Windows 10 Universal apps

Digital Moe

New member
Sep 19, 2012
Ok so I just had a seriously cool moment, having faffed around with my laptop with previous builds I decided to try it on my desktop as I wanted to see if the issues with sluggishness was the quality of Windows 10 or my laptop. But as I started to install apps from the Windows Store I noticed I could download the Office preview apps that I had installed from Windows 10 Mobile.

These are the universal apps not Win32, these may seem geeky but to see Universal apps in action in this way absolutely floored me. Even though you get a pop up to say you need a office 365 account to edit I was able to open a document from OneDrive, edit and save. This has to be a one of the killer features of 10 and something that MS should be shouting about from the rooftops. I am seriously impressed.

I've had a couple of moments like this for these apps myself. I agree that it's something that's currently setting Windows 10 apart and I think this will only keep increasing as time goes by - but yes, MS should be making more of this.

I guess we'll need to stay tuned for more case studies of this around the time of launch.
Just been playing with Excel and PowerPoint, I still can't believe they have managed this. I might be getting way over excited about this, but my job is the mobile strategy for the law firm that I work at so spend a lot of time working out how to manage devices and deploy apps.
These are the equivalent to the Office apps already available on iPad & Android tablets.

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