiotic, silly, until I actually sat there with an open mind trying to see what improvements it could bring to MY working day. Others within the company had already read negative reviews and their opinions were forming BEFORE even using the software.
I realised that I really should, as it's my job, approach new things with an open mind. I'm not saying that people aren't doing that, I'm actually trying to say that there's nothing to actually HATE about Windows 10 especially seeing as it's not even finished yet.
Windows 10, to me, equals Windows 7 with the Touch elements reduced a little. Anyway the SCREAMERS and haters will always have a louder voice. Always.
P.s. I really do like Windows 8.1. After getting to grips, which took literally a few minutes of trying, I realised that it's sensible with the Modern UI being a simple place to slap shortcuts.