For the last few builds I have noticed that the insider update is stuck in the slow ring. No matter what/ how you do it, it reverts back to slow. With earlier builds If I check for updates and while it is checking for updates if I go to advanced settings and change the ring from slow to fast and go back to the main page I used to get the new build but from 10130 It doesnt find anything. So after a few searches I find this
As per the site when I go to the registry key I can not see all the values mentioned in the link above.
The keys "enable preview builds", "ring backup", "Flightingowner GUID " did not exist. The "ring" key had a value of WIS which I am guessing is for slow ring.
I tried all the things that was mentioned in the link above including adding all the keys and changing values to the registry NOTHING WORKS.
How in the world do I get the next build other than through the slow channel??
Anybody having this issue on a 32bit OS on a laptop convertible?
How do I fix this? any solutions?
Edit: Well I managed to fix half of this porblem by just following random instructions from random sites.
But I think the last website that showed some steps must have done something to change the ring to fast. Hopefully in the next 24 hours something will show up in the windows update screen.
Here is what I did to get the fast ring back on.
When I tried to verify the account everything hangs but it shows that I have already signed in with MS account so it shouldnt matter.
Open command prompt (admin) you can find it when you right click start button.
type in the following
reg flags HKLM\Software\Microsoft\WindowsSelfHost\Applicability set DONT_VIRTUALIZE
Hit Enter, let the machine do its thing, restart and try updating again. In my case it didnt find anything. Here is when I changed the ring from slow to fast and looked for updates.
If this doesnt work
Press Ctrl+ Shift+ Escape for Task Manager to show up.
Hit the “More details” button
Go to the Services tab
Look for wuauserv (you can easily do this by hitting W+U twice in a quick succession)
Right click on the service and hit Restart.
After I did the above steps the ring seems to be on fast and doesnt revert back to slow. YAY Happy Days.
Restart the PC and check updates but they say sometimes it can take 24 hours before the servers can see the ring on fast..
I will keep you guys posted
Edit 2
I got this error 0x80244007 for which MS says to try steps in this Link
no Luck with it although the ring is still on fast.
As per the site when I go to the registry key I can not see all the values mentioned in the link above.
The keys "enable preview builds", "ring backup", "Flightingowner GUID " did not exist. The "ring" key had a value of WIS which I am guessing is for slow ring.
I tried all the things that was mentioned in the link above including adding all the keys and changing values to the registry NOTHING WORKS.
How in the world do I get the next build other than through the slow channel??
Anybody having this issue on a 32bit OS on a laptop convertible?
How do I fix this? any solutions?
Edit: Well I managed to fix half of this porblem by just following random instructions from random sites.
But I think the last website that showed some steps must have done something to change the ring to fast. Hopefully in the next 24 hours something will show up in the windows update screen.
Here is what I did to get the fast ring back on.
When I tried to verify the account everything hangs but it shows that I have already signed in with MS account so it shouldnt matter.
Open command prompt (admin) you can find it when you right click start button.
type in the following
reg flags HKLM\Software\Microsoft\WindowsSelfHost\Applicability set DONT_VIRTUALIZE
Hit Enter, let the machine do its thing, restart and try updating again. In my case it didnt find anything. Here is when I changed the ring from slow to fast and looked for updates.
If this doesnt work
Press Ctrl+ Shift+ Escape for Task Manager to show up.
Hit the “More details” button
Go to the Services tab
Look for wuauserv (you can easily do this by hitting W+U twice in a quick succession)
Right click on the service and hit Restart.
After I did the above steps the ring seems to be on fast and doesnt revert back to slow. YAY Happy Days.
Restart the PC and check updates but they say sometimes it can take 24 hours before the servers can see the ring on fast..
I will keep you guys posted
Edit 2
I got this error 0x80244007 for which MS says to try steps in this Link
no Luck with it although the ring is still on fast.
Last edited: