10162 is available

Anyone tried games on these builds. I cant play games in full screen mode(intel HD graphics) on build 10130. Scaling options are missing in graphic properties. Haven't tried later builds yet.
I seem to get fps lock issues with the last few builds. World of warcraft seems to lock at 60fps on my 120hz monitor with vsync on or off.
Anyone tried games on these builds. I cant play games in full screen mode(intel HD graphics) on build 10130. Scaling options are missing in graphic properties. Haven't tried later builds yet.
till 10130 I had to switch to "tablet mode" to play games in fullscreen with a different resolution (e.g. World of Warcraft in 1440x900) on my Surface Pro 3. I also had to switch to DirectX9 (in-game graphic settings) and to software mouse driver (in-game system settings).
With 10158/10159/10159 World of Warcraft natively works in desktop mode with autoscaling, DirectX11 and hardware mouse support...
I seem to get fps lock issues with the last few builds. World of warcraft seems to lock at 60fps on my 120hz monitor with vsync on or off.
With my Surface Pro 3 (i7 version with Intel HD graphics 5000) I get with World of Warcraft (with low settings and 1440x900) up to 95 fps with build 10130/10158/10159/10162!
Anyone tried build 10162 on a surface 3? Have it on my pro 3 and really like it so i would like to update the Surface 3 we have also...
I have 10162 on my i3 64GB SP3 and its awesome. IMO the best Win 10 build so far. Haven't rebooted it since the initial upgrade. I just put the machine to sleep.

Looking forward to the full release and seeing how fast it runs on my i7 256GB SP3
My experience prior to ISO release as posted elsewhere:
When first available I installed Win 10 on a HD on an older Thinkpad T500 that was running Win 8.1. I had already transferred the 8.1 system to a Samsung SSD. Win 10 on the HD was always really slow. Including yesterday when I updated to 10162. Edge didn't work.
I did a complete system recovery/restore (via Settings) incl. TPM and then later in the process based on my choosing options I was warned I couldn't go back to earlier OS.
Now all is well and no longer slow. Snappy and now happy with this build. It should be really fast when I put Win 10 on SSD. The T500 processor is a T9400 @ 2.53 2.53 Intel Core 2 Duo CPU.
"Get Office" does not get Office but maybe it isn't available yet?????
A T500? Hmm. Fairly current then lol. We still have half a dozen t62's running on my domain and 10 installed and runs fairly decently on it.

I know there was a valid link to the office 2016 ISO through the insider app. Have to go through the release notes. If you have office 365 you can also download it through the portal.
I have a 10 year old z60m and even it runs quite well despite being a single core CPU. Guess tablet and phone optimization pays off for slower PCs too.
On my T500 the keyboard is off of a T61 ! The best.
My Insider app disappeared.
I guess it is (it is) in Settings/Update/Advanced Options.
My Insider build update was reset to "slow". As I mentioned above I did a recovery. Back to "fast".
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