Start menu concept


New member
Jul 31, 2014
So, I'm a big fan of redesign concepts, and already ventured to try some projects. Now, I wanted to make my contribution as I imagine a new version of the start menu.

This doesn't need not be the main version, but now that we have this standard menu and the option to leave it without the tiles, it would be nice to have an option for those who want the opposite: the tiles, not the rest.

Here's some points that led me to the concept:
  • Discolored - I do not know if these are the plans until the end, but it all seems very dead without the usual colors, perhaps poudesse be an option to "show tiles with system color" / "show tiles with different colors."
  • Simple options - In version in which the focus are the tiles, there's no need to leave the "most used" in evidence, as it is better to leave certain options only with their icons.
Note that, despite being a personal project, it is not based just on "my own preference", but with some point of view of what is right or not. It's really sad, as an aspiring designer, to see how everything in this area is treated like "it's your opinion" or " you do not have to like".

Anyway, here it is. All critics and suggestions are welcomed. ;)
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I can't open it:

"Invalid Attachment specified. If you followed a valid link, please notify the administrator"

Btw, don't we already have the option to make the tile with accent color?
Zapella Tiago - Thanks for warning about the error! I didn't attach it correctly, and it seems I still don't have enough posts to post a link, so I just left the link as a text there, I hope it's okay.

And yes, the accent color whas the "system color" I pointed on the text. Before, each app had it colors, even the w32 programs, and I don't like this idea of everything being under the accent color. This, plus the white icon without square on taskbar, just makes me feel how the idea of "tile" is a bit disappeared.
Zapella Tiago - Thanks for warning about the error! I didn't attach it correctly, and it seems I still don't have enough posts to post a link, so I just left the link as a text there, I hope it's okay.

And yes, the accent color whas the "system color" I pointed on the text. Before, each app had it colors, even the w32 programs, and I don't like this idea of everything being under the accent color. This, plus the white icon without square on taskbar, just makes me feel how the idea of "tile" is a bit disappeared.

I really enjoy looking at concepts, and you seem to have some skill, so thank you for posting.
However, I'm not sure this would've worked. The whole point of bringing back the Start Menu was the familiarity for Windows 7 users, combined with the intuitiveness and beauty of the Live Tiles from Windows 8.1. You almost take away the Start Menu and leave us with a smaller version of the Start Screen from Windows 8.1, and in my opinion it wouldn't be received well.
And adding an option for it wouldn't work either, as making everything optional adds clutter from both a design and engineering aspect.
That being said, great job on the concept.
Yeah, I agree with you about the Windows 7 familiarity, that's why I proposed it to be an option in start settings. I don't see it as a clutter, it's more like a fair game for people who liked Windows 8: there are people that, even without touch devices, liked the start screen and tiles idea, and it's really bad to be forced to have an useless part of start menu now, knowing that the actual tablet mode surely doesn't fit for non-touch anymore (i'm really trying to understand why a notebook needs a vertical-scrolling start screen).
Yeah, I agree with you about the Windows 7 familiarity, that's why I proposed it to be an option in start settings. I don't see it as a clutter, it's more like a fair game for people who liked Windows 8: there are people that, even without touch devices, liked the start screen and tiles idea, and it's really bad to be forced to have an useless part of start menu now, knowing that the actual tablet mode surely doesn't fit for non-touch anymore (i'm really trying to understand why a notebook needs a vertical-scrolling start screen).

It's easier to swipe vertically with my thumb when I'm holding a Surface (for ex.) with two hands.
Yeah, I agree with you about the Windows 7 familiarity, that's why I proposed it to be an option in start settings. I don't see it as a clutter, it's more like a fair game for people who liked Windows 8: there are people that, even without touch devices, liked the start screen and tiles idea, and it's really bad to be forced to have an useless part of start menu now, knowing that the actual tablet mode surely doesn't fit for non-touch anymore (i'm really trying to understand why a notebook needs a vertical-scrolling start screen).
Have an option for something so integral as the Start Menu does in fact add a lot of coding clutter. Although options are great, you have to be very careful how you implement them. It's one of the reasons Android is such a power hog, because of all the coding clutter. Windows 10 is being praised by Microsoft for being slick, efficient, and compact. Adding an option that dramatically changes one of the core features of Windows 10 to such an extreme extent wouldn't be smart from either engineering, design, or in fact a commercial stand point.
It adds a lot of coding clutter.
It decreases UI consistency.
And it shows that Microsoft can't even support their own UI decisions enough to keep them that way (an extension of the second point).
None of these are definite factors, but when you're trying to rebuild an entire OS these are the kind of decisions that are filed away under "in the far away future." There's a chance they'll be implemented at a much later date, but as of right now (or in fact for the next few months at the very least) it wouldn't be a smart choice.
I want to view it but no browser on W10 wants to load up a web browser version of this forum post :D
Zapella Tiago - I don't know its size and how manu columns it has, but, on my notebook size, there are three columns of block in a vertical scrolling with a the giant gap caused by one column being bigger than other, and it doesn't sound an good UI idea. Horizontal-scrolling really had a good way of alignment.

Zachary Cody - Yes, I agree with most of your points, like it wouldn't be a smart move at the launch. But what is W10? Is it really sacrificing a lot of moves they got with W8 just to get W7 users, without even giving them an option?

I'd like to talk about the UI consitency as it is now, but it's something i just can say in the launch. For now, it really doesn't seem consistent. At least 5 different right-click menus, 2 settings groups, lack of color and a mess with the way apps will give its options.
Zapella Tiago - I don't know its size and how manu columns it has, but, on my notebook size, there are three columns of block in a vertical scrolling with a the giant gap caused by one column being bigger than other, and it doesn't sound an good UI idea. Horizontal-scrolling really had a good way of alignment.

Zachary Cody - Yes, I agree with most of your points, like it wouldn't be a smart move at the launch. But what is W10? Is it really sacrificing a lot of moves they got with W8 just to get W7 users, without even giving them an option?

I'd like to talk about the UI consitency as it is now, but it's something i just can say in the launch. For now, it really doesn't seem consistent. At least 5 different right-click menus, 2 settings groups, lack of color and a mess with the way apps will give its options.

Windows 8 was a critical and commercial failure. Although a lot of people were fans, even more didn't like it. Microsoft is making the right decision by moving in a different direction. They need to keep on the path they're on instead of jumping back and forth between their new ideas and their previous, failed OS.
I didn't say UI is consistent now. Windows 7 was the last truly consistent OS by Microsoft. Windows 8 was such a radical leap away in design, but it wasn't consistent at all. Windows 7, XP, and Metro battles constantly throughout Windows 8 and 8.1. Windows 10 takes the same general direction as Windows 8 tried to, but goes further and achieves a more consistent state. No, it's not as cohesive as Windows 7 was, but it's on its way. Bottom line, the solution to the UI consistency is not to go in the opposite direction.
Zapella Tiago - I don't know its size and how manu columns it has, but, on my notebook size, there are three columns of block in a vertical scrolling with a the giant gap caused by one column being bigger than other, and it doesn't sound an good UI idea. Horizontal-scrolling really had a good way of alignment.

Zachary Cody - Yes, I agree with most of your points, like it wouldn't be a smart move at the launch. But what is W10? Is it really sacrificing a lot of moves they got with W8 just to get W7 users, without even giving them an option?

I'd like to talk about the UI consitency as it is now, but it's something i just can say in the launch. For now, it really doesn't seem consistent. At least 5 different right-click menus, 2 settings groups, lack of color and a mess with the way apps will give its options.

I think they're considering that a "Tablet" it's used in a vertically mode (like the iPad). And in this case, the three columns fit perfectly.
True, they can't make their way to the options that lead to a failure. All I can do now is hope for an option like this on some update after launch. I still can't see it as an opposite direction, knowing star menu already have 4 ways to show itself (tablet mode and full screen - being the same -, the standart one and the one without tiles). Being such a core feature, at least for me, is the reason it should be able to personalize, not in a way that changes its consistency or design, but in a alignment and diagrammin way.
Well for starters, the left pane of the start menu can be hidden with a hamburger button just like in the Tablet Mode. I want to see this as an option because in my case, I rarely use the left pane except for the power button. Then it can evolve into your concept if users want a really compact start menu.

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