A recent Windows Central article: Alleged photo of curved Lumia display hints at Microsoft's flagship Windows Phone | Windows Central included a post with a link to this article Microsoft's Plan To Save Windows Phone: Android And iOS Apps has got me fired up to do something to let companies know about the capability that I have been aware of since first announced. Like many using the Windows platform (phone and PC), I also have an Android (or iOS) device to give me access to apps that I need. I would much rather be totally on Windows hardware, so, I have decided to email the companies that develop apps that I require but only exist on Android or iOS.
"Hello, I'm a Windows Phone and Windows PC user and very comfortable using technology. I find it very frustrating that the Windows platform is not seeing support from the Business and App Developer community.
As a member and wanting to use your services on the platforms I use, I am writing this to inform company name about an upcoming capability for Windows 10. Microsoft is providing developers a way to very easily port existing Android of iOS apps over to Microsoft. Android: https://dev.windows.com/en-US/uwp-bridges/project-astoria iOS: https://dev.windows.com/en-US/uwp-bridges/project-islandwood
I urge you to seriously investigate and consider the opportunity to service a platform that has been responsible for a large part of your success in business. There is a great opportunity to significantly increase your user base as Windows ported apps will run on phones, tablets, and PCs."
These companies need to understand that the Windows platform has been a big part of their business world so to turn their back on them when supporting them looks to now be very easy seems disingenuous.
If you feel as I do, I urge you to do the same.
I realize there are a group of folks that do not feel the same. IMO, you are either being very close-minded OR you are really Google/Apple hacks posting FUD. One complaint is that development for the Windows platform will stop. Maybe. And? The benefit to the developer is that he can code once and have it run on two platforms. That's called efficiency. I literally could not care less about hamburger menus or search/website bar placements or even app look and feel (I'm quite happy with the OS look and feel and usability). ALL of that eventually works itself out. I want the Windows to grow and thrive so I'm 100% behind what Microsoft is doing.
"Hello, I'm a Windows Phone and Windows PC user and very comfortable using technology. I find it very frustrating that the Windows platform is not seeing support from the Business and App Developer community.
As a member and wanting to use your services on the platforms I use, I am writing this to inform company name about an upcoming capability for Windows 10. Microsoft is providing developers a way to very easily port existing Android of iOS apps over to Microsoft. Android: https://dev.windows.com/en-US/uwp-bridges/project-astoria iOS: https://dev.windows.com/en-US/uwp-bridges/project-islandwood
I urge you to seriously investigate and consider the opportunity to service a platform that has been responsible for a large part of your success in business. There is a great opportunity to significantly increase your user base as Windows ported apps will run on phones, tablets, and PCs."
These companies need to understand that the Windows platform has been a big part of their business world so to turn their back on them when supporting them looks to now be very easy seems disingenuous.
If you feel as I do, I urge you to do the same.
I realize there are a group of folks that do not feel the same. IMO, you are either being very close-minded OR you are really Google/Apple hacks posting FUD. One complaint is that development for the Windows platform will stop. Maybe. And? The benefit to the developer is that he can code once and have it run on two platforms. That's called efficiency. I literally could not care less about hamburger menus or search/website bar placements or even app look and feel (I'm quite happy with the OS look and feel and usability). ALL of that eventually works itself out. I want the Windows to grow and thrive so I'm 100% behind what Microsoft is doing.