My Windows 10 Start menu is broken


Active member
Sep 25, 2014
Well, this problem has been persisting since 10166, but here's a screenshot of what my Start menu looks like:
Screenshot (304).jpg
Apps like Lenovo ssettings have traces of black as well.
And I updated to 10240 and the problem persists (And it's not because of Bill Cosby on the News tile :)). I assume it's a scaling issue because I opened Word before the problem started and the text was all blurry. Any fixes (yet)?

Note: I have no intention of resetting.
Quick update: I'm using the rad colored theme and recently changed color settings (Intel control panel).
Update/bump: I've traces the problem back to Lenovo on screen display (shows caps lock, etc.). I've turned it off and Start is relatively better. I know there's another culprit, but I also think there's a step I'm missing...
Bump: Un/Reinstalling these apps makes Start worse! Somewhat need help now. Facebook is all black spots
That actually would have been my first recommendation. For laptops at my company we use Lenovo and generally the first thing I do is uninstall most of the Lenovo "features". About the only things I would keep in the past were system update, fingerprint software and power management. My current test systems have no Lenovo software at all and they have no issues. about the only thing I would like to put back in power management since there doesn't seem to be an option to not charge the battery until it is under a certain percentage. Will wait for updated software and drivers from Lenovo before attempting to install that one though. Glad to see you got it working for you.
That actually would have been my first recommendation. For laptops at my company we use Lenovo and generally the first thing I do is uninstall most of the Lenovo "features". About the only things I would keep in the past were system update, fingerprint software and power management. My current test systems have no Lenovo software at all and they have no issues. about the only thing I would like to put back in power management since there doesn't seem to be an option to not charge the battery until it is under a certain percentage. Will wait for updated software and drivers from Lenovo before attempting to install that one though. Glad to see you got it working for you.

I remember on 8.1 there'd be a transparent black rectangle on the bottom right corner every now and then.
I found 10240 so buggy, I wont even use it any more. I am going to nuke it and put on a Windows 7 build to take the final but, if this is the final, I don't see myself using it much...

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